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On::Event - Flexible event handling over the power of AnyEvent


version v0.1.0


package Example;
use Any::Moose;
use On::Event;
with 'On::Event';
has_event 'ping';

package main;
my $example = Example->new;
$example->on( ping => sub { say "Got a ping!" } );
$example->on( ping => sub { say "Got another ping!" } );
$example->trigger( "ping" ); # prints "Got a ping!" and "Got another ping!"
$example->remove_all_listeners( 'ping' );


This provides a simple and flexible event API, implemented on top of AnyEvent. The API is in the style of Node.js.


On::Event is implemented as a Moose Role. To add events to your object:

with 'On::Event';

It provides a helper declare what events your object supports:

use On::Event;

has_event 'event_name';
has_events qw( event1 event2 event3 );

Users of your class can now call the "on" method in order to register an event handler:

$obj->on( event1 => sub { say "I has an event;" } );

And clear their event listeners with:

$obj->remove_all_listeners( 'ping' );

You can trigger events from your class with the "trigger" method:

$self->trigger( "event1", "arg1", "arg2", "argn" );

You can remove the has_event and has_events helpers by unimporting On::Event:

no On::Event;

HELPERS (exported subroutines)

sub has_event( Array[Str] *@event_names ) is export
sub has_events( Array[Str] *@event_names ) is export

Registers your class as being able to trigger the event names listed.


our method event_exists( Str $event ) returns Bool

Returns true if $event is a valid event name for this class.

our method on( Str $event, CodeRef $listener ) returns CodeRef

Registers $listener as a listener on $event. When $event is triggered ALL registered listeners are executed.

Returns the listener coderef.

our method trigger( Str $event, Array[Any] *@args )

Normally called within the class using the On::Event role. This calls all of the registered listeners on $event with @args.

If you're using coroutines then each listener will get its own thread and trigger will cede before returning.

our method remove_all_listeners( Str $event )

Removes all listeners for $event


Becca <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Rebecca Turner.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.