Catalyst::Plugin::ModCluster - Mod Cluster integration


    use Catalyst qw/ModCluster/;
    	URI => "",
		NodeName => "MyApp1",
		Host => "",
		Port => "3000",
		Type => "http",
		Context => "/myapp,/foo,/bar",
		Alias "",


Plugin registers application node with apache mod_cluster, which allows you to bring up new nodes in the cluster without modifying your load balancer configurations.

When application starts, it will automatically send information to your cluster, and if node dies, or getting turned off, plugin will update cluster with that information.

Official documentation for mod_cluster can be found here:


  • URI

    URI/address of your cluster, ex: "" you can pass an array of URI's if you have multiple mod_cluster machines, ie: URI => ["", ""] # or URI => "",""

  • NodeName

    Unique name of your applications node, ex: "myapp001"

  • Type

    Servers protocol (http/https) of your node, if left blank $c->engine->env->{ SERVER_PROTOCOL } will be used when possible, otherwise application will fail to start

  • Host

    Hostname or IP address of your node. ex:, if left blank, $c->engine->env->{ SERVER_ADDR } will be used when possible, otherwise application will fail to start

  • Port

    Port number of your application. ex: 8080, if left blank, $c->engine->env->{ SERVER_PORT } will be used when possible, otherwise application will fail to start

  • Context

    Array or comma separated list of contexts that you want to register with cluster, Context => ['/myapp', '/foo', '/bar'], # or Context => "/myapp,/foo,/bar"

  • Alias

    Server aliases that would be added to your apache virtual host on mod_cluster, if not specified, default one will be used ("CatalystApp")


Please report all bugs via github at


Roman Jurkov (winfinit) <>


Copyright (c) 2014 the Catalyst::Plugin::ModCluster "AUTHORS" as listed above.


This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.