The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.


backup your change to a tar.gz file.
list base files using our own methods (perl).
list change files using our own methods (perl).
cleanup your change.
run batch tests for aegis.
handle Aegis file changes in the change.
handle Aegis change_file_undo_command notification.
execute development builds.
execute development builds.
run tests for aegis in development.
run diff on files.
create new history for a file.
get old version of a file.
store history for a file.
query the history of a file.
commands to do at begining of integration.
run 3way merge on files.
add new files to the baseline.
create patches hook for Aegis.
hook for new project files.
run tests for aegis.
list extra files using our own methods (perl).
list missing files using our own methods (perl).
handle Aegis notifications.
list base files using our own methods (perl).
remove all change removed files.
restore all change removed files.
list source files using our own methods (perl).
find actual source file (according to search_path).
execute rule procedures.
run baseline tools.
run aspell on files for you.
grep multiple source files according to patterns.
parse log and operate on error files.
check recursivly for bad symlinks.
recursivly replace symlinks with the files they point to.
display dbdef object using CGI methods.
clean a database.
clean a database (standalone).
run a DBI/DBD console.
create a database according to a definition.
remove a database.
drop a database (standalone).
database definition editor application.
export a database to XML format.
fix a column up in a text table.
import a database from XML format.
perform periodic database maintainance.
run various sanity tests on data in a database.
run an object xml/rpc client.
simple perl helloworld demo program.
demo the usage of the FAM library.
demo Net::FTP capabilities.
demo the groff class.
simple demo of a Perl/Gtk+ program.
Demo capabilities of Module::Info.
demo the Meta::Tool::Less module.
what does your program do.
run an object xml/rpc server.
demo how to use strings correctly in Perl.
demo the Sys::Syslog module.
demo program for the module.
demo using XQL.
translate aegis path names for apache.
extract various information from development modules.
demo template toolkit parsing.
upload a module to CPAN.
distribute a set of sources/targets to a set of computers via various means.
list history of a module.
commit file(s) to history.
list history of a module.
Cmd line tool for checking DocBook files.
debug a java program in base fashion.
run a Java program in base fashion.
demo Meta::Lang::Lily::InfoParser capabilities.
check all perl source files in the baseline.
check a single perl source file.
debug a perl program in base fashion.
make a graph to visualize Perl aspects.
print manual pages for perl executables.
create perl manifests.
check that perl package memebers match a certain re.
get an XML list of all perl packages.
fix pods in perl files.
profile a perl program.
run a perl program.
run perl in module tests.
check XML files for you.
print statistics about a pgn file.
show statistics from my private xml chess database.
manage a chess database.
export contact information in various formats.
show statistics about contacts xml database.
user interface for the contacts database.
manipulate the dbman db.
search for manual pages in the manual page database.
import manual pages into the dbman database.
install manual pages to a dbman system.
display a manual page from the Dbman database.
provide you with a signature fit for an email.
emit vcard type information from author information.
convert evolution contact databases to xml.
convert XML/contacts file to evolution type contacts.
show books out on a loan.
show statistics regarding XML/lit file.
find duplicate files in XML/md5 type files.
import directory md5 data into a database.
produce XML/md5 for sets of files.
remove files that their md5 is in a current XML/MD5 file.
what does your program do.
find a person in the movie db.
get data from imdb.
import movie data from an XML file.
show movies out on a loan.
show statistics from my private xml movie database.
update director/movie imdb ids for not known ones.
show statistics from my private xml music database.
run the Pdmt system.
run a test on Pdmt.
download images from the web.
give names according to directories.
give serial names to files.
import images in directories to database.
view multiple image files.
remove small images from a list of images.
view a single image file.
user interface for the Pics project.
show statistics about shows I've seen.
user interface for the Thumbnail project.
import images in a directory to a thumbnail database.
show statistics regarding XML/todo file.
convert text lines describing todo/done items to XML/todo.
translate DOS text files to UNIX text files.
move multiple files according to filter.
recursivly remove empty directories.
remove empty lines from files.
remove files according to size.
remove files specified in standard input.
stat files and give you info.
translate UNIX text files to DOS text files.
wrap text files.
cleanout an ftp site.
copy part of the development tree with dependencies.
upload a web site.
test the external Term::ANSIColor module.
test the external Archive::Tar module.
test the external MIME::Base64 module.
test the Data::DumpXML module.
test the external Date::Manip module.
test the external Date::Parse module.
test the external DBI module.
test suite for the external DirHandle module.
test the XML::Dumper module.
test the external module.
test the external Net::FTP module.
test the external XML::Generator module.
test the external Gnome module.
test the external Gtk module.
testing program for the module.
test the external KDE module.
test the external DBI/Mysql module.
test the external Oracle/DBI module.
test the external XML::Parser module.
test the external Pod::Checker module.
test the external DBI/Postgress module.
testing program for the module.
test the external Term::ReadLine module.
