

use Data::Dumper;
use IO::EPP::Base;

sub make_request {
    my ( $action, $params ) = @_;

    unless ( $params->{conn} ) {
        # need to connect

        my %sock_params = (
            PeerHost        => '',
            PeerPort        => 700,
            SSL_key_file    => 'key.pem',
            SSL_cert_file   => 'cert.pem',
            Timeout         => 30,

        $params->{user} = 'login';
        $params->{pass} = 'xxxxx';

        $params->{sock_params} = \%sock_params;

        $params->{test_mode} = 1; # use emulator

        # $params->{no_log} = 1; # 1 if no logging

        # enter a name if you need to specify a file for the log
        # $params->{log_name} = '/var/log/comm_epp_example.log';

        # use our function for logging
        $params->{log_fn} = sub { print " logger:\n$_[0]\n" };

    return IO::EPP::Base::make_request( $action, $params );

my ( $answ, $msg, $conn_obj ) = make_request( 'check_domains', { domains => [ '', '', '' ] } );

print Dumper $answ;


$VAR1 = {
      'msg' => 'Command completed successfully.',
      '' => {
                     'avail' => '1'
      '' => {
                       'reason' => 'in use',
                       'avail' => '0'
      'code' => '1000',
      '' => {
                     'avail' => '1'


Module for common EPP-functions, without extension (dnssec only).

The module can be used to work with any provider, if the requests do not use extensions and the provider does not have its own features

It has two options: using a separate function call or working as an object



See IO:EPP for description

An example of working with functions is presented in the synopsis

Work checked on CentralNic server


action name;

parameters of query


io::epp object

or, in list context:

( full answer with code and message, string with code and message, io::epp object )

An Example:

my ( $answer, $message, $conn_object ) = make_request( 'hello', \%login_params );


Gereration ID for contacts


no params


new id


Authinfo Generation


length of authInfo, default 16 symbols


new authInfo



Create new IO::EPP object, аutomatically connects to the provider and logins.

Example of a call

# Parameters for L<IO::Socket::SSL>
my %sock_params = (
    PeerHost => '',
    PeerPort => 700,
    SSL_key_file  => $path_to_ssl_key_file,
    SSL_cert_file => $path_to_ssl_cert_file,
    Timeout  => 30,

# initialization of an object, during which login is called
my $o = IO::EPP::Base->new( {
    sock_params => \%sock_params,
    user        => $login_name,
    pass        => $login_password,
    log_name    => '/var/log/comm_epp_registry_name',
} );

# call check of domains
my ( $answ, $code, $msg ) = $o->check_domains( { domains => [ '' ] } );

undef $o; # call logout() и DESTROY() of object


package name, parameters.

Connection parameters:

user – login;

pass – password;

tld – zone for providers that have a binding in it, for example, verisign;

server – server name if the registry has different servers with different extensions, for example, pir/afilias for afilias;

sock_params – hashref with IO::Socket::SSL parameters;

test_mode – use a real connection or registry emulator.

Parameters for logging:

no_log – do not write anything to the log;

log_name – write log in this file, not in STDOUT;

log_fn – ref on functions to write to the log.


io::epp object or array ( object, login code, login message )

If the connection or authorization failed, the response will contain zero instead of an object


Writes data to the log or calls the function specified when creating the object

By default, the log is written: date and time, pid of the process, name and body of the request:

Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1111
pid: 12345
check_domains request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0 epp-1.0.xsd">
   <domain:check xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0 domain-1.0.xsd">

Thu Feb  2 02:02:22 2222
pid: 12345
check_domains answer:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">
<result code="1000">
<msg>Command completed successfully.</msg>
<resData><domain:chkData xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0">
<domain:cd><domain:name avail="1"></domain:name></domain:cd>
<domain:cd><domain:name avail="1"></domain:name></domain:cd>
<domain:cd><domain:name avail="0"></domain:name><domain:reason>in use</domain:reason></domain:cd>


For replace "req" in test mode


Request to registry


out_data – body of request;

info – name of request for log.

OUTPUT: answer from registry.


Universal handler for simple answer


request body;

request name;

check or not epp poll, default is 0


answer, may contain the object's name, id, creation and/or expiration date, client-side transaction id, and registry id;

answer code;

answer message, if there is an error in the response, an additional reason for the error may be passed along with the message.

