LibJIT - Perl bindings for GNU LibJIT


use LibJIT qw/:all/;

my $ctx = jit_context_create;
jit_context_build_start $ctx;

my $sig = jit_type_create_signature jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_nint, [ jit_type_nint, jit_type_nint ], 1;
my $fun = jit_function_create $ctx, $sig;

my ($i, $j) = map jit_value_get_param($fun, $_), 0 .. 1;

my $prod = jit_insn_mul $fun, $i, $j;
jit_insn_return $fun, $prod;

jit_function_compile $fun;
jit_context_build_end $ctx;


As straightforward as bindings can be - every function and constant defined by the C library a Perl subroutine is exported.

Where C function takes a pointer and number of elements arguments, these were replaced by a single argument expecting an array reference. This should be straightforward in most cases, except, probably, jit_function_apply.

In C, jit_function_apply has this signature (see LibJIT documentation for description of each argument):

int jit_function_apply (jit_function_t func, void **args, void *return_area)

In Perl, args is represented as a reference to an array of strings, where each string contains binary representation of the argument produced by pack. return_area should be a scalar variable, when jit_function_apply returns it will be set to the binary representation of the return value, that can be decoded with unpack.

FFI::Raw in combination with jit_function_to_closure can be a cleaner way to call compiled functions.


GNU LibJIT home page and documentation:


Vickenty Fesunov, <>


Copyright (C) 2015 by Vickenty Fesunov.

The library is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. See the LICENSE file for details.