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version 0.04



    Training on labelled data
       l_int32             recogTrainLabelled()
       l_int32             recogProcessMultLabelled()
       PIX                *recogProcessSingleLabelled()
       l_int32             recogAddSamples()
       PIX                *recogScaleCharacter()
       l_int32             recogAverageSamples()
       l_int32             pixaAccumulateSamples()
       l_int32             recogTrainingFinished()
       l_int32             recogRemoveOutliers()

    Evaluate training status
       l_int32             recogaTrainingDone()
       l_int32             recogaFinishAveraging()

    Training on unlabelled data
       l_int32             recogTrainUnlabelled()

    Padding the training set
       l_int32             recogPadTrainingSet()
       l_int32            *recogMapIndexToIndex()
       static l_int32      recogAverageClassGeom()
       l_int32             recogaBestCorrelForPadding()
       l_int32             recogCorrelAverages()
       l_int32             recogSetPadParams()
       static l_int32      recogGetCharsetSize()
       static l_int32      recogCharsetAvailable()

       l_int32             recogaShowContent()
       l_int32             recogShowContent()
       l_int32             recogDebugAverages()
       l_int32             recogShowAverageTemplates()
       PIX                *recogShowMatchesInRange()
       PIX                *recogShowMatch()
       l_int32             recogMakeBmf()

    Static helpers
       static char        *l_charToString()
       static void         addDebugImage1()
       static void         addDebugImage2()



l_int32 pixaAccumulateSamples ( PIXA *pixa, PTA *pta, PIX **ppixd, l_float32 *px, l_float32 *py )


    Input:  pixa (of samples from the same class, 1 bpp)
            pta (<optional> of centroids of the samples)
            &ppixd (<return> accumulated samples, 8 bpp)
            &px (<optional return> average x coordinate of centroids)
            &py (<optional return> average y coordinate of centroids)
    Return: 0 on success, 1 on failure

    (1) This generates an aligned (by centroid) sum of the input pix.
    (2) We use only the first 256 samples; that's plenty.
    (3) If pta is not input, we generate two tables, and discard
        after use.  If this is called many times, it is better
        to precompute the pta.


l_int32 recogAddSamples ( L_RECOG *recog, PIXA *pixa, l_int32 classindex, l_int32 debug )


    Input:  recog
            pixa (1 or more characters)
            classindex (use -1 if not forcing into a specified class)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) The pix in the pixa are all 1 bpp, and the character string
        labels are embedded in the pix.
    (2) Note: this function decides what class each pix belongs in.
        When input is from a multifont pixaa, with a valid value
        for @classindex, the character string label in each pix
        is ignored, and @classindex is used as the class index
        for all the pix in the pixa.  Thus, for that situation we
        use this class index to avoid making the decision through a
        lookup based on the character strings embedded in the pix.
    (3) When a recog is initially filled with samples, the pixaa_u
        array is initialized to accept up to 256 different classes.
        When training is finished, the arrays are truncated to the
        actual number of classes.  To pad an existing recog from
        the boot recognizers, training is started again; if samples
        from a new class are added, the pixaa_u array must be
        extended by adding a pixa to hold them.


l_int32 recogAverageSamples ( L_RECOG *recog, l_int32 debug )


    Input:  recog
    Return: 0 on success, 1 on failure

    (1) This is called when training is finished, and after
        outliers have been removed.
        Both unscaled and scaled inputs are averaged.
        Averages must be computed before any identification is done.
    (2) Set debug = 1 to view the resulting templates
        and their centroids.


l_int32 recogBestCorrelForPadding ( L_RECOG *recog, L_RECOGA *recoga, NUMA **pnaset, NUMA **pnaindex, NUMA **pnascore, NUMA **pnasum, PIXA **ppixadb )


    Input:  recog (typically the recog to be padded)
            recoga (array of recogs for potentially providing the padding)
            &naset (<return> of indices into the sets to be matched)
            &naindex (<return> of matching indices into the best set)
            &nascore (<return> of best correlation scores)
            &naave (<return> average of correlation scores from each recog)
            &pixadb (<optional return> debug images; use NULL for no debug)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) This finds, for each class in recog, the best matching template
        in the recoga.  For that best match, it returns:
          * the recog set index in the recoga,
          * the index in that recog for the class,
          * the score for the best match
    (2) It also returns in @naave, for each recog in recoga, the
        average overall correlation for all averaged templates to
        those in the input recog.  The recog with the largest average
        can supply templates in cases where the input recog has
        no examples.
    (3) For classes in recog1 for which no corresponding class
        is found in any recog in recoga, the index -1 is stored
        in both naset and naindex, and 0.0 is stored in nascore.
    (4) Both recog and all the recog in recoga should be generated
        with isotropic scaling to the same character height (e.g., 30).


