Finance::Bank::IE::BankOfIreland - Interface to Bank of Ireland online banking


use Finance::Bank::IE::BankOfIreland;

# config
my $conf = { user => '', pin => '', contact => '', dob => '' };

# get balance from all accounts
my @accounts = Finance::Bank::IE::BankOfIreland->check_balance( $conf );

# get account transaction details
my @details = Finance::Bank::IE::BankOfIreland->account_details( $acct );

# list beneficiaries for an account
my $bene = Finance::Bank::IE::BankOfIreland->list_beneficiaries( $acct );

# transfer money to a beneficiary
my $tx = Finance::Bank::IE::BankOfIreland->funds_transfer( $from, $to, $amt );


Module to interact with BoI's 365 Online service.


Note that all functions are set up to act as methods (i.e. they all need to be invoked using F:B:I:B->method()). All functions also take an optional configuration hash as a final parameter.

login_dance( $config );

Logs in or refreshes the current session. The config parameter is a hash reference which is cached the first time it is used, so can be omitted thereafter. The contents of the hash are the login details for your 365 Online account:

  • user: your six-digit BoI user ID

  • pin: your six-digit PIN

  • contact: the last four digits of your contact number

  • dob: your date of birth in DD/MM/YYYY format

No validation is currently done on the format of the config items. The function returns true or false. Note that this function should rarely need to be directly used as it's invoked by the other functions as a first step.


Fetch all account balances from the account summary page. Returns an array of Finance::Bank::IE::BankOfIreland::Account objects.

*$self->account_details( account [,config] )
Return transaction details from the specified account
* $self->_parse_details( $content );
Parse the transaction listing page (C<content>) into an array ref
* $self->list_beneficiaries( account )
List beneficiaries of C<account>
* $self->funds_transfer( from, to, amount [,config] )
Transfer C<amount> from C<from> to C<to>, optionally using C<config> as the config data.
* $self->activate_beneficiary( $acct, $bene, $code )

Activate the specified beneficiary using the provided activation code.

* $self->parse_beneficiaries( content )
Parse the beneficiaries page (C<content>). Returns a bunch of accounts.
* $self->_set_pin_fields( $config )
Parse the last received page for PIN entry fields, and populate them with the PIN digits from C<$config>.
* $scrubbed = $self->_scrub_page( $content )
Scrub the supplied content for PII.

7 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 380:

Expected text after =item, not a bullet

Around line 458:

Expected text after =item, not a bullet

Around line 500:

Expected text after =item, not a bullet

Around line 566:

Expected text after =item, not a bullet

Around line 637:

Expected text after =item, not a bullet

Around line 743:

Expected text after =item, not a bullet

Around line 786:

Expected text after =item, not a bullet