XML::TinyXML - Little and efficient Perl module to manage xml data.
use XML::TinyXML;
# first create an XML Context
$xml = XML::TinyXML->new();
$node = XML::TinyXML::Node->new("nodelabel", "somevalue");
# or maybe
$attrs = { attr1 => v1, attr2 => v2 };
$node = XML::TinyXML::Node->new("nodelabel", "somevalue", $attrs);
# or you could want to create the XML Context
# specifying the root node directly at creation time
$xml = XML::TinyXML->new($node);
# or maybe
$xml = XML::TinyXML->new("rootnode", "somevalue", { attr1 => v1, attr2 => v2 });
# or we can just create an empty root node:
$xml = XML::TinyXML->new("rootnode");
# and then obtain a reference using the getNode() method
$node = $xml->getNode("/rootnode");
# the leading '/' is optional ... since all paths will be absolute and
# first element is assumed to be always a root node
$node = $xml->getNode("rootnode");
# see XML::TinyXML::Node documentation for further details on possible
# operations on a node reference
######## #########
########## hashref2xml and xml2hashref facilities ###########
######## #########
# An useful facility is loading/dumping of hashrefs from/to xml
# for ex:
$hashref = { some => 'thing', someother => 'thing' };
my $xml = XML::TinyXML->new($hashref, 'mystruct');
# or to load on an existing XML::TinyXML object
$xml->loadHash($hashref, 'mystruct');
# we can also create and dump to string all at once :
my $xmlstring = XML::TinyXML->new($hashref, 'mystruct')->dump;
# to reload the hashref back
my $hashref = $xml->toHash;
Since in some environments it could be desirable to avoid installing Expat, XmlParser and blahblahblah , needed by most XML-related perl modules,. my main scope was to obtain a fast xml library usable from perl (so with a powerful interface) but without the need to install a lot of other modules (or even C libraries) to have it working. Once I discovered XS I started porting a very little and efficent xml library I wrote in C some years ago.
The interesting part of porting it in perl is that now it's really easy to improve the interface and I was almost always pissed off of installing more than 10 modules to have a simple xml implementation.
new ($arg, $param, $attrs, $doctype)
addNodeAttribute ($node, $key, $value)
removeNodeAttribute ($node, $index)
addRootNode ($name, $val, $attrs)
dump ()
Returns a stringified version of the XML structure represented internally
loadFile ($path)
Load the xml structure from a file
loadHash ($hash, $root)
Load the xml structure from an hashref (AKA: convert an hashref to an xml document)
toHAsh ()
Dump the xml structure represented internally in the form of an hashref
loadBuffer ($buf)
Load the xml structure from a preloaded memory buffer
getNode ($path)
Get a node at a specific path.
$path must be of the form: '/rootnode/child1/child2/leafnod' and the leading '/' is optional (since all paths will be interpreted as absolute)
Returns an XML::TinyXML::Node object
getChildNode ($node, $index)
Get the child of $node at index $index.
Returns an XML::TinyXML::Node object
removeNode ($path)
Remove the node at specific $path , if present. See getNode() documentation for some notes on the $path format.
Returns XML_NOERR (0) if success, error code otherwise.
See Exportable constants for a list of possible error codes
getBranch ($index)
alias for getRootNode
getRootNode ($index)
Get the root node at $index.
Returns an XML::TinyXML::Node object if present, undef otherwise
removeBranch ($index)
Remove the rootnode (and all his children) at $index.
getChildNodeByName ($node, $name)
Get the child of $node with name == $name.
Returns an XML::TinyXML::Node object if there is such a child, undef otherwise
save ($path)
Save the xml document represented internally into $path.
Returns XML_NOERR if success, a specific error code otherwise
None by default.
Exportable constants
Exportable functions
TXml *XmlCreateContext()
void XmlDestroyContext(TXml *xml)
int XmlAddAttribute(XmlNode *node, char *name, char *val)
int XmlAddRootNode(TXml *xml, XmlNode *node)
unsigned long XmlCountBranches(TXml *xml)
XmlNode *XmlGetChildNode(XmlNode *node, unsigned long index)
XmlNode *XmlGetNode(TXml *xml, char *path)
int XmlParseBuffer(TXml *xml, char *buf)
int XmlRemoveBranch(TXml *xml, unsigned long index)
int XmlSave(TXml *xml, char *path)
char *XmlDump(TXml *xml)
You should also see libtinyxml documentation (mostly txml.h, redistributed with this module)
xant, <>
Copyright (C) 2008 by xant
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.