Changes for version 2.00_05
- Fully working on mod_perl 2
- Using Exception::Class internally to handle exceptions instead of passing around return codes
- Added 'not_found' option to dispatch()
- Added more flexible error handling [Viacheslav Sheveliov]
- Improve mod_rewrite examples [Mark Stosberg]
- removed now unused variables [Viacheslav Sheveliov]
- speed up some of the rule-to-regex processing [Viacheslav Sheveliov]
Changes for version 2.00_04
- handler() now sends a 404 if the run mode can't be found either
- some environments don't set the PATH_INFO if it's blank, so handle that better
- added _get_cache() and _set_cache() protected methods to further help subclassing [Viacheslav Sheveliov, Michael Peters]
- now passing same args passed from dispatch() into dispatch_args() [Viacheslav Sheveliov, Michael Peters) ]
- Added built-in 404 page if no application is found to dispatch to. [Mark Stosberg]
Changes for version 2.00_03
- Added cache of REQUEST_URI -> dispatch mapping [Mark Stosberg, Michael Peters]
- fixed local args_to_new overrides [Mark Stosberg]
- added support for debug flag to dispatch() [Mark Stosberg]
Changes for version 2.00_02
- Added optional-variable tokens to dispatch tables
- added more docs and examples for dispatch tables
Changes for version 2.00_01
- Initial rewrite of new API and new dispatch table
Dispatch requests to CGI::Application based objects