PDE - Perl Development Environment in emacs
Put this to you .emacs:
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/pde/")
(load "pde-load")
This is not a perl module. It is a collection of emacs lisp extension and configuration for perl development environment.
Here is a list of extensions included in PDE.
- template-simple
A simple text template process library. Support for expand template when create new file or empty file according to the suffix of current file name.
- compile-dwim
Automatic generate compile-command according to the file name or major-mode.
- help-dwim
Integrate various finding document command to one command. Useful for bind a global key to search help information.
- perldoc
Perldoc using woman. Provide a tree view of all Pods.
- perlapi
Search document in perlapi.
- perltidy
Call perltidy when editing.
Tree view show imenu for the source file.
Tree view show tags for the sources.
- inf-perl
Interactive perl shell.
- perldb-ui
A simple perl debugger user interface.
Tell me if you found one, or you want to discuss anything related, please drop me a note at
More document for PDE:
"doc/pde/index.html" in lisp - PDE User Guide
"doc/QuickStartEn.html" in lisp - A tutor of emacs configuration for perl
More emacs lisp libraries or Perl Modules:
Sepia - Simple Emacs-Perl Interface
perlnow.el - Emacs extensions to speed development of perl code.
Devel::PerlySense - IntelliSense for Perl
PPI - Parse, Analyze and Manipulate Perl (without perl) - Discussion in EmacsWiki