An Example:

# answer for create_contact:

    'msg' => 'Command completed successfully.',
    'cont_id' => 'sxsup8ehs000',
    'cre_date' => '2020-01-01 01:01:01',
    'cltrid' => 'd0a528a4816ea4e16c3f56e25bf11111',
    'code' => 1000,
    'svtrid' => 'CNIC-22E5B2CBBD6C04169AEC9228FB0677FA173D76487AF8BA8734AF3C11111'

# answer with error, " addr not found" is reason:

    'msg' => 'Parameter value policy error; addr not found',
    'cltrid' => 'd0e2a9c2af427264847b0a6e59b60000',
    'code' => 2306,
    'svtrid' => '4586654601-1579115463111'


Authorization on the server. The function is automatically called from new. A separate call is only needed to change the password.



addition standard parameters (<objURI>xxxxx-1.0</objURI>);

extensions (<extURI>yyyyyy-1.0</extURI>);

new password if need.

OUTPUT: see "simple_request".


Get greeting, ping analog.

No input parameters.

Sample response:

    'msg' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
        <epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"><greeting>
        <svID>CentralNic EPP server EPP.CENTRALNIC.COM</svID>
    'code' => 1000


Check whether there are contacts with such IDs

INPUT: params with key: contacts -- arrayref on contact id list.


my ( $answ, $msg ) = make_request( 'check_contacts', {  contacts => [ 'H1234567', 'nfjkrek-fre8fm' ] } );

print Dumper $answ;


$VAR1 = {
      'msg' => 'Command completed successfully.',
      'nfjkrek-fre8fm' => {
                            'avail' => '1'
      'H1234567' => {
                      'avail' => '0'
      'code' => '1000'


Covertor contact user date to epp xml

for create/update_contact functions


Create contact extensions, for overwriting in child classes


Register a contact


Hash with parameters:

cont_id – some providers create contact ID automatically;

name or first_name, last_name, patronymic, family_name – full name in one field or first, last, patronymic, family names separately;

org – organization if necessary, some registries require a zero-length string, while others require undef;

addr – street, house, building, apartment;

city – city, town;

state – state, region, province, republic, optional field;

postcode – zip code;

country_code – two-character country code;

phone – the phone number in international format;

fax – usually only required for legal entities;


authinfo – the key is to transfer your contacts, but usually the contacts are transferred automatically together with a domain.

If only the int type of contacts is passed, it can be omitted.

OUTPUT: see "simple_request".

An Example, one type (by default this is int):

( $answ, $code, $msg ) = $conn->create_contact(
        cont_id => '123qwerty',
        first_name => 'Test',
        last_name => 'Testov',
        org => 'Private Person',
        addr => 'Vagnera 11-22',
        city => 'Donetsk',
        state => 'Donetskaya',
        postcode => '83061',
        country_code => 'DN',
        phone => '+380.501234567',
        fax => '',
        email => '',
        authinfo => 'Q2+qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq',

Contact with two types

( $answ, $code, $msg ) = $conn->create_contact(
        cont_id => '123qwerty',
        int => {
            first_name => 'Test',
            last_name => 'Testov',
            org => 'Private Person',
            addr => 'Vagnera 11-22',
            city => 'Donetsk',
            state => 'Donetskaya',
            postcode => '83061',
            country_code => 'DN',
        loc => {
            first_name => 'Тест',
            last_name => 'Тестов',
            org => 'Частное лицо',
            addr => 'Вагнера 11/22',
            city => 'Донецк',
            state => 'Донецкая обл.',
            postcode => '83061',
            country_code => 'DN',
        phone => '+380.501234567',
        fax => '',
        email => '',
        authinfo => 'Q2+qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq',


Covertor contact epp xml data to hash

for get_contact_info, overwritten in some child modules


Providers extension, replaced in provider modules

Returns an empty hashref here


Get information on the specified contact


cont_id – contact id

extension – epp extensions in xml

An Example:

my ( $answer, $code, $msg ) = $conn->get_contact_info( { cont_id => 'H12345' } );

# $answer:

    'owner' => 'H2220222',
    'int' => {
        'city' => 'Moscow',
        'org' => 'My Ltd',
        'country_code' => 'RU',
        'name' => 'Igor Igorev',
        'postcode' => '123456',
        'addr' => 'Igoreva str, 3',
        'state' => 'Igorevskya obl.'
    'roid' => 'C2222888-CNIC',
    'cre_date' => '2012-12-12 12:12:12',
    'phone' => [
    'pp_flag' => 1,
    'email' => [
    'upd_date' => '2012-12-12 12:12:12',
    'cont_id' => 'H12345',
    'fax' => [
    'creater' => 'H2220222',
    'statuses' => {
        'serverDeleteProhibited' => '+',
        'serverTransferProhibited' => '+',
        'linked' => '+'


Part of update_* functions


Part of update_* functions


To update contact information


params with keys:

cont_id – contact id

add, rem – only contact statuses can be added or deleted, , such as clientUpdateProhibited

chg – modify data, see fields in "create_contact"

OUTPUT: see "simple_request".

