CGI::Validate - Advanced CGI form parser and type validation
use CGI::Validate;
use CGI::Validate qw(:all); # Normal use
use CGI::Validate qw(:subs);
use CGI::Validate qw(:vars);
## If you don't want it to check that every requested
## element arrived you can use this:
$CGI::Validate::Complete = 0;
## If you don't care that some fields in the form don't
## actually match what you asked for. -I don't recommend
## this unless you REALLY know what you're doing.
## $CGI::Validate::IgnoreNonMatchingFields = 1;
my $FieldOne = 'Default';
my $FieldTwo = 8;
my $FieldThree = 'some default string';
my @FieldFour = (); ## For multi-select field
my @FieldFive = (); ## Ditto
my $EmailAddress= '';
## Try...
my $Query = GetFormData (
'FieldOne=s' => \$FieldOne, ## Required string
'FieldTwo=i' => \$FieldTwo, ## Required int
'FieldThree' => \$FieldThree, ## Auto converted to the ":s" type
'FieldFour=s' => \@FieldFour, ## Multi-select field of strings
'FieldFive=f' => \@FieldFive, ## Multi-select field of floats
'Email=e' => \$EmailAddress, ## Must 'look' like an email address
) or do {
## Catch... (wouldn't you just love a case statement here?)
if (%Missing) {
die "Missing form elements: " . join (' ', keys %Missing);
} elsif (%Invalid) {
die "Invalid form elements: " . join (' ', keys %Invalid);
} elsif (%Blank) {
die "Blank form elements: " . join (' ', keys %Blank);
} elsif (%InvalidType) {
die "Invalid data types for fields: " . join (' ', keys %InvalidType);
} else {
die "GetFormData() exception: $CGI::Validate::Error";
## If you only want to check the form data, but don't want to
## have CGI::Validate set anything use this. -You still have full
## access to the data via the normal B<CGI> object that is returned.
my $Query = CheckFormData (
'FieldOne=s', 'FieldTwo=i', 'FieldThree', 'FieldFour',
'FieldFive', 'Email',
) or do {
... Same exceptions available as GetFormData above ...
addExtensions (
myType => sub { $_[0] =~ /test/ },
fooBar => \&fooBar,
i_modify_the_actual_data => sub {
if ($_[0] =~ /test/) { ## data validation
$_[0] = 'whatever'; ## modify the data by alias
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
my $Query = GetFormData (
'foo=xmyType' => \$foo,
'bar=xfooBar' => \$bar,
'cat=xi_modify_the_actual_data' => \$cat,
## Data type checks available are:
s string # Any non-zero length value
w word # Must have at least one \w char
i integer # Integer value
f float # Float value
e email # Must match m/^\s*<?[^@<>]+@[^@.<>]+(?:\.[^@.<>]+)+>?\s*$/
x extension # User extension type. See EXTENSIONS below.
Basicly a blending of the CGI and Getopt::Long modules, and requires the CGI module to function.
The basic concept of this module is to combine the best features of the CGI and Getopt::Long modules. The CGI module is great for parsing, building, and rebuilding forms, however it lacks any real error checking abilitys such as misspelled form input names, the data types received from them, missing values, etc. This however, is something that the Getopt::Long module is vary good at doing. So, basicly this module is a layer that collects the data using the CGI module and passes it to routines derived from the Getopt::Long module to do type validation and name consistency checks.
The syntax of GetFormData() is the same as the GetOptions() of Getopt::Long, with a few exceptions (namely, the handling of exceptions) . See the VALUE TYPES section for detail of the available types, and the EXCEPTIONS section for exception handling options. If given without a type, fields are assumed to be type ":s" (optional string), which is normally correct.
If successful, GetFormData() returns the CGI object that it used to parse the data incase you want to use it for anything else, and undef otherwise.
If you only want to do value type and name validation, use CheckFormData() instead with a field=type list. -See the SYNOPSIS for an example.
All types are prefixed with either a ":" or "=".
Just like in Getopt::Long, the ":" prefix meens that the value is optional, but still much match the type that is defined if it is given. The "=" prefix meens that the value is required for this field, and of course much match the type given. If you just want to make sure that some value is there but don't care about the type, use the required string type "=s".
- s
String type. Any string will do if the field is optional. If the field is required, then this checks to see if the value length is greater then 0.
- w
Word type. Value must contain at least one \w char to be valid. Similar to a s (string) type, but normally more useful.
- i
Integer type.
- f
Float type. Data must be in '1.2' or '12' format.
- e
Email type. Must look like a valid email address. White space on either end (but not in the middle) is permitted.
The regex used currently is m/\s*^<?[^@<>]+@[^@.<>]+(\.[^@.<>]+)+>?\s*$/
User defined type. See the EXTENSIONS section below.
Exceptions are handled by returning undef, and setting one or more of five different package global variables. Think of them first as exception objects if you must. -They aren't, but they kinda act like it, kinda... We must use this method until Perl ever gets a real exception system (eval/die doesn't quite cut it here).
