
Copyright (C) 2008 by Nik Ogura. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

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use CGI::Lazy;

our $q = CGI::Lazy->new({

				tmplDir 	=> "/templates",

				jsDir		=>  "/js",

				plugins 	=> {

					mod_perl => {

						PerlHandler 	=> "ModPerl::Registry",

						saveOnCleanup	=> 1,


					ajax	=>  1,

					dbh 	=> {

						dbDatasource 	=> "dbi:mysql:somedatabase:localhost",

						dbUser 		=> "dbuser",

						dbPasswd 	=> "letmein",

						dbArgs 		=> {"RaiseError" => 1},


					session	=> {

						sessionTable	=> 'SessionData',

						sessionCookie	=> 'frobnostication',

						saveOnDestroy	=> 1,

						expires		=> '+15m',




my $recordset = $q->db->recordset({

		table		=> 'detail',  #table where records are coming from

		fieldlist	=> [

					{name => 'detail.ID', #name of field

						hidden => 1}, #do not display to screen.  Recordset cant do any operations on fields that are not a part of itself, however all fields need not be displayed

					{name => 'invoiceid', 

						hidden => 1},

					{name => 'prodCode', 

						label => 'Product Code', 

						validator => {rules => ['/\d+/'], msg => 'number only, and is required'}}, #validator for filed.  msg is not implemented at present.

					{name 		=> 'quantity', 

						label 		=> 'Quantity', 

						validator 	=> {rules => ['/\d+/'], msg => 'number only, and is required'},

						outputMask	=> "%.1f", #formatting to data applied on output to browser


					{name => 'unitPrice', 

						label 		=> 'Unit Price' , 

						validator 	=> {rules => ['/\d+/'], msg => 'number only, and is required'},

						inputMask	=> "%.1f", #formatting to data applied on input to database


					{name => 'productGross', 

						label => 'Product Gross' , 

						validator => {rules => ['/\d+/'], msg => 'number only, and is required'}},

					{name => 'prodCodeLookup.description', 

						label => 'Product Description', 

						readOnly => 1 }, #readOnly values display to the screen, but never get written to the db


		basewhere 	=> '',  #baseline where clause for the select query.  this is used in all selects, even if 'where is set later.

		joins		=> [ #table joins

					{type => 'inner', table	=> 'prodCodeLookup', field1 => 'prodCode', field2 => 'prodCodeLookup.ID',},


		orderby		=> 'detail.ID',  #order by clause for select wuery

		primarykey	=> 'detail.ID', #primary key for recordset.  This value is looked for for all updates and deletes

		insertdefaults  => {

			unitprice        => {

				value => 'lots',

				handle	=> $ref,


			invoiceid         => {

				sql     => 'select something.nextval from dual',
				primarykey	=> 1,




my $thing = $q->ajax->dataset({

		id		=> 'detailBlock',

		type		=> 'multi',

		template	=> "UsbInternalPOCDetailBlock.tmpl",

		lookups		=> {

				prodcodeLookup  => {

					sql 		=> 'select ID, description from prodCodeLookup', 

					preload 	=> 1,

					orderby		=> ['ID'],

					output		=> 'hash',

					primarykey	=> 'ID',




		recordset	=> $recordset,



CGI::Lazy::DB::Recordset is a container object for handling a set of records pulled out of a database. The big difference between using the Recordset object and just using a standard query is the Recordset, with it's defined internal structure allows for automated transformations to the data. The object builds the queries on the fly, and remembers where it got all the data in question, so it can edit it and put it back. Much of this functionality is seen in the Ajax::Dataset object, for which the Recordset object was originally written.


basewhere ()

Returns the basewhere string for the recordset.

createSelect ()

Creates the Select statement out of the structure of the Recordset.

data ()

Returns data reference from Recordset. Will always be present, but will be empty until select() is called.

delete ( data )

Deletes records with primary keys in data.


Hashref who's keys are the primary keys of the records to be deleted.

displayOnly ( field )

Returns true if field has displayOnly key set to a true value.


name of field to test

db ()

Returns reference to CGI::Lazy::DB object

fieldlist ()

Returns array ref of field list with which recordset was built.

handle ( field )

Returns reference used as handle to value of field.


Name of field who's handle to retrieve

hidden ( field )

Returns true if field in question has been set to hidden


name of field to test

inputMask ( field )

Returns inputMask for field of given name, if one has been set.


Name of field to test.

insert ( data, vars )

Inserts data modified by vars into table accessed by Recordset.


Hashref of data to be inserted. Each key corresponds to a row of data


modifiers for data to be inserted


Returns reference of additional information to be inserted with each new record


Returns reference of default values to be inserted with each new record


Returns either list or arrayref of joins for Recordset

label ( field )

Returns label set for field, or name of field if no label has been specified


field name to test.

new ( vars )



Hashref with construction properties.




	where => $where, 

	orderby => $order by, 

	primarykey => $keyfield, 

	fieldlist => [{name => 'fieldname', label => 'some field'}] 



string. name of table


string. where clause


string. orderby clause


field name of primary key for table


array ref. list of fields with their attributes

noLabel ( field )

Returns true if field in question has been set with the noLabel option


Name of field to test.

orderby ( sql )

returns or sets the order by clause


sql string

outMask ( field )

Returns outputMask set for field.


Name of field to test.

multipleFiled ( field )

Returns true if field in question has multipleField option set (i.e. it's supposed to turn up on the mulitple record screen)


Name of field to test.


Returns arrayref or array of fields flagged to show up on multiple records page


Returns arrayref or array of labels for fields chosen to appear on multiple record pages.

primarykey ( fieldname )

returns or sets the primary key for the object


The name of the field in the database

q ()

returns reference to CGI::Lazy object.

readfunc ( field )

Returns readfunction set for field in question, if any.


field to be tested.

readOnly ( field )

Returns true if field in question has been set to readOnly.


field to be tested

select ()

Runs select query based on $self->createSelect, fills $self->{_data}, and returns same.

If where clause is set up with bind placeholders, and select is called with bind variables as arguments, it will bind them and be safe from injection. if called with straight up variables from the net, it will be vulnerable. As you will.

table( tablename )

gets or sets the table queried



update ( data, vars )

Updates fields in data, modified by vars


Hashref of data. Each key is the primary key off a record, and the value is a hash whose keys are fieldnames and values are field contents.


modifiers to data

updateadditional ()

Returns updateadditional information for recordset.

updatedefaults ()

Returns updatedefaults information for recordset

validator ( field )

Returns validator hashref for field.


Name of field to be tested.

verify ( value )

Untaints and returns true only if the given string is a field included in the database

Due to the dynamic nature of the Ajax objects, it's not possible to bind all variables coming in from the web. This is not ideal. However, we can guard from sql injection attacks by refusing to include strings that contain characters beyond A-Za-z0-9_-, and verify that the field in question is part of your recordset. If your database structure has special characters in it's table names, go out back and hit yourself with a brick. Shame on you.

visibleFieldLabels ()

Returns array or arrayref of labels for non-hidden fields.


Returns array or arrayref of field names that are not hidden


gets or sets the where clause



writefunc ( field )

Returns writefunc set for field.


field to be tested