Zonemaster::Engine::DNSName - class representing DNS names
my $name1 = Zonemaster::Name->new('');
my $name2 = Zonemaster::Name->new('');
say "Yay!" if $name1->common($name2) == 2;
- labels
A reference to a list of strings, being the labels the DNS name is made up from.
- new($input) _or_ new({ labels => \@labellist})
The constructor can be called with either a single argument or with a reference to a hash as in the example above.
If there is a single argument, it must be either a non-reference, a Zonemaster::Engine::DNSName object or a Zonemaster::Engine::Zone object.
If it's a non-reference, it will be split at period characters (possibly after stringification) and the resulting list used as the name's labels.
If it's a Zonemaster::Engine::DNSName object it will simply be returned.
If it's a Zonemaster::Engine::Zone object, the value of its
attribute will be returned. - string()
Returns a string representation of the name. The string representation is created by joining the labels with dots. If there are no labels, a single dot is returned. The names created this way do not have a trailing dot.
The stringification operator is overloaded to this function, so it should rarely be necessary to call it directly.
- fqdn()
Returns the name as a string complete with a trailing dot.
- str_cmp($other)
Overloads string comparison. Comparison is made after converting the names to upper case, and ignores any trailing dot on the other name.
- next_higher()
Returns a new Zonemaster::Engine::DNSName object, representing the name of the called one with the leftmost label removed.
- common($other)
Returns the number of labels from the rightmost going left that are the same in both names. Used by the recursor to check for redirections going up the DNS tree.
- is_in_bailiwick($other)
Returns true if $other is in-bailiwick of $self, and false otherwise. See also
- prepend($label)
Returns a new Zonemaster::Engine::DNSName object, representing the called one with the given label prepended.
Helper method for JSON encoding.