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On::Event - Flexible event handling built on the power of AnyEvent


version v0.1.1


package Example;
use Any::Moose;
use On::Event;
with 'On::Event';
has_event 'ping';

package main;
my $example = Example->new;
$example->on( ping => sub { say "Got a ping!" } );
$example->on( ping => sub { say "Got another ping!" } );
$example->emit( "ping" ); # prints "Got a ping!" and "Got another ping!"
$example->remove_all_listeners( 'ping' );


This provides a simple and flexible event API, implemented on top of AnyEvent. The API is in the style of Node.js.


On::Event is implemented as a Moose Role. To add events to your object:

with 'On::Event';

It provides a helper declare what events your object supports:

use On::Event;

has_event 'event_name';
has_events qw( event1 event2 event3 );

Users of your class can now call the "on" method in order to register an event handler:

$obj->on( event1 => sub { say "I has an event;" } );

And clear their event listeners with:

$obj->remove_all_listeners( 'ping' );

You can trigger events from your class with the "emit" method:

$self->emit( "event1", "arg1", "arg2", "argn" );

You can remove the has_event and has_events helpers by unimporting On::Event:

no On::Event;

HELPERS (exported subroutines)

sub has_event( Array[Str] *@event_names ) is export
sub has_events( Array[Str] *@event_names ) is export

Registers your class as being able to emit the event names listed.


our method event_exists( Str $event ) returns Bool

Returns true if $event is a valid event name for this class.

our method on( Str $event, CodeRef $listener ) returns CodeRef

Registers $listener as a listener on $event. When $event is emitted ALL registered listeners are executed.

Returns the listener coderef.

our method once( Str $event, CodeRef $listener ) returns CodeRef

Registers $listener as a listener on $event. Event listeners registered via once will emit only once.

Returns the listener coderef.

our method emit( Str $event, Array[Any] *@args )

Normally called within the class using the On::Event role. This calls all of the registered listeners on $event with @args.

If you're using coroutines then each listener will get its own thread and emit will cede before returning.

our method remove_all_listeners( Str $event )

Removes all listeners for $event

our method remove_listener( Str $event, CodeRef $listener )

Removes $listener from $event

our method listeners( Str $event ) returns ArrayRef[CodeRef]

For a given event, returns an arrayref of listener coderefs. Editing this list will edit the listeners for this item.


This isn't an event loop, where one is needed, AnyEvent is used. The core module in this distribution isn't tied to any event loop at all.


While AnyEvent is a great event loop, it doesn't provide a standard mechnism for making and triggering your own events. This has resulted in everyone doing their own thing, usually in the style of Object::Event. In find the API and the limitations of this style (only one listener per event) vexxing. As such, this is my attempt at correcting the situation.

This is implemented as a Moose Role, so you can borrow event listening functionality for any class. It's implemented using Any::Moose, so if Moose is too heavy weight for you, you can just use Mouse.

The core API is borrowed from the well thought out one in Node.js. The bundled modules generally follow Node's lead unless there's a good reason not to. For instance, the timer class does not, as Node implements them as global functions.


sub unimport


Becca <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Rebecca Turner.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.