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version 0.04



    Top level grayscale or color block convolution
        PIX       *pixBlockconv()

    Grayscale block convolution
        PIX       *pixBlockconvGray()

    Accumulator for 1, 8 and 32 bpp convolution
        PIX       *pixBlockconvAccum()

    Un-normalized grayscale block convolution
        PIX       *pixBlockconvGrayUnnormalized()

    Tiled grayscale or color block convolution
        PIX       *pixBlockconvTiled()
        PIX       *pixBlockconvGrayTile()

    Convolution for mean, mean square, variance and rms deviation
    in specified window
        l_int32    pixWindowedStats()
        PIX       *pixWindowedMean()
        PIX       *pixWindowedMeanSquare()
        l_int32    pixWindowedVariance()
        DPIX      *pixMeanSquareAccum()

    Binary block sum and rank filter
        PIX       *pixBlockrank()
        PIX       *pixBlocksum()

    Census transform
        PIX       *pixCensusTransform()

    Generic convolution (with Pix)
        PIX       *pixConvolve()
        PIX       *pixConvolveSep()
        PIX       *pixConvolveRGB()
        PIX       *pixConvolveRGBSep()

    Generic convolution (with float arrays)
        FPIX      *fpixConvolve()
        FPIX      *fpixConvolveSep()

    Convolution with bias (for non-negative output)
        PIX       *pixConvolveWithBias()

    Set parameter for convolution subsampling
        void       l_setConvolveSampling()

    Additive gaussian noise
        PIX       *pixAddGaussNoise()
        l_float32  gaussDistribSampling()



FPIX * fpixConvolve ( FPIX *fpixs, L_KERNEL *kel, l_int32 normflag )


    Input:  fpixs (32 bit float array)
            normflag (1 to normalize kernel to unit sum; 0 otherwise)
    Return: fpixd (32 bit float array)

    (1) This gives a float convolution with an arbitrary kernel.
    (2) If normflag == 1, the result is normalized by scaling all
        kernel values for a unit sum.  If the sum of kernel values
        is very close to zero, the kernel can not be normalized and
        the convolution will not be performed.  A warning is issued.
    (3) With the FPix, there are no issues about negative
        array or kernel values.  The convolution is performed
        with single precision arithmetic.
    (4) To get a subsampled output, call l_setConvolveSampling().
        The time to make a subsampled output is reduced by the
        product of the sampling factors.
    (5) This uses a mirrored border to avoid special casing on
        the boundaries.


FPIX * fpixConvolveSep ( FPIX *fpixs, L_KERNEL *kelx, L_KERNEL *kely, l_int32 normflag )


    Input:  fpixs (32 bit float array)
            kelx (x-dependent kernel)
            kely (y-dependent kernel)
            normflag (1 to normalize kernel to unit sum; 0 otherwise)
    Return: fpixd (32 bit float array)

    (1) This does a convolution with a separable kernel that is
        is a sequence of convolutions in x and y.  The two
        one-dimensional kernel components must be input separately;
        the full kernel is the product of these components.
        The support for the full kernel is thus a rectangular region.
    (2) The normflag parameter is used as in fpixConvolve().
    (3) Warning: if you use l_setConvolveSampling() to get a
        subsampled output, and the sampling factor is larger than
        the kernel half-width, it is faster to use the non-separable
        version pixConvolve().  This is because the first convolution
        here must be done on every raster line, regardless of the
        vertical sampling factor.  If the sampling factor is smaller
        than kernel half-width, it's faster to use the separable
    (4) This uses mirrored borders to avoid special casing on
        the boundaries.


l_float32 gaussDistribSampling ( )


    Return: gaussian distributed variable with zero mean and unit stdev

    (1) For an explanation of the Box-Muller method for generating
        a normally distributed random variable with zero mean and
        unit standard deviation, see Numerical Recipes in C,
        2nd edition, p. 288ff.
    (2) This can be called sequentially to get samples that can be
        used for adding noise to each pixel of an image, for example.


void l_setConvolveSampling ( l_int32 xfact, l_int32 yfact )


    Input:  xfact, yfact (integer >= 1)
    Return: void

    (1) This sets the x and y output subsampling factors for generic pix
        and fpix convolution.  The default values are 1 (no subsampling).