The exceptions are:
- %Missing
All fields we were asked to check for, but the form didn't send us at all. This is not the same as a field that did get sent but had no data. Oftin this is from GetFormData() being given a misspelled field name, or the form being sent in an odd manor such as an alternate 'submit' button, or just hitting the enter key while in the last (probably only) field.
Probably code bug generated exception.
- %Invalid
All fields that were not asked to be checked for, but the form sent them along anyway. Most likely these are misspelled field names in the HTML form page.
Probably code bug generated exception.
- %Blank
All valid fields that were sent with no value AND the type given was set to '=' to require the field to be filled in. The user probably just didn't fill in the field(s) at all. It's not bad practice to make all required fields in form with the word '(required)' next to them. Some users will try many times to fill in a form with as little information as they can, as lame as such practice really is.
Probably a lazy user error generated exception.
- %InvalidType.
The type passed did not match the type asked for. Such as the value 'foo' being sent as the value for a field that was marked as being an integer, or 'I hate spam' being sent as the value for an email field.
Probably a user error generated exception.
- $CGI::Validate::Error
End all, be all dumping ground for exceptions. If any of the above exceptions occurs, the long messages are added here. If any usage errors are found, they are added here. If the moon shifts off it's orbit, it's added here. Use this if you just want to do a simple one shot test like:
GetFormData (%fields) or die "Parse error: $CGI::Validate::Error";
Think of it as my version of $@ if I were to throw "real" exceptions. :-)
The first four hash exceptions have the same format. The keys are all the fields that had that kind of exception, and the values are much longer error messages that give further details that can be useful for debugging. Generally however, if you need such detail it's much easier to just use the $CGI::Validate::Error bucket that contains all of the error messages from all of the exceptions in one place.
User validation types can be defined using the addExtensions() function. addExtensions() takes a hash of extension names and code refs to use. All extension names will automatically have an 'x' prepended to them, so that myType would be xmyType. Validation code is expected to return true for valid types, and false/undef for invalid. Validation code is passed a single value of the form value. This value is an alias to the real data variable so "filters" can be implemented as well. Examples:
my $MAX_AMOUNT = 100;
addExtensions (
SSNumber => sub { $_[0] =~ /^\d{9}$/ }, # SSN must be 9 digit number
Amount => sub {
if ($_[0] =~ /max/i) {
$_[0] = $MAX_AMOUNT; # modify value to be max amount
return 1;
} elsif (($_[0] =~ /^\d+$/) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
GetFormData (
'ssn=xSSNumber' => \$ssn,
'amount=xAmount' => \$amount,
As such, if the field "amount" were to contain the string "max", it would be auto-converted to the value of the constant $MAX_AMOUNT (100) before being assigned to $amount so that no further data changes or checks are needed.
All normal exception variables apply.
Not tested much with mod_perl, but it should work since each Apache connection runs in it's own space as it's own process. Be carful to manually set your two global config values ($CGI::Validate::Complete and $CGI::Validate::IgnoreNonMatchingFields) however, even if you use the "default" values. This is because as globals they will be recycled on the next use under mod_perl.
Email address can never be fully tested (see the Perl FAQ for reasons why). The regexp I use is also pretty lame, although I use a better one in version 1.11+. This is mainly do to the fact that I don't use it myself, and don't have much reason to research better methods/checks. If you need more extensive testing, feel free to add an extension via addExtension().
perl(1), CGI(3), mod_perl(1)
$Log:,v $
Revision 1.11 1998/05/23 11:16:54 byron
-Changed CheckEmail regexp
-Better docs
-Probably something else...
Revision 1.10 1998/05/13 21:37:22 byron
-Fixed bug from changes in the CGI module interface.
Revision 1.9 1998/05/11 13:16:48 byron
-Added thankyous
Revision 1.8 1998/05/11 13:06:32 byron
-Added CheckFormData()
-Added more docs
Revision 1.7 1998/05/11 12:45:21 byron
-Doc changes
Revision 1.6 1998/05/11 12:36:01 byron
-Almost everything
-Added user defined types
Revision 1.5 1998/05/07 13:04:41 byron
-Changed float to match /^\d+.?\d*$/ so that ints are ok too
Revision 1.4 1998/05/07 10:51:23 byron
-Changed CGI module access to use ReadParse for speed?
-Some doc changes.
Revision 1.3 1998/03/30 12:12:09 byron
-Complete overhaul of the exception handling code.
The old $Error code will still work the same, but there now are much
cleaner ways to figure out exactly what happended and do something
about it.
-Changed my email address to match my new account. :-)
Revision 1.2 1997/12/19 03:46:30 byron
-Documentation changes/updates
Zenin <>
aka Byron Brummer <>
With input from Earl Hood <>, and Lloyd Zusman <>, and the email regex from Elijah <>.
Copyright (c) 1997,1998 OMIX, Inc. All rights reserved
Use is granted under the same terms of Perl.