App::Wubot::Util::WebFetcher - fetch content from the web
version 0.3.10
use App::Wubot::Util::WebFetcher;
has 'fetcher' => ( is => 'ro',
isa => 'App::Wubot::Util::WebFetcher',
lazy => 1,
default => sub {
return App::Wubot::Util::WebFetcher->new();
my $content;
eval { # try
$content = $self->fetcher->fetch( $config->{url}, $config );
} or do { # catch
my $error = $@;
my $subject = "Request failure: $error";
$self->logger->error( $self->key . ": $subject" );
return { cache => $cache, react => { subject => $subject } };
Fetch data from a URL using LWP::UserAgent.
This utility class is designed to be used by wubot plugins in the classes App::Wubot::Plugin and App::Wubot::Reactor.
- $obj->fetch( $url, $config );
Fetches content from the specified URL.
If the fetch attempt fails, then this method will die with the error message. Plugins that wish to use this library should wrap the fetch() method in an eval block (see the example above).
The data fetched will be passed to utf8::encode().
The 'config' may contain the following settings:
- timeout
Number of seconds before the fetch times out. Defaults to 20 seconds.
- agent
The user agent string. Defaults to 'Mozilla/6.0'.
- user
User id for basic auth. See also 'pass'
- pass
Password for basic auth. See also 'user'.
- proxy
The proxy URL.
- decompress
If true, sets the Accept-Encoding using HTTP::message::decodable.