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BlankOnDev::DateTime - Module for Date and Time Handling


use BlankOnDev::DateTime;

# For set new DateTime Language :
my $hashref = {}; # Please see "Explain subroutine "set_lang" for example hashref.
my $lang = 'test_US';
BlankOnDev::DateTime->set_lang($hashref, $lang);

# For get DateTime :
my $dateTime = BlankOnDev::DateTime->get();


This module used for make DateTime format. And module is fork from CellBash::DateTime.

Explain Subrotuine set_lang() :

    Description :
	Subroutine for set new languages DateTime.

	Format parameter $hashdate :
	$hashdate = {
		'month' => [
			0 => '',
			1 => 'Januari',
			2 => 'Februari',
			3 => 'Maret',
			4 => 'April',
			5 => 'Mei',
			6 => 'Juni',
			7 => 'Juli',
			8 => 'Agustus',
			9 => 'September',
			10 => 'Oktober',
			11 => 'November',
			12 => 'Desember'
		'month_short' => [
			0 => '',
			1 => 'Jan',
			2 => 'Feb',
			3 => 'Mar',
			4 => 'Apr',
			5 => 'Mei',
			6 => 'Jun',
			7 => 'Jul',
			8 => 'Agu',
			9 => 'Sep',
			10 => 'Okt',
			11 => 'Nov',
			12 => 'Des'
		'day' => [
			0 => '',
			1 => 'Senin',       # Monday
			2 => 'Selasa',      # Tuesday
			3 => 'Rabu',        # Wednesday
			4 => 'Kamis',       # Thursday
			5 => 'Jum\'at',     # Friday
			6 => 'Sabtu',       # Saturday
			7 => 'Minggu'       # Sunday
		'day_short' => [
			0 => '',
			1 => 'Sen',         # Mon
			2 => 'Sel',         # Tue
			3 => 'Rab',         # Wed
			4 => 'Kam',         # Thu
			5 => 'Jum',         # Fri
			6 => 'Sab',         # Sat
			7 => 'Min'          # Sun

	Format scalar $lang :
	$lang       => Example : id_ID or en_US

	Parameter subroutine set_lang() :
	$hashdate       =>  Contains hashref day, month and short month name.
	$lang           =>  Contains name of language which will be make.

SUBROUTINE add_or_subtract()

Deskripsi subroutine add_or_subtract() :
Subroutine for add extra time and specific minus time.

Parameter subroutine add_or_subtract() :
$dt             =>  [ Berisi DateTime module initialized ],
$minplus        =>  [ Berisi Identification Time Add/Subtract ].
					Ex :
							+1D || +D == add 1 day, -1D || -D == subtract 1 day.
							+1W || +W == add 1 week, -1W || -W == subtract 1 week.
							+1M || +M == add 1 month, -1M || -M == subtract 1 month.
							+1Y || +Y == add 1 year, -1Y || -Y == subtract 1 year.
							+1h || +h == add 1 hour, -1h || -h == subtract 1 hour.
							+1m || +m == add 1 minute, -1m || -m == subtract 1 minute.
							+1s || +s == add 1 second, -1s || -s == subtract 1 second.

Explain Subrotuine get() :

Deskripsi subroutine get() :
Subroutine to get data DateTime.

Format Delimiter in $config :
$attribute = {
	date => '/', # Delimiter date
	time => ':', # Delimiter time.
	datetime => [ Delimiter between date and time ex : "_" ],
	format => [ Format DateTime. Ex: "DD-MM-YYYY hms" ],
	minplus => [ For Add and Subtract Duration time. value = "add" => extra time, "subtract" => "Time before". ],
	            See explain subroutine "add_or_subtract()" for key "minplus".

Format Key "format" in hashref $config :
format      =   DD      =>  Date of Calender
				MM      =>  Mount Number of Calender
				YYYY    =>  Years of Calender
				Dn      =>  Day Name of Week
				dn      =>  Day name sort of Week
				Di      =>  Day number of Week
				Mn      =>  Month Name of Calendar
				h       =>  Hour of clock.
				m       =>  Minue of clock.
				s       =>  Second of clock.

Format Key "minplus" in hashref $config :
minplus     =   +       =>  Add Duration. --> if example current years in 2017 and +1 equals 2018.
				-       =>  Subtract Duration. --> if example current years in 2017 and -1 equals 2016.
				D       =>  add/subtract Day.
				M       =>  add/subtract Month.
				Y       =>  add/subtract Year.
				h       =>  add/subtract Hour.
				m       =>  add/subtract Minutes.
				s       =>  add/subtract Second.

Parameter subroutine get() :
$timestamp      =>  Contain UNIX TimeStamp Format.
$timezone       =>  Contain TimeZone name. Ex: "Asia/Makassar".
$attribute      =>  Contains attribute get. See above in section "Format subroutine".

Output Parameter :
$hash_ref = {
	'custom' => $DateNow_custom,
	'datetime' => $DateNow,
	'calender' => {
		'day_num' => $dayNum,
		'day_name' => $dayName,
		'date' => $date_num,
		'month' => $monthNum,
		'month_name' => $monthName,
		'year' => $years
	'time' => {
		'hour' => $hours,
		'minute' => $minutes,
		'second' => $second,


Copyright (C) 2017 by Achmad Yusri Afandi.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Achmad Yusri Afandi, (