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Template::Caribou::Role - Caribou core engine


version 1.2.2


package MyTemplate;

use Template::Caribou;

has name => ( is => 'ro' );

template greetings => sub {
    my $self = shift;

    print "hello there, ", $self->name;

# later on...

my $template =  MyTemplate->new( name => 'Yanick' );

print $template->greetings;


This role implements the rendering core of Caribou, which mostly deals with defining the templates of a class and calling them.

The templates

The templates are subs expected to print or return the content they are generating. Under the hood, they are snugly wrapped within a render call and turned into methods of the template class.

package MyTemplate;

use Template::Caribou;

has name => ( is => 'ro' );

template greetings => sub {
    my( $self, %args ) = @_;

    'hi there ' . $self->name . '!' x $args{excited};

my $bou = MyTemplate->new( name => 'Yanick' );

print $bou->greetings; 
    # prints 'hi there Yanick'

print $bou->greetings(excited => 1);
    # print 'hi there Yanick!

In addition of those arguments, the file descriptions ::STDOUT and ::RAW are locally defined. Anything printed to ::RAW is added verbatim to the content of the template, whereas something printed to STDOUT will be HTML-escaped.

If nothing has been printed at all by the template, it'll take its return value as its generated content.

# prints '<hey>'
print MyTemplate->render(sub{
    print "<hey>";

# prints '<hey>'
print MyTemplate->render(sub{
    print ::RAW "<hey>";

# prints 'onetwo'
print MyTemplate->render(sub{
    print "one";
    print "two";

# prints 'one'
print MyTemplate->render(sub{
    print "one";
    return "ignored";

# prints 'no print, not ignored'
print MyTemplate->render(sub{
    return "no print, not ignored";

Template methods can, of course, be called within other template methods. When invoked from within a template, their content is implicitly printed to ::RAW.

template outer => sub {
    my $self = shift;

    say 'alpha';
    say 'gamma';

template inner => sub {
    say 'beta';


print $bou->outer; # prints 'alpha beta gamma'

Definiting templates via template instances

Templates are usually defined for the class via the template keyword. template can also be used as a method. By default, though, it'll die as adding a template that way will not only add it to the instance, but for to class itself, which is probably more than you bargained for.

$bou->template( foo => sub { ... } );
# dies with 'can only add templates from instances created 
# via 'anon_instance' or with the attribute 'can_add_templates'

If you want to add a template to a single instance, use the class method anon_instance, which will create a singleton class inheriting from the main template class.

my $bou = MyTemplate->anon_instance( name => 'Yanick' );

$bou->template( foo => sub { ... } ); # will work

Or if you really want to augment the whole class with new templates, you can set the can_add_templates attribute of the object to true.

$bou->template( foo => sub { ... } ); # will work too



my $bou = MyTemplate->new(
    indent            => 1,
    can_add_templates => 0,
indent => $boolean

If set to a true value, the nested tags rendered inside the templates will be indented. Defaults to true.


If templates can be added to the class via the method invocation of template.



Accessor to the indent attribute. Indicates if the tags rendered within the templates should be pretty-printed with indentation or not.



Accessor. If set to true, allows new templates to be defined for the class via the template method.

template( $name => sub { ... } )

Defines the template $name. Will trigger an exception unless can_add_templates was set to true or the object was created via anon_instance.

Warnings will be issued if the template redefines an already-existing function/method in the namespace.


Creates an anonymous class inheriting from the current one and builds an object instance with the given arguments. Useful when wanting to define templates for one specific instance.


$bou->render( $coderef, @template_args );
$bou->render( $template_name, @template_args );

Renders the given $coderef as a template, passing it the @template_args, and returns its generated output.

print $bou->render( sub {
    my( $self, $name ) = @_;

    'hi ' . $name . "\n";
}, $_ ) for @friends; 

The template can also be given by name.

template foo => sub { ... };

# later on

$bou->render( 'foo', @args );

# which is equivalent to



Like render, but always return the generated template content, even when called inside a template.

template foo => sub { 'foo' };
template bar => sub { 'bar' };

print $bou->render(sub{
    my $self = shift;

    my $bar = $self->get_render(sub{ $self->bar });
    $bar =~  y/r/z/;
    say $bar;

# prints 'foobaz'

SEE ALSO - The original blog entry introducing Template::Caribou.



Yanick Champoux <>


This software is copyright (c) 2023 by Yanick Champoux.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.