#=========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2008 by Nik Ogura. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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use CGI::Lazy; our $q = CGI::Lazy->new({ tmplDir => "/templates", jsDir => "/js", plugins => { mod_perl => { PerlHandler => "ModPerl::Registry", saveOnCleanup => 1, }, ajax => 1, dbh => { dbDatasource => "dbi:mysql:somedatabase:localhost", dbUser => "dbuser", dbPasswd => "letmein", dbArgs => {"RaiseError" => 1}, }, session => { sessionTable => 'SessionData', sessionCookie => 'frobnostication', saveOnDestroy => 1, expires => '+15m', }, }, }); =head1 DESCRIPTION
Module for handling the wierdness that entails when you move from normal cgi scripting into the wonderful world of mod_perl.
The mod_perl object needs to know which response handler is being used. This is a manditory argument.
Sessions are saved in a cleanup handler by default, as well as when the Lazy object is destroyed. (call me paranoid) If you wish to disable the mod_perl handler save, set saveOnCleanup => 0. If it's not set, it's the same as if it was set to 1.
Mod_perl cleanup handler for saving session data. Called automatically if using both mod_perl and session plugins.
new ( q )
CGI::Lazy object
vars ()
Returns mod_perl object settings from config.