a simple RDF serialiser. accepts an array of triples, returns a serialised RDF document.
my $ser = RDF::Simple::Serialiser->new;
my @triples = (
['', 'dc:creator', ''],
['', 'foaf:Topic', '_id:1234'],
my $rdf = $ser->serialise(@triples);
## supply own bNode id prefix, add namespaces
my $ser = RDF::Simple::Serialiser->new( nodeid_prefix => 'a:' );
$ser->addns( foaf => '' );
my $node1 = $ser->genid;
my $node2 = $ser->genid;
my @triples = (
[$node1, 'foaf:name', 'Jo Walsh'],
[$node1, 'foaf:knows', $node2],
[$node2, 'foaf:name', 'Robin Berjon'],
[$node1, 'rdf:type', 'foaf:Person'],
[$node2, 'rdf:type','']
my $rdf = $ser->serialise(@triples);
## round-trip
my $parser = RDF::Simple::Parser->new();
my $rdf = LWP::Simple::get('');
my @triples = $parser->parse_rdf($rdf);
my $new_rdf = $serialiser->serialise(@triples);
new( [ nodeid_prefix => 'prefix' ])
serialise( @triples )
accepts a 'bucket of triples'
(an array of array references which are
'subject, predicate, object' statements)
and returns a serialised RDF document.
if 'rdf:type' is not provided for a subject,
the generic node type 'rdf:Description' is used.
genid( )
generates a random identifier for use as a bNode
(anonymous node) nodeID.
if nodeid_prefix is set, the generated id uses the prefix,
followed by 8 random numbers.
addns( qname => '', qname2 => '' )
add new namespaces to the RDF document.
a namespace must exist for each predicate used in a triple.
the RDF::Simple::NS module which supports this one
provides the following vocabularies by default
(you can override them if wished)
foaf => '',
dc => '',
rdfs => "",
daml => '',
space => '',
geo => '',
rdf => "",
owl => '',
ical => '',
Probably still some left, this is a beta release. feedback very welcome.
I am English, so this is a Serialiser. for our divided friends across the water, RDF::Simple::Serializer will work as an alias to the module, and serialize() does the same as serialise().
Neither parser or serialiser makes an effort to differentiate formally between URIs and literals, as is more general RDF practise. This was a conscious effort to keep things simple, but i plan to add a make_life_complex option to both.
Thanks particularly to Tom Hukins, and also to Paul Mison, for providing patches.
jo walsh <>
this module is available under the same terms as perl itself.