Mojolicious::Plugin::FormChecker - Mojolicious plugin for validating query parameters
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Mojolicious::Lite;
plugin 'FormChecker';
get '/' => 'index';
post '/' => sub {
my $c = shift;
rules => {
name => { max => 200 },
email => {
must_match => qr/\@/,
=> 'Email field does not contain a valid email address',
message => {},
} => 'index';
@@ index.html.ep
% if ( form_checker_ok() ) {
<p class="message success">Check was alright!
<a href="/">Do it again!</a></p>
% } else {
%= form_for index => (method => 'POST') => begin
%= csrf_field
<%== form_checker_error_wrapped %>
<li><label for="name">*Name:</label><%= text_field 'name' %></li>
<li><label for="email">*Email:</label><%= text_field 'email'%></li>
<li><label for="Message" class="textarea_label">*Message:</label
><%= text_area 'message', cols => 40, rows => 5 %>
%= submit_button 'Send'
% end
% }
Mojolicious::Plugin::FormChecker is a Mojolicious plugin for validating query parameters input.
Mojolicious::Plugin::FormChecker inherits all methods from Mojolicious::Plugin and implements the following new ones.
Register plugin in Mojolicious application.
error_class => 'alert alert-extra-danger',
rules => {
name => { max => 2, },
email => { max => 200, },
The form_checker
helper is used to initiate validation. It takes a list of key/value pairs, which are:
error_class => 'custom_error_class',
Used only by the form_checker_error_wrapped
helper and specifies which class name to use for <p>
elements that wrap errors.
rules => {
param1 => 'num',
param2 => qr/foo|bar/,
param3 => [ qw/optional num/ ],
param4 => {
optional => 1,
select => 1,
must_match => qr/foo|bar/,
must_not_match => qr/foos/,
must_match_error => 'Param4 must contain either foo or bar but not foos',
param5 => {
valid_values => [ qw/foo bar baz/ ],
valid_values_error => 'Param5 must be foo, bar or baz',
param6 => sub { time() % 2 }, # return true or false values
This is where you specify what and how needs to be checked. The rules
key takes a hashref as a value.
The keys of rules
hashref are the names of the query parameters that you wish to check. The values of those keys are the "rulesets" (see below). The values can be either a string, regex (qr//
), arrayref, subref, scalarref or a hashref; If the value is NOT a hashref it will be changed into hashref as follows (the actual meaning of resulting hashrefs is described below):
a string
param => 'num',
# same as
param => { num => 1 },
a regex
param => qr/foo/,
# same as
param => { must_match => qr/foo/ },
an arrayref
param => [ qw/optional num/ ],
# same as
param => {
optional => 1,
num => 1,
a subref
param => sub { time() % 2 },
# same as
param => { code => sub { time() % 2 } },
a scalarref
param => \'param2',
# same as
param => { param => 'param2' },
The rulesets (values of rules
hashref) have keys that define the type of the rule and value defines different things or just indicates that the rule should be considered. Here is the list of all valid ruleset keys:
rules => {
param => {
name => 'Parameter', # the name of this param to use in error messages
num => 1, # value must be numbers-only
optional => 1, # parameter is optional
either_or => [ qw/foo bar baz/ ], # param or foo or bar or baz must be set
must_match => qr/foo/, # value must match given regex
must_not_match => qr/bar/, # value must NOT match the given regex
max => 20, # value must not exceed 20 characters in length
min => 3, # value must be more than 3 characters in length
valid_values => [ qw/foo bar baz/ ], # value must be one from the given list
code => sub { time() %2 }, # return from the sub determines pass/fail
select => 1, # flag for "filling", see no_fill key above
param => 'param1',
num_error => 'Numbers only!', # custom error if num rule failed
mandatory_error => '', # same for if parameter is missing and not optional.
must_match_error => '', # same for must_match rule
must_not_match_error => '', # same for must_not_match_rule
max_error => '', # same for max rule
min_error => '', # same for min rule
code_error => '', # same for code rule
either_or_error => '', # same for either_or rule
valid_values_error => '', # same for valid_values rule
param_error => '', # same fore param rule
You can mix and match the rules for perfect tuning.
name => 'Decent name',
This is not actually a rule but the text to use for the name of the parameter in error messages. If not specified the actual parameter name - on which ucfirst()
will be run - will be used.
num => 1,
When set to a true value the query parameter's value must contain digits only.
optional => 1,
When set to a true value indicates that the parameter is optional. Note that you can specify other rules along with this one, e.g.:
optional => 1,
num => 1,
Means, query parameter is optional, but if it is given it must contain only digits.