l_int32 recogCorrelAverages ( L_RECOG *recog1, L_RECOG *recog2, NUMA **pnaindex, NUMA **pnascore, PIXA **ppixadb )


    Input:  recog1 (typically the recog to be padded)
            recog2 (potentially providing the padding)
            &naindex (<return> of classes in 2 with respect to classes in 1)
            &nascore (<return> correlation scores of corresponding classes)
            &pixadb (<optional return> debug images)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) Use this for potentially padding recog1 with instances in recog2.
        The recog have been generated with isotropic scaling to the
        same fixed height (e.g., 30).  The training has been "finished"
        in the sense that all arrays have been computed and they
        could potentially be used as they are.  This is necessary
        for doing the correlation between scaled images.
        However, this function is called when there is a request to
        augument some of the examples in classes in recog1.
    (2) Iterate over classes in recog1, finding the corresponding
        class in recog2 and computing the correlation score between
        the average templates of the two.  naindex is a LUT between
        the index of a class in recog1 and the corresponding one in recog2.
    (3) For classes in recog1 that do not exist in recog2, the index
        -1 is stored in naindex, and 0.0 is stored in the score.


l_int32 recogDebugAverages ( L_RECOG *recog, l_int32 debug )


    Input:  recog
            debug (0 no output; 1 for images; 2 for text; 3 for both)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) Generates an image that pairs each of the input images used
        in training with the average template that it is best
        correlated to.  This is written into the recog.
    (2) It also generates pixa_tr of all the input training images,
        which can be used, e.g., in recogShowMatchesInRange().


l_int32 recogMakeBmf ( L_RECOG *recog, const char *fontdir, l_int32 size )


    Input:  recog
            fontdir (for bitmap fonts; typically "fonts")
            size  (of font; even integer between 4 and 20; default is 6)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) This can be used to (re)set the size of the font used for
        debug labelling.


l_int32 recogPadTrainingSet ( L_RECOG **precog, l_int32 debug )


    Input:  &recog (to be replaced if padding or more drastic measures
                    are necessary; otherwise, it is unchanged.)
            debug (1 for debug output saved to recog; 0 otherwise)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) Before calling this, call recogSetPadParams() if you want
        non-default values for the character set type, min_nopad
        and max_afterpad values, and paths for labelled bitmap
        character sets that can be used to augment an input recognizer.
    (2) If all classes in @recog have at least min_nopad samples,
        nothing is done.  If the total number of samples in @recog
        is very small, @recog is replaced by a boot recog from the
        specified bootpath.  Otherwise (the intermediate case),
        @recog is replaced by one with scaling to fixed height,
        where an array of recog are used to augment the input recog.
    (3) If padding or total replacement is done, this destroys
        the input recog and replaces it by a new one.  If the recog
        belongs to a recoga, the replacement is also done in the recoga.


l_int32 recogProcessMultLabelled ( L_RECOG *recog, PIX *pixs, BOX *box, char *text, PIXA **ppixa, l_int32 debug )


    Input:  recog (in training mode)
            pixs (if depth > 1, will be thresholded to 1 bpp)
            box (<optional> cropping box)
            text (<optional> if null, use text field in pix)
            &pixa (<return> of split and thresholded characters)
            debug (1 to display images of samples not captured)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) This crops and segments one or more labelled and contiguous
        ascii characters, for input in training.  It is a special case.
    (2) The character images are bundled into a pixa with the
        character text data embedded in each pix.
    (3) Where there is more than one character, this does some
        noise reduction and extracts the resulting character images
        from left to right.  No scaling is performed.


l_int32 recogProcessSingleLabelled ( L_RECOG *recog, PIX *pixs, BOX *box, char *text, PIXA **ppixa )


