Tk::DBI::DBGrid - grid for browse and edit database.
use DBI;
use Tk;
use Tk::DBI::DBGrid;
my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dbhstr, $name, $pas, {AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 0}) or die DBI::errstr;
my $w = $MW->Toplevel(-title => 'dbgrid');
my $sql = "SELECT field0, field1, field2 FROM table0";
# read only
my $grid = $w->DBGrid( -dbh => $dbh, -sql => $sql )->pack;
# with edit, without INSERT and DELETE
my @pkey = ('field0');
my $upd = sub {
my @row = @_;
..... # any kod before UPDATE, if need
$dbh->do("UPDATE table0 SET WHERE field0 = $row[0]");
..... # any kod after UPDATE, if need
0; # zero is nnecessary for future ðåàëèçàöèé
my $grid = $w->DBGrid( -dbh => $dbh, -sql => $sql, -maxrow => 10, -edit => 1,
-pkey => \@pkey, -updfunc => $upd, -font => 'Courier 10' )->pack;
# with INSERT, DELETE and formating sells
my @pkey = ('field0');
my @cell;
$cell[0]{width} = 5;
$cell[0]{edit} = 0; # primary key need read only
$cell[1]{width} = undef; # width field read from table
$cell[1]{edit} = 1;
$cell[2]{width} = 7;
$cell[2]{edit} = 1;
$cell[2]{justify} = 'left';
my $ins = sub {
my @row = @_;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO table0 (field0, field1, field2) VALUES ($row[0], $row[1], $row[2])");
my $upd = sub {
my @row = @_;
$dbh->do("UPDATE table0 SET WHERE field0 = $row[0]");
my $del = sub {
my ($pkey) = @_;
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM table0 WHERE field0 = $pkey");
my %fkey;
$fkey{ins} = 'Key-F5';
$fkey{del} = 'Key-F8';
my $grid = $w->DBGrid( -dbh => $dbh, -sql => $sql, -maxrow => 10, -edit => 1,
-pkey => \@pkey, -insfunc => $ins, -updfunc => $upd, -delfunc => $del,
-font => 'Courier 10', -cellformat =>\@cell, -fkeys => \%fkey )->pack(-fill => 'x');
DBGrid allows to browse/edit any table to which a query can be applied. The query may join several tables.
Edit table
Every record should be monosemantically defined by some field perfoming a primary key function for editing. So as to transfer changes to the database one may use the functions, pointers to which have been delivered to the constructor ( -insfunc, -updfunc & -delfunc ). The functions themselves are described in the basic program text. If a pointer is not for delivering or undef is transferred the action is not worked up. If the key words of group operation or UNION are found in the query, DBGrid will turn to browse mode ( -edit => 0 ). The data are not refreshed after calling functions in this DBGrid version.
Formating cells
Table parameters define every field parameter of reflection (the length and type - char, numeric or others - are read). Editing for the field defined through -pkey is inaccessible. All DBGrid cells are the control elements Label or Entry and after visibility one may rule them separately, for example $grig->{rowframee}->[$i][$j]->configure( -font => 'Courier 12').
- -dbh
contains database handle object. It is a required item.
- -sql
contains query, DBGrid defines the result of which. The result of the query is inserted into the array $grid->{table}->{data}->[row_number][field_number]. This array is zero based. It is a required item.
- -maxrow
defines the maximum quantity of records displayed in the DBGrid. Default is 10.
- -edit
defines the mode DBGrid being reflected (it must be 0 for browse mode or 1 for edit mode). Default is 0.
- -pkey
must be defined for edit mode. If -pkey is not defined or its meaning is not found in the query then edit => 0.
- -incfunc
defines the pointer to the function which is called for a new record insertion. The array containing the record for insertion into table is transferred to the function. The sequence of the fields is the same as it is in the received query through -sql. If the function is not defined a new record will not be added. Default is undef.
- -updfunc
serves as -insfunc but with one difference: when it means undef it still allows to change cell contents although these changes are not transferred to the database. Default is undef.
- -delfunc
serves as -insfunc.
- -font
Specifies the font used in cells. Since the width of the elements Entry & Label is set in symbols the font must be monospaced, for example Courier. Default value is 'Courier 9'.
- -cellformat
Specifies the pointer to the array the first element of which defines the field number and the second one is an item of field formating. width is a field width in symbols, edit sets the possibility of editing this field (and so -edit => does), justify defines the text position in the cell (it must be one of left, center, right).
- -fkeys
Specifies the hash pointer where new key combinations of record insertion and deleting are kept. The insertion of a new record is kept in the {ins}. The deleting of a current one is kept in the {del}. If the meaning of -fkeys is not defined one should set F5 for inserting and F8 for deleting.
dbgrid, entry, label, database, table
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 36:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'ðåàëèçàöèé'. Assuming CP1252