PIX * pixAddGaussianNoise ( PIX *pixs, l_float32 stdev )


    Input:  pixs (8 bpp gray or 32 bpp rgb; no colormap)
            stdev (of noise)
    Return: pixd (8 or 32 bpp), or null on error

    (1) This adds noise to each pixel, taken from a normal
        distribution with zero mean and specified standard deviation.


PIX * pixBlockconv ( PIX *pix, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc )


    Input:  pix (8 or 32 bpp; or 2, 4 or 8 bpp with colormap)
            wc, hc   (half width/height of convolution kernel)
    Return: pixd, or null on error

    (1) The full width and height of the convolution kernel
        are (2 * wc + 1) and (2 * hc + 1)
    (2) Returns a copy if both wc and hc are 0
    (3) Require that w >= 2 * wc + 1 and h >= 2 * hc + 1,
        where (w,h) are the dimensions of pixs.


PIX * pixBlockconvAccum ( PIX *pixs )


    Input:  pixs (1, 8 or 32 bpp)
    Return: accum pix (32 bpp), or null on error.

    (1) The general recursion relation is
          a(i,j) = v(i,j) + a(i-1, j) + a(i, j-1) - a(i-1, j-1)
        For the first line, this reduces to the special case
          a(i,j) = v(i,j) + a(i, j-1)
        For the first column, the special case is
          a(i,j) = v(i,j) + a(i-1, j)


PIX * pixBlockconvGray ( PIX *pixs, PIX *pixacc, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc )


    Input:  pix (8 bpp)
            accum pix (32 bpp; can be null)
            wc, hc   (half width/height of convolution kernel)
    Return: pix (8 bpp), or null on error

    (1) If accum pix is null, make one and destroy it before
        returning; otherwise, just use the input accum pix.
    (2) The full width and height of the convolution kernel
        are (2 * wc + 1) and (2 * hc + 1).
    (3) Returns a copy if both wc and hc are 0.
    (4) Require that w >= 2 * wc + 1 and h >= 2 * hc + 1,
        where (w,h) are the dimensions of pixs.


PIX * pixBlockconvGrayTile ( PIX *pixs, PIX *pixacc, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc )


    Input:  pixs (8 bpp gray)
            pixacc (32 bpp accum pix)
            wc, hc   (half width/height of convolution kernel)
    Return: pixd, or null on error

    (1) The full width and height of the convolution kernel
        are (2 * wc + 1) and (2 * hc + 1)
    (2) Assumes that the input pixs is padded with (wc + 1) pixels on
        left and right, and with (hc + 1) pixels on top and bottom.
        The returned pix has these stripped off; they are only used
        for computation.
    (3) Returns a copy if both wc and hc are 0
    (4) Require that w > 2 * wc + 1 and h > 2 * hc + 1,
        where (w,h) are the dimensions of pixs.


PIX * pixBlockconvGrayUnnormalized ( PIX *pixs, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc )


    Input:  pixs (8 bpp)
            wc, hc   (half width/height of convolution kernel)
    Return: pix (32 bpp; containing the convolution without normalizing
                 for the window size), or null on error

    (1) The full width and height of the convolution kernel
        are (2 * wc + 1) and (2 * hc + 1).
    (2) Require that w >= 2 * wc + 1 and h >= 2 * hc + 1,
        where (w,h) are the dimensions of pixs.
    (3) Returns a copy if both wc and hc are 0.
    (3) Adds mirrored border to avoid treating the boundary pixels
        specially.  Note that we add wc + 1 pixels to the left
        and wc to the right.  The added width is 2 * wc + 1 pixels,
        and the particular choice simplifies the indexing in the loop.
        Likewise, add hc + 1 pixels to the top and hc to the bottom.
    (4) To get the normalized result, divide by the area of the
        convolution kernel: (2 * wc + 1) * (2 * hc + 1)
        Specifically, do this:
             pixc = pixBlockconvGrayUnnormalized(pixs, wc, hc);
             fract = 1. / ((2 * wc + 1) * (2 * hc + 1));
             pixMultConstantGray(pixc, fract);
             pixd = pixGetRGBComponent(pixc, L_ALPHA_CHANNEL);
    (5) Unlike pixBlockconvGray(), this always computes the accumulation
        pix because its size is tied to wc and hc.
    (6) Compare this implementation with pixBlockconvGray(), where
        most of the code in blockconvLow() is special casing for
        efficiently handling the boundary.  Here, the use of
        mirrored borders and destination indexing makes the
        implementation very simple.


