Alien::TALib - Perl extension to install TA-lib
Alien::TALib is a perl module that enables the installation of the technical analysis library TA-lib from "" on the system and easy access by other perl modules in the methodology cited by Alien::Base.
You can use it in the Build.PL
file if you're using Module::Build or Makefile.PL
file if you're using ExtUtils::MakeMaker.
my $talib = Alien::TALib->new;
die "ta-lib is not installed" unless $talib->is_installed;
my $build = Module::Build->new(
extra_compiler_flags => $talib->cflags(),
extra_linker_flags => $talib->libs(),
Installing ta-lib on various platforms can be a hassle for the end-user. Hence the modules like Finance::Talib and PDL::Finance::Talib may choose to use Alien::TALib for automatically checking and verifying that there are already existing installs of ta-lib on the system and if not, installing the ta-lib libraries on the system.
- new
This method finds an already installed ta-lib or can install it if not found or if the install is forced by setting the $Alien::TALib::FORCE variable to 1. The user can set TALIB_CFLAGS at runtime to override the cflags output of the object created with this function. The user can also set TALIB_LIBS at runtime to override the libs output of the object created with this function.
- cflags
This method provides the compiler flags needed to use the library on the system.
- libs
This method provides the linker flags needed to use the library on the system.
- ta_lib_config
This method returns the path of the ta-lib-config executable if it has been installed.
- is_installed
This method returns a boolean saying whether ta-lib has been installed or not.
- config
This method provides the access to configuration information for the library on the system. More information can be seen in the module Alien::TALib::ConfigData.
Setting this value to 1 before running Build.PL will force the download and re-install of the ta-lib library.
Setting these environment variables before running Build.PL will force these values to be used to provide the output of cflags() and libs() functions. In this case is_installed() will always return 1 and ta_lib_config() will always return undefined.
Setting this environment variable before running Build.PL will configure Alien::TALib::ConfigData to use this value as the install prefix of ta-lib if it is built and installed.
Vikas N Kumar <>
Copyright (C) 2013-2014. Vikas N Kumar <>. All Rights Reserved.
This is free software. YOu can redistribute it or modify it under the terms of Perl itself.