Finance::Bank::IE - shared functions for the Finance::Bank::IE module tree


This module implements a few shared functions for Finance::Bank::IE::*

  • $self->reset()

    Take necessary steps to reset the object to a pristine state, such as deleting cached configuration, etc.
  • $self->_agent

    Return the WWW::Mechanize object currently in use, or create one if
    no such object exists.
  • $self->cached_config( [config] )

    Get or set the cached config
  • $class = $self->_get_class()

    Return the bottom level class of $self
  • $scrubbed = $self->_scrub_page( $content )

    Scrub the supplied content for PII.
  • $self->_save_page()

    Save the current page if $ENV{SAVEPAGES} is set. The pages are
    anonymised before saving so that they can be used as test pages
    without fear of divulging any information.
  • $self->_dprintf( ... )

    Print to STDERR using printf formatting if $ENV{DEBUG} is set.