PIX * pixBlockconvTiled ( PIX *pix, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc, l_int32 nx, l_int32 ny )


    Input:  pix (8 or 32 bpp; or 2, 4 or 8 bpp with colormap)
            wc, hc   (half width/height of convolution kernel)
            nx, ny  (subdivision into tiles)
    Return: pixd, or null on error

    (1) The full width and height of the convolution kernel
        are (2 * wc + 1) and (2 * hc + 1)
    (2) Returns a copy if both wc and hc are 0
    (3) Require that w >= 2 * wc + 1 and h >= 2 * hc + 1,
        where (w,h) are the dimensions of pixs.
    (4) For nx == ny == 1, this defaults to pixBlockconv(), which
        is typically about twice as fast, and gives nearly
        identical results as pixBlockconvGrayTile().
    (5) If the tiles are too small, nx and/or ny are reduced
        a minimum amount so that the tiles are expanded to the
        smallest workable size in the problematic direction(s).
    (6) Why a tiled version?  Three reasons:
        (a) Because the accumulator is a uint32, overflow can occur
            for an image with more than 16M pixels.
        (b) The accumulator array for 16M pixels is 64 MB; using
            tiles reduces the size of this array.
        (c) Each tile can be processed independently, in parallel,
            on a multicore processor.


PIX * pixBlockrank ( PIX *pixs, PIX *pixacc, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc, l_float32 rank )


    Input:  pixs (1 bpp)
            accum pix (<optional> 32 bpp)
            wc, hc   (half width/height of block sum/rank kernel)
            rank   (between 0.0 and 1.0; 0.5 is median filter)
    Return: pixd (1 bpp)

    (1) The full width and height of the convolution kernel
        are (2 * wc + 1) and (2 * hc + 1)
    (2) This returns a pixd where each pixel is a 1 if the
        neighborhood (2 * wc + 1) x (2 * hc + 1)) pixels
        contains the rank fraction of 1 pixels.  Otherwise,
        the returned pixel is 0.  Note that the special case
        of rank = 0.0 is always satisfied, so the returned
        pixd has all pixels with value 1.
    (3) If accum pix is null, make one, use it, and destroy it
        before returning; otherwise, just use the input accum pix
    (4) If both wc and hc are 0, returns a copy unless rank == 0.0,
        in which case this returns an all-ones image.
    (5) Require that w >= 2 * wc + 1 and h >= 2 * hc + 1,
        where (w,h) are the dimensions of pixs.


PIX * pixBlocksum ( PIX *pixs, PIX *pixacc, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc )


    Input:  pixs (1 bpp)
            accum pix (<optional> 32 bpp)
            wc, hc   (half width/height of block sum/rank kernel)
    Return: pixd (8 bpp)

    (1) If accum pix is null, make one and destroy it before
        returning; otherwise, just use the input accum pix
    (2) The full width and height of the convolution kernel
        are (2 * wc + 1) and (2 * hc + 1)
    (3) Use of wc = hc = 1, followed by pixInvert() on the
        8 bpp result, gives a nice anti-aliased, and somewhat
        darkened, result on text.
    (4) Require that w >= 2 * wc + 1 and h >= 2 * hc + 1,
        where (w,h) are the dimensions of pixs.
    (5) Returns in each dest pixel the sum of all src pixels
        that are within a block of size of the kernel, centered
        on the dest pixel.  This sum is the number of src ON
        pixels in the block at each location, normalized to 255
        for a block containing all ON pixels.  For pixels near
        the boundary, where the block is not entirely contained
        within the image, we then multiply by a second normalization
        factor that is greater than one, so that all results
        are normalized by the number of participating pixels
        within the block.


PIX * pixCensusTransform ( PIX *pixs, l_int32 halfsize, PIX *pixacc )


    Input:  pixs (8 bpp)
            halfsize (of square over which neighbors are averaged)
            accum pix (<optional> 32 bpp)
    Return: pixd (1 bpp)

    (1) The Census transform was invented by Ramin Zabih and John Woodfill
        ("Non-parametric local transforms for computing visual
        correspondence", Third European Conference on Computer Vision,
        Stockholm, Sweden, May 1994); see publications at
        This compares each pixel against the average of its neighbors,
        in a square of odd dimension centered on the pixel.
        If the pixel is greater than the average of its neighbors,
        the output pixel value is 1; otherwise it is 0.
    (2) This can be used as an encoding for an image that is
        fairly robust against slow illumination changes, with
        applications in image comparison and mosaicing.
    (3) The size of the convolution kernel is (2 * halfsize + 1)
        on a side.  The halfsize parameter must be >= 1.
    (4) If accum pix is null, make one, use it, and destroy it
        before returning; otherwise, just use the input accum pix


