add(%args) Register objects to container.

    package MyContainer;
    parent 'Micro::Container';

        'LWP::UserAgent' => [ agent => 'FooBar' ],
        JSON             => sub {
            my $c = shift;

=head2 remove(@names)
  Remove registered objects by name.

    MyContainer->unregister('JSON', 'LWP::UserAgent');

  Get registered method.

    my $json = MyContainer->get('JSON');

load_class($class, $prefix)
  Constructs a class name and "require" the class.

  Taken from Plack::Util.

    $class = MyContainer->load_class('Foo');                   # Foo
    $class = MyContainer->load_class('Baz', 'Foo::Bar');       # Foo::Bar::Baz
    $class = MyContainer->load_class('+XYZ::ZZZ', 'Foo::Bar'); # XYZ::ZZZ

AUTHOR xaicron <>

COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013 - xaicron

LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

SEE ALSO Object::Container.
