Net::Async::Spotify::Object::Generated::Episode - Package representing Spotify Episode Object
Autogenerated module. Based on Check
for more information.
Those are Spotify Episode Object attributes:
- audio_preview_url
Type:String Description:A URL to a 30 second preview (MP3 format) of the episode. null if not available.
- description
Type:String Description:A description of the episode. HTML tags are stripped away from this field, use html_description field in case HTML tags are needed.
- duration_ms
Type:Integer Description:The episode length in milliseconds.
- explicit
Type:Boolean Description:Whether or not the episode has explicit content (true = yes it does; false = no it does not OR unknown).
- external_urls
Type:ExternalUrlObject Description:External URLs for this episode.
- href
Type:String Description:A link to the Web API endpoint providing full details of the episode.
- html_description
Type:String Description:A description of the episode. This field may contain HTML tags.
- id
Type:String Description:The Spotify ID for the episode.
- images
Type:Array[ImageObject] Description:The cover art for the episode in various sizes, widest first.
- is_externally_hosted
Type:Boolean Description:True if the episode is hosted outside of Spotify’s CDN.
- is_playable
Type:Boolean Description:True if the episode is playable in the given market. Otherwise false.
- language
Type:String Description:Note: This field is deprecated and might be removed in the future. Please use the languages field instead. The language used in the episode, identified by a ISO 639 code.
- languages
Type:Array[String] Description:A list of the languages used in the episode, identified by their ISO 639 code.
- name
Type:String Description:The name of the episode.
- release_date
Type:String Description:The date the episode was first released, for example "1981-12-15". Depending on the precision, it might be shown as "1981" or "1981-12".
- release_date_precision
Type:String Description:The precision with which release_date value is known: "year", "month", or "day".
- restrictions
Type:EpisodeRestrictionObject Description:Included in the response when a content restriction is applied. See Restriction Object for more details.
- resume_point
Type:ResumePointObject Description:The user’s most recent position in the episode. Set if the supplied access token is a user token and has the scope user-read-playback-position.
- show
Type:SimplifiedShowObject Description:The show on which the episode belongs.
- type
Type:String Description:The object type: “episode”.
- uri
Type:String Description:The Spotify URI for the episode.