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App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FileUpload - ZofCMS plugin to handle file uploads


In your ZofCMS template:

file_upload => {
    query   => 'uploaded_file',
plugins => [ qw/FileUpload/ ],

In your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_if name="upload_error">
    <p class="error">Upload failed: <tmpl_var name="upload_error">
<tmpl_if name="upload_success">
    <p>Upload succeeded: <tmpl_var name="upload_filename"></p>

<form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" name="uploaded_file">
    <input type="submit" value="Upload">


The module is a ZofCMS plugin which provides means to easily handle file uploads.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ qw/FileUpload/ ],

First and obvious, you need to stick FileUpload in the list of your plugins.


file_upload => {
    query   => 'upload',
    path    => 'zofcms_upload',
    name    => 'foos',
    ext     => '.html',
    content_type => 'text/html',
    on_success => sub {
        my ( $uploaded_file_name, $template, $query, $conf ) = @_;
        # do something useful

# or

file_upload => [
    { query   => 'upload1', },
    { query   => 'upload2', },
    {}, # all the defaults
        query   => 'upload4',
        name    => 'foos',
        ext     => '.html',
        content_type => 'text/html',
        on_success => sub {
            my ( $uploaded_file_name, $template, $query, $conf ) = @_;
            # do something useful

Plugin takes input from file_upload first level ZofCMS template key which takes an arrayref or a hashref as a value. Passing a hashref as a value is the same as passing an arrayref with just that hashref as an element. Each element of the given arrayref is a hashref which represents one file upload. The possible keys/values of those hashrefs are as follows:


{ query => 'zofcms_upload' },

Optional. Specifies the query parameter which is the file being uploaded, in other words, this is the value of the name="" attribute of the <input type="file".... Defaults to: zofcms_upload


{ path => 'zofcms_upload', }

Optional. Specifies directory (relative to into which the plugin will store uploaded files. Defaults to: zofcms_upload


{ name => 'foos', }

{ name => '[rand]', }

{ name => \1 } # any scalar ref

    name => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
        return 'file_name.png';

Optional. Specifies the name (without the extension) of the local file into which save the uploaded file. Special value of [rand] specifies that the name should be random, in which case it will be created by calling rand() and time() and removing any dots from the concatenation of those two. If a scalarref is specified (irrelevant of its value), the plugin will use the filename that the browser gave it (relying on File::Spec::Functions's splitpath here; also, note that extension will be obtained using ext argument (see below). The name parameter can also take a subref, if that's the case, then the name parameter will obtain its value from the return value of that subref. The subref's @_ will contain the following (in that order): ZofCMS Template hashref, hashref of query parameters and App::ZofCMS::Config object. Defaults to: [rand]


{ ext => '.html', }

Optional. Specifies the extension to use for the name of local file into which the upload will be stored. By default is not specified and therefore the extension will be obtained from the name of the remote file.


{ name_filter => qr/Z(?!ofcms)/i, }

Optional. Takes a regex ref (qr//) as a value. Anything in the path + name + ext final string (regardles of how each of those is obtained) that matches this regex will be stripped. By default is not specified.


{ content_type => 'text/html', }

{ content_type => [ 'text/html', 'image/jpeg' ], }

Optional. Takes either a scalar string or an arrayref of strings. Specifying a string is equivalent to specifying an arrayref with just that string as an element. Each element of the given arrayref indicates the allowed Content-Type of the uploaded files. If the Content-Type does not match allowed types the error will be shown (see HTML TEMPLATE VARS section below). By default all Content-Types are allowed.


on_success => sub {
    my ( $uploaded_file_name, $template, $query, $config ) = @_;
    # do something useful

Optional. Takes a subref as a value. The specified sub will be executed upon a successful upload. The @_ will contain the following elements: $uploaded_file_name, $template, $query, $config where $uploaded_file_name is the directory + name + extension of the local file into which the upload was stored, $template is a hashref of your ZofCMS template, $query is a hashref of query parameters and $config is the App::ZofCMS::Config object. By default is not specified.


Single upload:

<tmpl_if name="upload_error">
    <p class="error">Upload failed: <tmpl_var name="upload_error">
<tmpl_if name="upload_success">
    <p>Upload succeeded: <tmpl_var name="upload_filename"></p>

<form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" name="upload">
    <input type="submit" value="Upload">

Multi upload:

<tmpl_if name="upload_error0">
    <p class="error">Upload 1 failed: <tmpl_var name="upload_error0">
<tmpl_if name="upload_success0">
    <p>Upload 1 succeeded: <tmpl_var name="upload_filename0"></p>

<tmpl_if name="upload_error1">
    <p class="error">Upload 2 failed: <tmpl_var name="upload_error1">
<tmpl_if name="upload_success1">
    <p>Upload 2 succeeded: <tmpl_var name="upload_filename1"></p>

<form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" name="upload">
    <input type="file" name="upload2">
    <input type="submit" value="Upload">

NOTE: upload of multiple files from a single <input type="file"... is currently not supported. Let me know if you need such functionality. The folowing <tmpl_var name="">s will be set in your HTML::Template template.


If you are handling only one upload, i.e. you have only one hashref in file_upload ZofCMS template key and you have only one <input type="file"... then the HTML::Template variables described below will NOT have any trailing numbers, otherwise each of them will have a trailing number indicating the number of the upload. This number will starts from zero and it will correspond to the index of hashref of file_upload arrayref.


# single
<tmpl_if name="upload_error">
    <p class="error">Upload failed: <tmpl_var name="upload_error">

# multi
<tmpl_if name="upload_error0">
    <p class="error">Upload 1 failed: <tmpl_var name="upload_error0">

The upload_error will be set if some kind of an error occurred during the upload of the file. This also includes if the user tried to upload a file of type which is not listed in content_type arrayref.


# single
<tmpl_if name="upload_success">
    <p>Upload succeeded: <tmpl_var name="upload_filename"></p>

# multi
<tmpl_if name="upload_success0">
    <p>Upload 1 succeeded: <tmpl_var name="upload_filename0"></p>

The upload_success will be set to a true value upon successful upload.


# single
<tmpl_if name="upload_success">
    <p>Upload succeeded: <tmpl_var name="upload_filename"></p>

# multi
<tmpl_if name="upload_success0">
    <p>Upload 1 succeeded: <tmpl_var name="upload_filename0"></p>

The upload_filename will be set to directory + name + extension of the local file into which the upload was saved.


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If you can't access GitHub, you can email your request to bug-App-ZofCMS at


Zoffix Znet <zoffix at> (,


You can use and distribute this module under the same terms as Perl itself. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution for complete details.