App::Wubot::Plugin::IRC - monitor IRC channels
version 0.3.10
server: remotehost
port: 6667
nick: wu
channel: #somechannel
port: 2345
nick: wu
channel: #ut3
password: supersecret
Monitor IRC. A message will be sent for the following events:
- connected
subject: connected
- disconnected
subject: disconnected
- no response to ping
subject: ping: no response received
A ping will be sent every 60 seconds. If no ping response is received, the connection will be terminated and automatic reconnect will begin.
- publicmsg
subject: {user}: {channel}: {text} text: message text channel: channel where message was sent username: nick of user who sent the message userid: full IRC username type: public
- privatemsg
subject: {user}: private: {text} text: message text username: nick of user who sent the private message userid: full IRC username type: private
- join
subject: join: {nick}: {channel} username: irc nickname that joined the channel channel: channel that was joined type: join
- part
subject: part: {nick}: {channel} username: irc nickname that parted the channel channel: channel that was parted type: part
- quit
subject: quit: {nick}: {message} username: irc nickname that parted the channel type: quit
- nick_change
subject: rename: {oldnick} => {newnick} username: original nickname before rename type: nick_change
- channel_topic
subject: topic: {channel} [[ {topic} ]] username: username who set channel topic channel: channel where topic was set type: topic