test the external Mail::Sendmail module.
test the external Data::ShowTable module.
test the external Time::Object module.
test the external Time::Timezone module.
test the external Convert::UU module.
testing program for the module.
test the external XML::DOM::ValParser module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
test suite for the Meta::Baseline::Test module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
test suite for the Meta::Development::TestInfo module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
test suite for the Meta::Lang::Perl::Perl module.
testing program for the module.
test suite for the Meta::Lang::Perl::Upload module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
test suite for the Meta::Sql::Stat module.
test suite for the Meta::Sql::Stats module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
test the Meta::Utils::File::File module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
test client/server communication.
test client/server communication.
test import/export database utilities.
test that every file in the baseline is from some language.
run module tests.
test client/server communication.
run perl unit tests.
test client/server communication.
testing program for the module.
testing program for the module.
demo the XmlTree widget.


Tar archive module.
extended Archive::Tar class.
library to encapsulate aegis interface in perl scripts.
library to provide utilities to handle architecture details.
module to do cleanup of a change.
library to give out cook related information to perl scripts.
module to help to sort through all available languages.
language for Aegis files.
doing public key stuff in the baseline.
doing Aspell specific stuff in the baseline.
language for XML files.
language for Berkeley DB files.
language for binary files.
library to handle C++ stuff in the baseline.
language for chec files.
language for SGML chunk files.
language for Java class files.
language for XML files.
language for cook files.
language for HTML Cascading Style Sheets.
doing Cxxx specific stuff in the baseline.
doing data specific stuff in the baseline.
language for XML files.
language for deps files.
language for special directory tags.
language for dll files.
handle Dsls in the project.
handle DTDs in the project.
language for DVI files.
language for XML files.
language for Gzip files.
doing data specific stuff in the baseline.
language for GNU info files.
doing Java specific stuff in the baseline.
language for XML files.
language for Latex files.
language for library files.
doing Lilypond specific stuff in the baseline.
language for Lyx files.
language for manual page files.
language for Midi files.
language for Microsoft Interchange Format files.
language for Nroff files.
language for object files.
language for package files.
doing patch specific stuff in the baseline.
handle PDFs in the project.
doing Perl specific stuff in the baseline.
language for GNU pgn files.
language for PNG files.
language for Postscript files.
language for Python Byte Code files.
doing Python specific stuff in the baseline.
doing data specific stuff in the baseline.
language for Rich Text Format files.
doing Rule specific stuff in the baseline.
doing Sgml specific stuff in the baseline.
handle SWIG in the project.
language for target (cook) files.
doing Template specific stuff in the baseline.
language for Tex files.
doing Text specific stuff in the baseline.
language for XML files.
language for XSLT files.
library to do correct rsh execution on machines.
module to help to sort through all available languages.
library to help you with testing.
library to provide utilities to baseline software.
CGI script to help you in browsing patch files.
a chess board.
data structure that represents a chess game.
object that describes a chess move.
this is a chess piece.
a chess position object.
object which encapsulates a side in a chess game.
a state of a chess game.
chess position tuple object.
add capabilities to Class::MethodMaker.
object which does an xml/rpc client.
a Frontier::Daemon server extension.
extend the SOAP client.
a SOAP server class.
TCP/IP server class.
XML/RPC client.
XML/RPC server.
Object to store a definition of a connection to a database.
Object to store a definition of mutiple connection to a database.
readline console for DBI/DBD databases.
a single multi-field constraint object.
store a list of constraints.
an extension of the regular DBI module.
Object to store a definition for a database.
Object to store enumeration data.
Object to store a hash of Enum objects for a database.
Object to store a definition of a field in a database.
Object to store a hash of Enum objects for a database.
Handle basic operations that can be done on a database.
info class needed for SQL operations.
Enum or Set member.
Perl module to create a database for you.
Object to store a hash of Parent objects for a database.
checks for db related reserved words.
Object to store set data.
Object to store a hash of Enum objects for a database.
Object to store a definition of a table in a database.
Object to store a hash of Enum objects for a database.
Object to store a database type information in it.
Object to store a definition for a database user.
Object to store a hash of User objects for a database.
projects dependency graph object.
module to handle errors from tools.
link information for a single target object.
an array of targets to link.
a single development module.
single package file object.
object which represents a patch.
provide information about the testing environment.
object to inherit verbose objects from.
handle a version number in development.
a collection of MD5 signatures for files.
extend the standard Digest::MD5 module.
upload a module to cpan.
distribute a list of files to other machines.
Object to store a definition of a file to be distributed.
Object to store a definition of a list of files to distribute.
Object to store a definition of a machine in the network.
Object to store a definition of a list of machines to distribute to.
data structure that represents a array table.
data structure that represents a array table connected.
a baseclass for children of a data strcuture.
data structure that represents a graph.
data structure that represents a 1-1 hash table.
Object to store enumeration data.
enumerated class.
data structure that represents a graph.
data structure that represents a hash table.
