SQL::Abstract::Plugin::CaseExpr - Case Expression support for SQLA2!
# pass this to anything that SQLA will render
# arrayref b/c order matters
{ -case => [
# if/then is a bit more familiar than WHEN/THEN
if => { sales => { '>' => 9000 } },
# scalars default to bind params
then => 'Scouter Breaking'
if => { sales => { '>' => 0 } },
then => 'At least something'
# if the final node does not contain if, it's the ELSE clause
'How did this happen?'
# CASE WHEN sales > 9000 THEN ? WHEN sales > 0 THEN ? ELSE ? END
# [ 'Scouter Breaking', 'At least something', 'How did this happen?' ]
This is a work in progress to support CASE expressions in SQLA2
Using with DBIx::Class
In order to use this with DBIx::Class, you simply need to apply the DBIC-SQLA2 plugin, and then your SQLMaker will support this syntax!
New Syntax
-case node
The entry point for the new handling is the -case node. This takes an arrayref of hashrefs which represent the branches of the conditional tree, and optionally a final entry as the default clause.
The hashrefs must have the following two keys:
- if
The condition to be checked against. It is processed like a WHERE clause.
- then
The value to be returned if this condition is true. Scalars here default to -value, which means they are taken as bind parameters