optional => 1, # must use this
either_or => 'foo',
optional => 1, # must use this
either_or => [ qw/foo bar baz/ ],
The optional
. must be set to a true value in order for either_or
rule to work. The rule takes either a string or an arrayref as a value. Specifying a string as a value is the same as specifying a hashref with just that string in it. Each string in an arrayref represents the name of a query parameter. In order for the rule to succeed either one of the parameters must be set. It's a bit messy, but you must use the optional
rule as well as list the either_or
rule for every parameter that is tested for "either or" rule.
must_match => qr/foo/,
Takes a regex (qr//
) as a value. The query parameter's value must match this regex.
must_not_match => qr/bar/,
Takes a regex (qr//
) as a value. The query parameter's value must NOT match this regex.
max => 20,
Takes a positive integer as a value. Query parameter's value must not exceed max
characters in length.
min => 3,
Takes a positive integer as a value. Query parameter's value must be at least min
characters in length.
valid_values => [ qw/foo bar baz/ ],
Takes an arrayref as a value. Query parameter's value must be one of the items in the arrayref.
code => sub {
my ( $value, $param_name, $c ) = @_;
Takes a subref as a value. The @_
will contain the following (in that order): - the value of the parameter that is being tested, the name of the parameter, your Mojolicious controller object. If the sub returns a true value - the check will be considered successful. If the sub returns a false value, then test fails and form check stops and errors out.
param => 'param2',
Takes a string as an argument; that string will be interpreted as a name of a query parameter. Values of the parameter that is currently being inspected and the one given as a value must match in order for the rule to succeed. The example above indicates that query parameter param
query parameter param2
select => 1,
This one is not actually a "rule". This is a flag for {t}
"filling" that is described in great detail (way) above under the description of no_fill
All *_error
keys take strings as values; they can be used to set custom error messages for each test in the ruleset. In the defaults listed below under each *_error
, the $name
represents either the name of the parameter or the value of name
key that you set in the ruleset.
num_error => 'Numbers only!',
This will be the error to be displayed if num
test fails. Defaults to Parameter $name must contain digits only
mandatory_error => 'Must gimme!',
This is the error when optional
is set to a false value, which is the default, and user did not specify the query parameter. I.e., "error to display for missing mandatory parameters". Defaults to: You must specify parameter $name
must_match_error => 'Must match me!',
This is the error for must_match
rule. Defaults to: Parameter $name contains incorrect data
must_not_match_error => 'Cannot has me!',
This is the error for must_not_match
rule. Defaults to: Parameter $name contains incorrect data
max_error => 'Too long!',
This is the error for max
rule. Defaults to: Parameter $name cannot be longer than $max characters
where $max
is the max
rule's value.
min_error => 'Too short :(',
This is the error for min
rule. Defaults to: Parameter $name must be at least $min characters long >
code_error => 'No likey 0_o',
This is the error for code
rule. Defaults to: Parameter $name contains incorrect data
either_or_error => "You must specify either Foo or Bar",
This is the error for either_or
rule. Defaults to: Parameter $name must contain data if other parameters are not set
valid_values_error => 'Pick the correct one!!!',
This is the error for valid_values
rule. Defaults to: Parameter $name must be $list_of_values
where $list_of_values
is the list of the values you specified in the arrayref given to valid_values
rule joined by commas and the last element joined by word "or".
param_error => "Two passwords do not match",
This is the error for param
rule. You pretty much always would want to set a custom error message here as it defaults to: Parameter $name does not match parameter $rule->{param}
where $rule->{param}
is the value you set to param
% if ( form_checker_ok() ) {
<p class="message success">Check was alright!</p>
% }
Will return a true value if the form check was successful
% for my $error ( @{ form_checker_error() } ) {
<p><%= $error %></p>
% }
If check fails, returns an arrayref of error messages (that are strings)
<%== form_checker_error_wrapped %>
If check fails, returns a string containing all errors, where each error is wrapped into a <p class="error"> ... </p>
. The classname can be changed via error_class
argument to form_checker
Mojolicious::Plugin::FormValidator, Mojolicious::Plugin::FormValidatorLazy
Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides,
The examples/
directory of this distribution contains an example of a Mojolicious::Lite application utilizing this plugin.
Fork this module on GitHub:
To report bugs or request features, please use
If you can't access GitHub, you can email your request to bug-mojolicious-plugin-formchecker at
Zoffix Znet zoffix at
, (
You can use and distribute this module under the same terms as Perl itself. See the LICENSE
file included in this distribution for complete details.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 603:
Unterminated C< ... > sequence