armadito-agent - command line interface script used for Armadito Agent.


armadito-agent --server <server> --task <task>

    --help                 this menu
    --wait|w               Sleep during given seconds.
    --debug|d  level       Activate debug mode with given level (0,1,2)
    --get-agentid          Get current agent id
    --get-schedulerid      Get current scheduler id

  Target definition options:
    --server server        Armadito Plugin for GLPI server URL

  Task selection options:
    --task task            Task to be executed
	--list-tasks           List supported tasks

  Antivirus selection options:
    --antivirus antivirus  Antivirus to be managed
	--list-avs             List supported antiviruses

  Enrollment options:
    --key|k enrollmentkey   Enrollment key string (format: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX)

  Configuration options:
    --conf-reload-interval=<SECONDS>   number of seconds between two
                                         configuration reloadings
  Network options:
    -P --proxy=PROXY               proxy address
    -u --user=USER                 user name for server authentication
    -p --password=PASSWORD         password for server authentication
    --ca-cert-dir=DIRECTORY        CA certificates directory
    --ca-cert-file=FILE            CA certificates file
    --no-ssl-check                 do not check server SSL certificate
    --timeout=TIME                 connection timeout, in seconds (180)


% armadito-agent --task "Enrollment"
% armadito-agent -s http://armadito-glpi --task "State"
% armadito-agent --server http://armadito-glpi --task "Getjobs"
% armadito-agent --task "Enrollment"
% armadito-agent --task "State"
% armadito-agent --task "GetJobs"
% armadito-agent --task "RunJobs" -w 5
% armadito-agent --task "Alerts"


armadito-agent is the command line interface for Armadito Agent.


Some options are available in a short form and a long form. For example, the two lines below are all equivalent:

% armadito-agent -s localhost
% armadito-agent --server localhost

Target definition options

-s, --server=URI

Send the results of tasks execution to given server.

In general, Armadito plugin URLs are like the following: http://servername/glpi/plugins/armadito/index.php

Task selection options


List all available tasks and exit


Run given task immediately.

See option --list-tasks for the list of available tasks.

Antivirus selection options


List all available antiviruses and exit


Manage the given Antivirus

See option --list-avs for the list of available antiviruses.

Enrollment options


Enrollment key string (format: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX).

Configuration options


SECONDS is the number of seconds between two configuration reloadings. Default value is 0, which means that configuration is never reloaded. Minimum value is 60. If given value is less than this minimum, it is set to this minimum. If given value is less than 0, it is set to 0.

Network options

-P, --proxy=PROXY

Use PROXY as HTTP proxy.

By default, the agent uses HTTP_PROXY environment variable.

-u USER, --user=USER

Use USER for server authentication.

-p, --password=PASSWORD

Use PASSWORD for server authentication.


CA certificates directory.


CA certificates file.


Do not check server SSL certificate.


Timeout for server connections.