PayProp::API::Public::Client::Authorization::ClientCredentials - Client credentials authorization module.


use PayProp::API::Public::Client::Authorization::ClientCredentials;

my $ClientCredentials = PayProp::API::Public::Client::Authorization::ClientCredentials->new(
	client => 'OAUTH_CLIENT',        # Required: OAuth v2.0 client.
	secret => 'OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET', # Required: OAuth v2.0 client secret.
	domain => '',      # Required: API server domain name.
	application_user_id => 908863,   # Required: Client for which to request OAuth v2.0 access token.

	scheme => 'https',          # Optional: API domain URL scheme. Default C<https>.
	storage_key => 'CACHE_KEY', # Optional: Token storage key. This *should* be unique per C<application_user_id> if overridden.
	storage => C<PayProp::API::Public::Client::Authorization::Storage::*>, # Optional: One of available storage solutions.


Client credentials authorization module type to be provided for PayProp::API::Public::Client initialization.