PIX * pixConvolve ( PIX *pixs, L_KERNEL *kel, l_int32 outdepth, l_int32 normflag )


    Input:  pixs (8, 16, 32 bpp; no colormap)
            outdepth (of pixd: 8, 16 or 32)
            normflag (1 to normalize kernel to unit sum; 0 otherwise)
    Return: pixd (8, 16 or 32 bpp)

    (1) This gives a convolution with an arbitrary kernel.
    (2) The input pixs must have only one sample/pixel.
        To do a convolution on an RGB image, use pixConvolveRGB().
    (3) The parameter @outdepth determines the depth of the result.
        If the kernel is normalized to unit sum, the output values
        can never exceed 255, so an output depth of 8 bpp is sufficient.
        If the kernel is not normalized, it may be necessary to use
        16 or 32 bpp output to avoid overflow.
    (4) If normflag == 1, the result is normalized by scaling all
        kernel values for a unit sum.  If the sum of kernel values
        is very close to zero, the kernel can not be normalized and
        the convolution will not be performed.  A warning is issued.
    (5) The kernel values can be positive or negative, but the
        result for the convolution can only be stored as a positive
        number.  Consequently, if it goes negative, the choices are
        to clip to 0 or take the absolute value.  We're choosing
        to take the absolute value.  (Another possibility would be
        to output a second unsigned image for the negative values.)
        If you want to get a clipped result, or to keep the negative
        values in the result, use fpixConvolve(), with the
        converters in fpix2.c between pix and fpix.
    (6) This uses a mirrored border to avoid special casing on
        the boundaries.
    (7) To get a subsampled output, call l_setConvolveSampling().
        The time to make a subsampled output is reduced by the
        product of the sampling factors.
    (8) The function is slow, running at about 12 machine cycles for
        each pixel-op in the convolution.  For example, with a 3 GHz
        cpu, a 1 Mpixel grayscale image, and a kernel with
        (sx * sy) = 25 elements, the convolution takes about 100 msec.


PIX * pixConvolveRGB ( PIX *pixs, L_KERNEL *kel )


    Input:  pixs (32 bpp rgb)
    Return: pixd (32 bpp rgb)

    (1) This gives a convolution on an RGB image using an
        arbitrary kernel (which we normalize to keep each
        component within the range [0 ... 255].
    (2) The input pixs must be RGB.
    (3) The kernel values can be positive or negative, but the
        result for the convolution can only be stored as a positive
        number.  Consequently, if it goes negative, we clip the
        result to 0.
    (4) To get a subsampled output, call l_setConvolveSampling().
        The time to make a subsampled output is reduced by the
        product of the sampling factors.
    (5) This uses a mirrored border to avoid special casing on
        the boundaries.


PIX * pixConvolveRGBSep ( PIX *pixs, L_KERNEL *kelx, L_KERNEL *kely )


    Input:  pixs (32 bpp rgb)
            kelx (x-dependent kernel)
            kely (y-dependent kernel)
    Return: pixd (32 bpp rgb)

    (1) This does a convolution on an RGB image using a separable
        kernel that is a sequence of convolutions in x and y.  The two
        one-dimensional kernel components must be input separately;
        the full kernel is the product of these components.
        The support for the full kernel is thus a rectangular region.
    (2) The kernel values can be positive or negative, but the
        result for the convolution can only be stored as a positive
        number.  Consequently, if it goes negative, we clip the
        result to 0.
    (3) To get a subsampled output, call l_setConvolveSampling().
        The time to make a subsampled output is reduced by the
        product of the sampling factors.
    (4) This uses a mirrored border to avoid special casing on
        the boundaries.


