Data::Pokemon::Go - Data for every Pokemon in Pokemon Go


use Data::Pokemon::Go::Pokemon;
my $pg = Data::Pokemon::Go::Pokemon->new( name => 'カイリュー' );
print $pg->effective();    # こおり ドラゴン いわ フェアリー
print $pg->invalid();      # くさ みず むし じめん ほのお かくとう
print $pg->advantage();    # はがね でんき いわ
print $pg->disadvantage(); # むし かくとう ドラゴン くさ
print $pg->recommended();  # こおり いわ フェアリー

use Data::Pokemon::Go::IV;
my $iv = Data::Pokemon::Go::IV->new();
print $iv->_calculate_CP( name => $pg->name(), LV => 20, ST => 15, AT => 15, DF => 15 );
# 2167


Data::Pokemon::Go is the helper module for who has less knowledge about Pokemons


guessing the IVs from each infomations is not available
supporting Multi-language is not available
YAMLs for after Sinnoh Region are not available
Japanese documents are not available qiitaで日本語解説を少しだけ

I can't support all of the above with just only me alone. So, please PR!


Copyright (C) Yuki Yoshida.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Yuki Yoshida <>