Finance::Bank::IE - shared functions for the Finance::Bank::IE module tree
This module implements shared functions for Finance::Bank::IE::*
Take necessary steps to reset the object to a pristine state, such as deleting cached configuration, etc.
Return the WWW::Mechanize object currently in use, or create one if no such object exists.
$self->cached_config( [config] )
Get or set the cached config
$class = $self->_get_class()
Return the bottom level class of $self
$scrubbed = $self->_scrub_page( $content )
Scrub the supplied content for PII.
Save the current page if $ENV{SAVEPAGES} is set. The pages are anonymised before saving so that they can be used as test pages without fear of divulging any information.
$self->_streq( $a, $b )
Return $a eq $b; if either is undef, substitutes an empty string.
$self->_rebuild_tag( $html_tokeparser_decomposed_tag )
Return C<html_tokeparser_decomposed_tag> as a composed HTML tag.
$self->_dprintf( ... )
Print to STDERR using printf formatting if $ENV{DEBUG} is set.
Return a hashref of URLs & sentinel text to allow each page to be requested or identified. Format of each entry is a hash, 'url' => 'http://...', 'sentinel' => 'sentinel text'. Sentinel text will be used as-is in a regular expression match on the page content.
Identify the current page among C<$self->_pages()> hashref. Returns C<UNKNOWN> if no match is found.
$self->_get( url, [config] )
Get the specified URL, dealing with login if necessary along the way.
$self->_as_qif( $account_details_array_ref[, $type ] )
Render C<$account_details_array_ref> as QIF. I<Very> limited. Optional C<$type> is the type of account. C<$account_details_array_ref> should be an arrayref of hashrefs, each containing the date, the payee, and the amount. Negative amounts indicate debits.