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Text::CSV::Easy_XS - Easy (and fast) CSV parsing and building


Version 0.51


use Text::CSV::Easy_XS qw(csv_build csv_parse);

my @fields = csv_parse($string);
my $string = csv_build(@fields);


Text::CSV::Easy_XS is a simple module for parsing and building CSV lines. This module is written in XS, which is much faster than the PurePerl alternative (Text::CSV::Easy_PP). You can use Text::CSV::Easy directly and it will make the best decision on which module to use.

This module conforms to RFC 4180 ( for both parsing and building of CSV strings.

1. Use commas to separate fields. Spaces will be considered part of the field.
abc,def, ghi        => ( 'abc', 'def', ' ghi' )
2. You may enclose fields in quotes.
"abc","def"         => ( 'abc', 'def' )
3. If your field contains a line break, a comma, or a quote, you need to enclose it in quotes. A quote should be escaped with another quote.
"a,b","a\nb","a""b" => ( 'a,b', "a\nb", 'a"b' )
4. A trailing newline is acceptable (both LF and CRLF).
abc,def\n           => ( 'abc', 'def' )
abc,def\r\n         => ( 'abc', 'def' )

When building a string using csv_build, all non-numeric strings will always be enclosed in quotes.


csv_build( List @fields ) : Str

Takes a list of fields and will generate a csv string. This subroutine will raise an exception if any errors occur.

csv_parse( Str $string ) : List[Str]

Parses a CSV string. Returns a list of fields it found. This subroutine will raise an exception if a string could not be properly parsed.


Version 2

This module will be used by Text::CSV::Easy over the PurePerl version if the TCE_VERSION numbers match.


Note: this module is still in an *alpha* state. This has not been tested with threads. Use at your own risk.




Thomas Peters, <>


Copyright (C) 2013 by Thomas Peters

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.12.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.