PIX * pixConvolveSep ( PIX *pixs, L_KERNEL *kelx, L_KERNEL *kely, l_int32 outdepth, l_int32 normflag )


    Input:  pixs (8, 16, 32 bpp; no colormap)
            kelx (x-dependent kernel)
            kely (y-dependent kernel)
            outdepth (of pixd: 8, 16 or 32)
            normflag (1 to normalize kernel to unit sum; 0 otherwise)
    Return: pixd (8, 16 or 32 bpp)

    (1) This does a convolution with a separable kernel that is
        is a sequence of convolutions in x and y.  The two
        one-dimensional kernel components must be input separately;
        the full kernel is the product of these components.
        The support for the full kernel is thus a rectangular region.
    (2) The input pixs must have only one sample/pixel.
        To do a convolution on an RGB image, use pixConvolveSepRGB().
    (3) The parameter @outdepth determines the depth of the result.
        If the kernel is normalized to unit sum, the output values
        can never exceed 255, so an output depth of 8 bpp is sufficient.
        If the kernel is not normalized, it may be necessary to use
        16 or 32 bpp output to avoid overflow.
    (2) The @normflag parameter is used as in pixConvolve().
    (4) The kernel values can be positive or negative, but the
        result for the convolution can only be stored as a positive
        number.  Consequently, if it goes negative, the choices are
        to clip to 0 or take the absolute value.  We're choosing
        the former for now.  Another possibility would be to output
        a second unsigned image for the negative values.
    (5) Warning: if you use l_setConvolveSampling() to get a
        subsampled output, and the sampling factor is larger than
        the kernel half-width, it is faster to use the non-separable
        version pixConvolve().  This is because the first convolution
        here must be done on every raster line, regardless of the
        vertical sampling factor.  If the sampling factor is smaller
        than kernel half-width, it's faster to use the separable
    (6) This uses mirrored borders to avoid special casing on
        the boundaries.


PIX * pixConvolveWithBias ( PIX *pixs, L_KERNEL *kel1, L_KERNEL *kel2, l_int32 force8, l_int32 *pbias )


    Input:  pixs (8 bpp; no colormap)
            kel2  (can be null; use if separable)
            force8 (if 1, force output to 8 bpp; otherwise, determine
                    output depth by the dynamic range of pixel values)
            &bias (<return> applied bias)
    Return: pixd (8 or 16 bpp)

    (1) This does a convolution with either a single kernel or
        a pair of separable kernels, and automatically applies whatever
        bias (shift) is required so that the resulting pixel values
        are non-negative.
    (2) The kernel is always normalized.  If there are no negative
        values in the kernel, a standard normalized convolution is
        performed, with 8 bpp output.  If the sum of kernel values is
        very close to zero, the kernel can not be normalized and
        the convolution will not be performed.  An error message results.
    (3) If there are negative values in the kernel, the pix is
        converted to an fpix, the convolution is done on the fpix, and
        a bias (shift) may need to be applied.
    (4) If force8 == TRUE and the range of values after the convolution
        is > 255, the output values will be scaled to fit in [0 ... 255].
        If force8 == FALSE, the output will be either 8 or 16 bpp,
        to accommodate the dynamic range of output values without scaling.


DPIX * pixMeanSquareAccum ( PIX *pixs )


    Input:  pixs (8 bpp grayscale)
    Return: dpix (64 bit array), or null on error

    (1) Similar to pixBlockconvAccum(), this computes the
        sum of the squares of the pixel values in such a way
        that the value at (i,j) is the sum of all squares in
        the rectangle from the origin to (i,j).
    (2) The general recursion relation (v are squared pixel values) is
          a(i,j) = v(i,j) + a(i-1, j) + a(i, j-1) - a(i-1, j-1)
        For the first line, this reduces to the special case
          a(i,j) = v(i,j) + a(i, j-1)
        For the first column, the special case is
          a(i,j) = v(i,j) + a(i-1, j)


PIX * pixWindowedMean ( PIX *pixs, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc, l_int32 hasborder, l_int32 normflag )


    Input:  pixs (8 or 32 bpp grayscale)
            wc, hc   (half width/height of convolution kernel)
            hasborder (use 1 if it already has (wc + 1) border pixels
                       on left and right, and (hc + 1) on top and bottom;
                       use 0 to add kernel-dependent border)
            normflag (1 for normalization to get average in window;
                      0 for the sum in the window (un-normalized))
    Return: pixd (8 or 32 bpp, average over kernel window)

    (1) The input and output depths are the same.
    (2) A set of border pixels of width (wc + 1) on left and right,
        and of height (hc + 1) on top and bottom, must be on the
        pix before the accumulator is found.  The output pixd
        (after convolution) has this border removed.
        If @hasborder = 0, the required border is added.
    (3) Typically, @normflag == 1.  However, if you want the sum
        within the window, rather than a normalized convolution,
        use @normflag == 0.
    (4) This builds a block accumulator pix, uses it here, and
        destroys it.
    (5) The added border, along with the use of an accumulator array,
        allows computation without special treatment of pixels near
        the image boundary, and runs in a time that is independent
        of the size of the convolution kernel.