Ordered hash data structure with parent conectivity.
Ordered hash data structure.
Ordered hash data structure.
data structure that represents a set.
data structure that represents a stack.
data structure that represents a string.
an object representing absolute time.
a 2d position.
a 3d position.
enhance Graph::Directed.
Meta extensions to Image::Magick.
module to help you get information from IMDB.
Address information object.
affiliation information object.
object oriented author personal information.
handle a single certificate information.
credit information about a piece of work.
an email message encapsulation.
object oriented user information.
encapsulate VCARD type data manipulation.
handle external library dependencies.
module to run C++ executables for you.
supply parameters about DocBook usage.
help you with HTML related tasks.
parser for Lilypond general info.
module to help you handle perl dependency information.
module to help with dynamically working with perl interfaces.
tool to ease interaction with Perl.
store information for a perl package.
store information for a perl packages.
Translate pod into DocBook.
automatically upload a module to cpan.
handle Python related tasks in the baseline.
help you with Sgml related tasks.
handle Template Toolkit tasks.
help you with xml related tasks.
matrix class.
save minimum and maximum values for sets of numbers.
pad numbers with zeros.
Data structure to describe a list of ranges.
extend Module::Info.
movie database person infomation.
object to store information needed to build a target.
a node representing a file.
data structure that represents a Pdmt graph.
a super class for PDMT communication with SCS systems.
a collection of Pdmt handlers.
Pdmt module which listen to commands.
A PDMT graph node.
this is the pdmt object (master).
manual page db object.
a single section in a Dbman.
a single revision of a source file entry.
an object representing full revision history.
an object which encapsulates a single SQL statement.
a module which encapsulates a set of SQL statements.
tool to ease interaction with Aegis.
run aspell for you to check spelling.
handle running Peter Millers c_incl tool.
library to run tar for archiving.
run docbook2 tool.
ease running Doc++ for you.
module to run doxygen for you.
this module will help you deal with dvi files.
library to activate your faivorite editor.
module to help you deal with Fhist.
tool for running gcc.
run groff for you.
call gzip for you.
run jade for various stuff.
library to run Jar.
run the less pager for you.
take care of running Lilypond for you.
run nm and give you the results.
run nsgmls for you.
run onsgmls for you.
run open jade for various stuff.
handle running Robodoc for you.
library to run the RPM tool for package creation.
run old sgmltools sgml2 tools.
run sgmlcheck for you (from sgmltools).
run sgmltools for you.
run sgmltools-lite for you.
library to run tar for archiving.
run xmllint to check xml files.
module to help you checking argument types to methods/functions.
give you options to color the text you're writing.
handle debug of perl scripts in base.
Handle dos to UNIX conversions.
utilities to let you access the environment variables.
utility for generate a list of all the files under a certain dir.
library to help you copy files.
library to do stuff on directories in the file system.
library to do operations on files.
object to encapsulate a file system.
library to handle group possessions.
iterate files in directories.
iterate files in directories.
collecting files recursivly which match a pattern.
library to help you make directories.
library to help you move files.
module to handle path names.
library to help you chmod files and test file properties.
utility for recursivly removing empty directories.
package that eases removal of files and directories.
module to help you deal with symbolic links.
library to help you with file time stamps.
library to help you touch files.
various utilities to help you with file handles.
general base utility library for many hash functions.
general library for list functions.
library to handle copying of files from machine to machine.
object to enhance Net::FTP.
library to handle net host names.
library to handle mail deliveries.
library to handle making of directories on remote machines.
library to handle removing of files on remote machines.
utilities to let you manipulate option files.
Module to help you analyze command line arguments.
Object to store a definition for a command line option.
write output messages to console.
library to help you parse text files.
utilities to handle pc junk.
routines regarding pid's.
give you the name of the current script.
progress reporter which will be enhanced later.
string related methods.
A module to help with running other programs.
check text files for various attributes.
counter number of regexp matches in a file.
library to do operations on sets of lines.
do the same job as cmd line uniq.
provide services to read and write headed, field delimited text files.
module to let you access dates and times.
handle Unix weird stuff.
misc utility library for many functions.
add some capabilities to GraphViz.
widget to edit database connection informatin.
widget to show you parts of the file system.
a CList widget that displays result of an SQL query.
extend Gtk tree to show results of a set of SQL tables.
widget to show/edit XML::DOM objects.
XML/DOM parser.
Object to parse an XML/author file.
object to derive XML parsers from.
an XML checker class.
Object to collect full XML elements.
Object to parse an XML definition of Connections object.
parser which imports into a database.
Object to parse an XML definition of a database.
dependency analyzer for XML files.
an XML/DOM parser class.
Object to parse an XML definition of a graph.
parser for XML/links files.
object to import movie XML data into a database.
Object to parse an XML/perlpkgs file.
find type of an XML file.
extend XML::ValidWriter.
XML::Writer with some extra stuff.