MooX::AttributeFilter - Implements 'filter' option for Moo-class attributes


version 0.001000


package My::Class {
    use Moo;
    use MooX::AttributeFilter;
    has field => (
        is     => 'rw',
        filter => 'filterField',
    has lazyField => (
        is      => 'rw',
        lazy    => 1,
        builder => sub { [1, 2, 3 ] },
        filter  => 1,
    has incremental => (
        is => 'rw',
        filter => sub {
            my $this = shift;
            my ($val, $oldVal) = @_;
            if ( @_ > 1 && defined $oldVal ) {
                die "incremental attribute value may only increase"
                    unless $val > $oldVal;
            return $_[0];
    sub filterField {
        my $this = shift;
        return "filtered($_[0])";
    sub _filter_lazyField {
        my $this = shift;
        my @a = @{$_[0]};
        push @a, -1;
        return \@a;

my $obj = My::Class->new( field => "initial" );
($obj->field eq "filtered(initial)")  # True!
$obj->lazyField;                      # [ 1, 2, 3, -1 ]
$obj->field( "value" );               # "filtered(value)"
$obj->incremental( -1 );              # -1
$obj->incremental( 10 );              # 10
$obj->incremental( 9 );               # dies...

$obj = My::Class->new( incremental => 1 ); # incremental is set to 1
$obj->incremental( 0 );                    # dies too.


The idea behind this extension is to overcome the biggest deficiency of coercion: its ignorance about the object it is acting for. Triggers are executed as methods but they don't receive the previous value and they're called after attribute is set.

A filter is a method which is called right before attribute value is about to be set and receives 1 or two arguments of which the first one is the new attribute value; the second one is the old value. Number of arguments passed depends on when the filter get called: on the construction stage it is one, and it is two when set manually. Note that in the latter case if it's the first time the attribute is set the old value would be undefined.

It is also worth mentioning that filter is called always when attribute is set, including initialization from constructor arguments or lazy builders. See the SYNOPSIS. In both cases filter gets called with a single argument.


package LazyOne {
    use Moo;
    use MooX::AttributeFilter;
    has lazyField => (
        is => 'rw',
        lazy => 1,
        default => "value",
        filter => sub {
            my $this = shift;
            say "Arguments: ", scalar(@_);
            return $_[0];

my $obj = LazyOne->new;
$obj->lazyField;        # Arguments: 1
$obj->lazyField("foo"); # Arguments: 2

$obj = LazyOne->new( lazyField => "bar" );  # Arguments: 1
$obj->lazyField( "foobar" );                # Arguments: 2

A filter method must always return a (possibly changed) value to be stored in the attribute.

Filter called before anything else on the attribute. Its return value is then subject for passing through isa and coerce.

Use cases

Filters are of the most use when attribute value (or allowed values) depends on other attributes of its object. The dependency could be hard (or isa-like) – i.e. when an exception must be thrown if value doesn't pass validation. Or it could be soft when by storing a vlue code suggest what it would like to see in the attribute but the resulting value might be changed depending on the current environment. For example:

package ChDir {
    use File::Spec;
    use Moo;
    extends qw<Project::BaseClass>;
    use MooX::AttributeFilter;
    has curDir => (
        is => 'rw',
        filter => 'chDir',
    sub chDir {
        my $this = shift;
        my ( $subdir ) = @_;
        return File::Spec->catdir(
            $this->testMode ? $this->baseTestDir : $this->baseDir,


* This module doesn't inflate into Moose.

* The code relies on very low-level functionality of Method::Generate family of modules. For this reason it may become incompatible with a future versions of the modules.


This module is a result of rejection to include filtering functionality into the Moo core. Since the reasoning behind the rejection was really convincing but the functionality is badly wanted I had no choices left... So, my great thanks to Graham Knopp <> for his advises, sample code, and Moo itself, of course!


Vadim Belman <>


This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Vadim Belman.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.