PIX * pixWindowedMeanSquare ( PIX *pixs, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc, l_int32 hasborder )


    Input:  pixs (8 bpp grayscale)
            wc, hc   (half width/height of convolution kernel)
            hasborder (use 1 if it already has (wc + 1) border pixels
                       on left and right, and (hc + 1) on top and bottom;
                       use 0 to add kernel-dependent border)
    Return: pixd (32 bpp, average over rectangular window of
                  width = 2 * wc + 1 and height = 2 * hc + 1)

    (1) A set of border pixels of width (wc + 1) on left and right,
        and of height (hc + 1) on top and bottom, must be on the
        pix before the accumulator is found.  The output pixd
        (after convolution) has this border removed.
        If @hasborder = 0, the required border is added.
    (2) The advantage is that we are unaffected by the boundary, and
        it is not necessary to treat pixels within @wc and @hc of the
        border differently.  This is because processing for pixd
        only takes place for pixels in pixs for which the
        kernel is entirely contained in pixs.
    (3) Why do we have an added border of width (@wc + 1) and
        height (@hc + 1), when we only need @wc and @hc pixels
        to satisfy this condition?  Answer: the accumulators
        are asymmetric, requiring an extra row and column of
        pixels at top and left to work accurately.
    (4) The added border, along with the use of an accumulator array,
        allows computation without special treatment of pixels near
        the image boundary, and runs in a time that is independent
        of the size of the convolution kernel.


l_int32 pixWindowedStats ( PIX *pixs, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc, l_int32 hasborder, PIX **ppixm, PIX **ppixms, FPIX **pfpixv, FPIX **pfpixrv )


    Input:  pixs (8 bpp grayscale)
            wc, hc   (half width/height of convolution kernel)
            hasborder (use 1 if it already has (wc + 1) border pixels
                       on left and right, and (hc + 1) on top and bottom;
                       use 0 to add kernel-dependent border)
            &pixm (<optional return> 8 bpp mean value in window)
            &pixms (<optional return> 32 bpp mean square value in window)
            &fpixv (<optional return> float variance in window)
            &fpixrv (<optional return> float rms deviation from the mean)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) This is a high-level convenience function for calculating
        any or all of these derived images.
    (2) If @hasborder = 0, a border is added and the result is
        computed over all pixels in pixs.  Otherwise, no border is
        added and the border pixels are removed from the output images.
    (3) These statistical measures over the pixels in the
        rectangular window are:
          - average value: <p>  (pixm)
          - average squared value: <p*p> (pixms)
          - variance: <(p - <p>)*(p - <p>)> = <p*p> - <p>*<p>  (pixv)
          - square-root of variance: (pixrv)
        where the brackets < .. > indicate that the average value is
        to be taken over the window.
    (4) Note that the variance is just the mean square difference from
        the mean value; and the square root of the variance is the
        root mean square difference from the mean, sometimes also
        called the 'standard deviation'.
    (5) The added border, along with the use of an accumulator array,
        allows computation without special treatment of pixels near
        the image boundary, and runs in a time that is independent
        of the size of the convolution kernel.


l_int32 pixWindowedVariance ( PIX *pixm, PIX *pixms, FPIX **pfpixv, FPIX **pfpixrv )


    Input:  pixm (mean over window; 8 or 32 bpp grayscale)
            pixms (mean square over window; 32 bpp)
            &fpixv (<optional return> float variance -- the ms deviation
                    from the mean)
            &fpixrv (<optional return> float rms deviation from the mean)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) The mean and mean square values are precomputed, using
        pixWindowedMean() and pixWindowedMeanSquare().
    (2) Either or both of the variance and square-root of variance
        are returned as an fpix, where the variance is the
        average over the window of the mean square difference of
        the pixel value from the mean:
              <(p - <p>)*(p - <p>)> = <p*p> - <p>*<p>
    (3) To visualize the results:
          - for both, use fpixDisplayMaxDynamicRange().
          - for rms deviation, simply convert the output fpix to pix,


Zakariyya Mughal <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Zakariyya Mughal.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.