    Input:  recog (in training mode)
            pixs (if depth > 1, will be thresholded to 1 bpp)
            box (<optional> cropping box)
            text (<optional> if null, use text field in pix)
            &pixa (one pix, 1 bpp, labelled)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) This crops and binarizes the input image, generating a pix
        of one character where the charval is inserted into the pix.


l_int32 recogRemoveOutliers ( L_RECOG *recog, l_float32 targetscore, l_float32 minfract, l_int32 debug )


    Input:  recog (after training samples are entered)
            targetscore (keep everything with at least this score)
            minfract (minimum fraction to retain)
            debug (1 for debug output)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) Removing outliers is particularly important when recognition
        goes against all the samples in the training set, as opposed
        to the averages for each class.  The reason is that we get
        an identification error if a mislabeled sample is a best
        match for an input bitmap.
    (2) However, the score values depend strongly on the quality
        of the character images.  To avoid losing too many samples,
        we supplement a target score for retention with a minimum
        fraction that we must keep.  With poor quality images, we
        may keep samples with a score less than the targetscore,
        in order to satisfy the @minfract requirement.
    (3) We always require that at least one sample will be retained.
    (4) Where the training set is from the same source (e.g., the
        same book), use a relatively large minscore; say, ~0.8.
    (5) Method: for each class, generate the averages and match each
        scaled sample against the average.  Decide which
        samples will be ejected, and throw out both the
        scaled and unscaled samples and associated data.
        Recompute the average without the poor matches.


PIX * recogScaleCharacter ( L_RECOG *recog, PIX *pixs )


    Input:  recog
            pixs (1 bpp, to be scaled)
    Return: pixd (scaled) if OK, null on error


l_int32 recogSetPadParams ( L_RECOG *recog, const char *bootdir, const char *bootpattern, const char *bootpath, l_int32 type, l_int32 min_nopad, l_int32 max_afterpad )


    Input:  recog (to be padded, if necessary)
            bootdir (<optional> directory to bootstrap labelled pixa)
            bootpattern (<optional> pattern for bootstrap labelled pixa)
            bootpath (<optional> path to single bootstrap labelled pixa)
            type (character set type; -1 for default; see enum in recog.h)
            size (character set size; -1 for default)
            min_nopad (min number in a class without padding; -1 default)
            max_afterpad (max number of samples in padded classes;
                          -1 for default)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) This is used to augment or replace a book-adapted recognizer (BAR).
        It is called when the recognizer is created, and must be
        called again before recogPadTrainingSet() if non-default
        values are to be used.
    (2) Default values allow for some padding.  To disable padding,
        set @min_nopad = 0.
    (3) Constraint on @min_nopad and @max_afterpad guarantees that
        padding will be allowed if requested.
    (4) The file directory (@bootdir) and tail pattern (@bootpattern)
        are used to identify serialized pixa, from which we can
        generate an array of recog.  These can be used to augment
        an input but incomplete BAR (book adapted recognizer).
    (5) If the BAR is very sparse, we will ignore it and use a generic
        bootstrap recognizer at @bootpath.


l_int32 recogShowAverageTemplates ( L_RECOG *recog )


    Input:  recog
    Return: 0 on success, 1 on failure

    (1) This debug routine generates a display of the averaged templates,
        both scaled and unscaled, with the centroid visible in red.


l_int32 recogShowContent ( FILE *fp, L_RECOG *recog, l_int32 display )


    Input:  stream
            display (1 for showing template images, 0 otherwise)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error


PIX * recogShowMatch ( L_RECOG *recog, PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, BOX *box, l_int32 index, l_float32 score )


    Input:  recog
            pix1  (input pix; several possibilities)
            pix2  (<optional> matching template)
            box  (<optional> region in pix1 for which pix2 matches)
            index  (index of matching template; use -1 to disable printing)
            score  (score of match)
    Return: pixd (pair of images, showing input pix and best template),
                  or null on error.

