Changes for version 1.02 - 2025-03-04
- Added response_code to endpoint definition, which changes success code in generated OpenAPI
- Added 'schemas' method to resources as a special method executed before 'api' method is executed
- Not setting response in endpoint definition now assumes empty response (status 204)
- API Failures now use more specific HTTP response codes
- Changed how wrappers set their response schemas
- Status classes 4XX and 5XX are now used by built in wrappers
- Wrapper maps statuses to NXX, instead of N00 (for example 2XX instead of 200)
Reference to APIs with Whelk
Setting up Whelk inside Kelp
Whelk as a Kelp module
A friendly API framework based on Kelp
Exceptions for your API
Base class for formatters
Whelk's default OpenAPI generator class
Base Kelp controller for Whelk
Role for Whelk API resources
Whelk validation language
Base class for a Whelk type
Base class for wrappers
in lib/Whelk/
in lib/Whelk/
in lib/Whelk/Endpoint/
in lib/Whelk/Formatter/
in lib/Whelk/Formatter/
in lib/Whelk/
in lib/Whelk/Schema/Definition/
in lib/Whelk/Schema/Definition/
in lib/Whelk/Schema/Definition/
in lib/Whelk/Schema/Definition/
in lib/Whelk/Schema/Definition/
in lib/Whelk/Schema/Definition/
in lib/Whelk/Schema/Definition/
in lib/Whelk/Schema/Definition/
in lib/Whelk/Schema/Definition/
in lib/Whelk/Schema/
in lib/Whelk/
in lib/Whelk/Wrapper/
in lib/Whelk/Wrapper/