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Dancer2::Plugin::Minify - Minify HTML, JavaScript and CSS


version 0.002


    use Dancer2;
    use Dancer::Plugin::Minify;

    get '/index.html' => sub {
        minify(html => '<bloated>HTML</bloated>');

    get '/index.js' => sub {
        minify(js => 'function bloated() {  }');

    get '/index.css' => sub {
        minify(css => 'bloated { display: none; }');


This Dancer2 plugin is a wrapper for HTML::Packer, JavaScript::Packer and CSS::Packer.



Synopsis: minify( $type, $text, $args )

Minifies the content of $text and returns it.

    $html = minify(html => $html, {  });

Hint: $args is a HashRef.

$type must be one of:

  • html

    Minifies HTML. Allowed options for $args:

    • remove_comments

      Remove all HTML comments. Defaults to true.

    • remove_newlines

      Remove ALL newlines. Defaults to true.

    • js_compress

      Compress level for JavaScript. Defaults to best.

    • css_compress

      Compress level for CSS. Defaults to minify.

    See also HTML::Packer.

  • js

    Minifies JavaScript. Allowed options for $args:

    • compress

      Compress level. Defaults to best.

      Hint: the global keyword in the plugin settings is named js_compress.

    See also JavaScript::Packer.

  • js

    Minifies CSS. Allowed options for $args:

    • compress

      Compress level. Defaults to minify.

      Hint: the global keyword in the plugin settings is named css_compress.

    See also CSS::Packer.

All mentioned keywords above also apply to the plugin settings in your Dancer2 environment.


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


David Zurborg <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2016 by David Zurborg.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The ISC License