Changes for version 0.04 - 2013-03-27
- Added dependencies.
- Cleaned up some old stuff.
The web service creation framework written with events in mind.
a class that all other library classes use as a parent.
a stub for replacing the database in unit tests.
a wrapper for the Email::Sender::Simple library.
a helper stub class that replaces the mailer class.
a base class for all event classes.
a new external profile is added.
external signup profile available.
HTTP request received.
HTTP response ready.
HTTP request received through PSGI.
a base class for event handlers.
maps events to event handlers.
a base class for event test case classes.
a module that defines a set of exception classes.
a base class for PostgreSQL data gateways.
a postgres gateway test base class.
an abstract geometry class for map projection purposes.
a point geometry class for map projection purposes.
a polygon geometry class for map projection purposes.
an event handler for HTTP request events.
an event handler for HTTP response events.
an abstract HTTP request adapter.
an HTTP request adapter for the PSGI interface.
a base class for HTTP resource controllers.
a base class for the Graph API node HTTP resources.
a simple HTTP resource with a template.
a base class for all Graph API HTTP resource classes.
an HTTP response abstract class.
an HTTP response adapter.
a base class for item classes.
a base class for workflow items.
a base class for all entry item classes.
a base class for all item classes.
a JSON converter adapter.
the PostgreSQL factory.
a class for PostgreSQL connection.
a PostgreSQL stored function class.
a base class for PostgreSQL types.
a PostgreSQL array type.
a PostgreSQL bigint type.
a PostgreSQL boolean type.
a PostgreSQL double precision float type.
a PostgreSQL double precision array type.
a PostgreSQL type native for DBD::Pg DBI driver.
a generic PostGIS geometry type wrapper.
a PostgreSQL integer type.
a PostgreSQL integer array type.
a PostgreSQL interval type.
a PostgreSQL smallint type.
a PostgreSQL text type.
a PostgreSQL timestamp without timezone type.
a PostgreSQL timestamp with timezone type.
a stub class to easily create mock versions of HTTP requests.
a service provider class.
a helper class that replaces the registry with a mock object.
a persistent session class.
an utility class that houses various helper functions
a template engine class.
a stub class that replaces the template class with a mock.
a base class for all test cases.
a URI automation class.