Zonemaster::Engine::Net::IP - Net::IP/Net::IP::XS Wrapper (STILL EXPERIMENTAL)
my $ip = Zonemaster::Engine::Net::IP->new( q{} );
- ip_is_ipv6
Check if an IP address is of type 6.
- Params
IP address
- Returns
1 (yes) or 0 (no)
ip_is_ipv6($ip) and print "$ip is IPv6";
- Error
Returns the error string corresponding to the last error generated in the module. This is also useful for the OO interface, as if the new() function fails, we cannot call $ip->error() and so we have to use Error().
warn Error();
- new
Constructor of object.
- ip
Return the IP address (or first IP of the prefix or range) in quad format, as a string.
print ($ip->ip());
- overlaps
Check if two IP ranges/prefixes overlap each other. The value returned by the function should be one of: $IP_PARTIAL_OVERLAP (ranges overlap) $IP_NO_OVERLAP (no overlap) $IP_A_IN_B_OVERLAP (range2 contains range1) $IP_B_IN_A_OVERLAP (range1 contains range2) $IP_IDENTICAL (ranges are identical) undef (problem)
if ($ip->overlaps($ip2)==$IP_A_IN_B_OVERLAP) {...};
- prefix
Return the full prefix (ip+prefix length) in quad (standard) format.
print ($ip->prefix());
- prefixlen
Return the length in bits of the current prefix.
print ($ip->prefixlen());
Print the IP object (IP/Prefix or First - Last)
print ($ip->print());
- reverse_ip
Return the reverse IP for a given IP address (in.addr. format).
print ($ip->reserve_ip());
- short
Return the IP in short format: IPv4 addresses: 194.5/16 IPv6 addresses: ab32:f000::
print ($ip->short());
- version
Return the version of the current IP object (4 or 6).
print ($ip->version());