    (1) pix1 can be one of these:
        (a) The input pix alone, which can be either a single character
            (box == NULL) or several characters that need to be
            segmented.  If more than character is present, the box
            region is displayed with an outline.
        (b) Both the input pix and the matching template.  In this case,
            pix2 and box will both be null.
    (2) If the bmf has been made (by a call to recogMakeBmf())
        and the index >= 0, the index and score will be rendered;
        otherwise their values will be ignored.


l_int32 recogShowMatchesInRange ( L_RECOG *recog, PIXA *pixa, l_float32 minscore, l_float32 maxscore, l_int32 display )


    Input:  recog
            pixa (of 1 bpp images to match)
            minscore, maxscore (range to include output)
            display (to display the result)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) This gives a visual output of the best matches for a given
        range of scores.  Each pair of images can optionally be
        labelled with the index of the best match and the correlation.
        If the bmf has been previously made, it will be used here.
    (2) To use this, save a set of 1 bpp images (labelled or
        unlabelled) that can be given to a recognizer in a pixa.
        Then call this function with the pixa and parameters
        to filter a range of score.


l_int32 recogTrainLabelled ( L_RECOG *recog, PIX *pixs, BOX *box, char *text, l_int32 multflag, l_int32 debug )


    Input:  recog (in training mode)
            pixs (if depth > 1, will be thresholded to 1 bpp)
            box (<optional> cropping box)
            text (<optional> if null, use text field in pix)
            multflag (1 if one or more contiguous ascii characters;
                      0 for a single arbitrary character)
            debug (1 to display images of samples not captured)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) Training is restricted to the addition of either:
        (a) multflag == 0: a single character in an arbitrary
            (e.g., UTF8) charset
        (b) multflag == 1: one or more ascii characters rendered
            contiguously in pixs
    (2) If box != null, it should represent the cropped location of
        the character image.
    (3) If multflag == 1, samples will be rejected if the number of
        connected components does not equal to the number of ascii
        characters in the textstring.  In that case, if debug == 1,
        the rejected samples will be displayed.


l_int32 recogTrainUnlabelled ( L_RECOG *recog, L_RECOG *recogboot, PIX *pixs, BOX *box, l_int32 singlechar, l_float32 minscore, l_int32 debug )


    Input:  recog (in training mode: the input characters in pixs are
                   inserted after labelling)
            recogboot (labels the input)
            pixs (if depth > 1, will be thresholded to 1 bpp)
            box (<optional> cropping box)
            singlechar (1 if pixs is a single character; 0 otherwise)
            minscore (min score for accepting the example; e.g., 0.75)
            debug (1 for debug output saved to recog; 0 otherwise)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) This trains on unlabelled data, using a bootstrap recognizer
        to apply the labels.  In this way, we can build a recognizer
        using a source of unlabelled data.
    (2) The input pix can have several (non-touching) characters.
        If box != NULL, we treat the region in the box as a single char
        If box == NULL, use all of pixs:
           if singlechar == 0, we identify each c.c. as a single character
           if singlechar == 1, we treat pixs as a single character
        Multiple chars are identified separately by recogboot and
        inserted into recog.
    (3) recogboot is a trained recognizer.  It would typically be
        constructed from a variety of sources, and use the average
        templates for scoring.
    (4) For debugging, if bmf is defined in the recog, the correlation
        scores are generated and saved (by adding to the pixadb_boot
        field) with the matching images.


l_int32 recogTrainingFinished ( L_RECOG *recog, l_int32 debug )


    Input:  recog
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) This must be called after all training samples have been added.
    (2) Set debug = 1 to view the resulting templates
        and their centroids.
    (3) The following things are done here:
        (a) Allocate (or reallocate) storage for (possibly) scaled
            bitmaps, centroids, and fg areas.
        (b) Generate the (possibly) scaled bitmaps.
        (c) Compute centroid and fg area data for both unscaled and
            scaled bitmaps.
        (d) Compute the averages for both scaled and unscaled bitmaps
        (e) Truncate the pixaa, ptaa and numaa arrays down from
            256 to the actual size.
    (4) Putting these operations here makes it simple to recompute
        the recog with different scaling on the bitmaps.
    (5) Removal of outliers must happen after this is called.


l_int32 recogaFinishAveraging ( L_RECOGA *recoga )


    Input:  recoga
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error


l_int32 recogaShowContent ( FILE *fp, L_RECOGA *recoga, l_int32 display )


    Input:  stream
            display (1 for showing template images, 0 otherwise)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error


l_int32 recogaTrainingDone ( L_RECOGA *recoga, l_int32 *pdone )


    Input:  recoga
           &done  (1 if training finished on all recog; 0 otherwise)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error


Zakariyya Mughal <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Zakariyya Mughal.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.