

use RFID::Libnfc::Constants;


use RFID::Libnfc::Constants qw(<category>);

where <category> can be any of :
* IM
* MC
* MU


Constants used within RFID::Libnfc


  • NDO

    NDO_HANDLE_CRC => 0x00,
        Let the PN53X chip handle the CRC bytes. This means that the chip appends
        the CRC bytes to the frames that are transmitted. It will parse the last
        bytes from received frames as incoming CRC bytes. They will be verified
        against the used modulation and protocol. If an frame is expected with
        incorrect CRC bytes this option should be disabled. Example frames where
        this is useful are the ATQA and UID+BCC that are transmitted without CRC
        bytes during the anti-collision phase of the ISO14443-A protocol. 
    NDO_HANDLE_PARITY => 0x01,
        Parity bits in the network layer of ISO14443-A are by default generated and
        validated in the PN53X chip. This is a very convenient feature. On certain
        times though it is useful to get full control of the transmitted data. The
        proprietary MIFARE Classic protocol uses for example custom (encrypted)
        parity bits. For interoperability it is required to be completely
        compatible, including the arbitrary parity bits. When this option is
        disabled, the functions to communicating bits should be used. 
        This option can be used to enable or disable the electronic field of the
        NFC device. 
        The internal CRYPTO1 co-processor can be used to transmit messages
        encrypted. This option is automatically activated after a successful MIFARE
        Classic authentication. 
        The default configuration defines that the PN53X chip will try indefinitely
        to invite a tag in the field to respond. This could be desired when it is
        certain a tag will enter the field. On the other hand, when this is
        uncertain, it will block the application. This option could best be compared
        to the (NON)BLOCKING option used by (socket)network programming. 
        If this option is enabled, frames that carry less than 4 bits are allowed.
        According to the standards these frames should normally be handles as
        invalid frames. 
        If the NFC device should only listen to frames, it could be useful to let
        it gather multiple frames in a sequence. They will be stored in the internal
        FIFO of the PN53X chip. This could be retrieved by using the receive data
        functions. Note that if the chip runs out of bytes (FIFO => 64 bytes long),
        it will overwrite the first received frames, so quick retrieving of the
        received data is desirable. 
    NDO_AUTO_ISO14443_4 => 0x40,
        This option can be used to enable or disable the auto-switching mode to
        ISO14443-4 is device is compliant.
        In initiator mode, it means that NFC chip will send RATS automatically when
        select and it will automatically poll for ISO14443-4 card when ISO14443A is
        In target mode, with a NFC chip compiliant (ie. PN532), the chip will
        emulate a 14443-4 PICC using hardware capability 
    NDO_EASY_FRAMING => 0x41,
        Use automatic frames encapsulation and chaining. 
    NDO_FORCE_ISO14443_A => 0x42,
        Force the chip to switch in ISO14443-A 
  • IM

    IM_ISO14443A_106  => 0x00,
    IM_FELICA_212     => 0x01,
    IM_FELICA_424     => 0x02,
    IM_ISO14443B_106  => 0x03,
    IM_JEWEL_106      => 0x04
  • MC

    MC_AUTH_A         => 0x60,
    MC_AUTH_B         => 0x61,
    MC_READ           => 0x30,
    MC_WRITE          => 0xA0,
    MC_TRANSFER       => 0xB0,
    MC_DECREMENT      => 0xC0,
    MC_INCREMENT      => 0xC1,
    MC_STORE          => 0xC2
  • MU

    MU_REQA           => 0x26,
    MU_WUPA           => 0x52,
    MU_SELECT1        => 0x93,
    MU_SELECT2        => 0x95,
    MU_READ           => 0x30,
    MU_WRITE          => 0xA2,
    MU_CWRITE         => 0xA0,
    MU_HALT           => 0x50
  • NMT

    NMT_ISO14443A     => 0,
    NMT_ISO14443B     => 1,
    NMT_FELICA        => 2,
    NMT_JEWEL         => 3,
    NMT_DEP           => 4
  • NBR

    NBR_UNDEFINED     => 0,
    NBR_106           => 1,
    NBR_212           => 2,
    NBR_424           => 3,
    NBR_847           => 4
  • NC

    NC_PN531          => 0x10
    NC_PN532          => 0x20
    NC_PN533          => 0x30


RFID::Libnfc RFID::Libnfc::Device RFID::Libnfc::TargetInfo RFID::Libnfc::Constants

< check also documentation for libnfc c library [ ] >




Copyright (C) 2009 by xant <>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.