An Example, change data, one type (by default this is int):

( $answ, $code, $msg ) = $conn->update_contact(
        cont_id => '123qwerty',
        chg => {
            first_name => 'Test',
            last_name => 'Testov',
            org => 'Private Person',
            addr => 'Vagnera 11-22',
            city => 'Donetsk',
            state => 'Donetskaya',
            postcode => '83061',
            country_code => 'DN',
            phone => '+380.501234567',
            fax => '',
            email => '',
            authinfo => 'Q2+qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq',


Delete the specified contact. Usually this function is not needed because the registry itself deletes unused contacts.


params with keys:

cont_id – contact id.

extension – extensions for some providers, empty by default

OUTPUT: see "simple_request".

An Example:

my ( $answ, $msg ) = make_request( 'delete_contact', { cont_id => 'H12345', %conn_params } );


Check that the nameserver is registered


params with keys:

nss – list with nameservers

extension – extensions for some providers, empty by default

OUTPUT: see "simple_request".

An Example:

my ( $a, $m, $o ) = make_request( 'check_nss', { nss => [ '', '' ] } );

# answer:

    'msg' => 'Command completed successfully.',
    '' => {
        'reason' => 'in use',
        'avail' => '0'
    '' => {
        'avail' => '1'
    'code' => '1000'


Registering a nameserver


params with keys:

ns – name server

ips – array with IP, IPv4 and IPv6, IP must be specified only we register nameserver based on the domain of the same registry

extension – extensions for some providers, empty by default

OUTPUT: see "simple_request"

An Example:

my ( $h, $m, $o ) = make_request( 'create_ns', { ns => '', %conn_params } );

# check answer

( $a, $m ) = make_request( 'create_ns', { ns => '', ips => ['', 'fe80::aa00:bb11' ], conn => $o } );

# check answer


Covertor NS xml resData data to hash.

Can be overwritten in a child module.


Get information about the specified nameserver


params with keys:

ns – name server;

extension – extensions for some providers, empty by default.


hash with ns data: statuses, dates, ips and other

owner – the account where the name server is located;

create – the account where the name server was registered;

cre_date – name server registration date;

roid – name server id in the registry;

ips – list of IP addresses, IPv4 and IPv6;

linked – this status indicates that the name server is being used by some domain.

An Example:

my ( $answer, $msg, $conn ) = make_request( 'get_ns_info', { ns => '', %conn_params  } );

# answer:

    'msg' => 'Command completed successfully.',
    'owner' => 'H2220222',
    'roid' => 'H370000-CNIC',
    'cre_date' => '2013-09-05 18:42:49',
    'name' => '',
    'ips' => [
    'creater' => 'H2220222',
    'statuses' => {
        'ok' => '+',
        'linked' => '+'
    'code' => '1000'


Change the data of the specified name server


params with keys:

ns – name server

add, rem – adding or removing the name server parameters listed below:

ips – IPv4 and IPv6 addresses;

statuses – clientUpdateProhibited and other client*;

chg – change the server name, this is used to move the name server to a different domain.

no_empty_chg – some registries prohibit passing an empty chg parameter – <host:chg/>

extension – extensions for some providers, empty by default

OUTPUT: see "simple_request".

An Example

my ( $answ, $msg, $conn ) = make_request( 'update_ns', {
    ns => '',
    rem => { ips => [ '2A00:3B00:0:0:0:0:0:25' ] },
    add => { ips => [ '' ] },
} );

( $answ, $msg ) = make_request( 'update_ns', {
    ns => '',
    chg => { new_name => '' },
    conn => $conn,
} );


Remove nameserver from the registry.

It is usually forbidden to delete a name server that has the linked status.


params with keys:

ns – name server;

extension – extensions for some providers, empty by default.

OUTPUT: see "simple_request".

An Example:

my ( $answ, $msg ) = make_request( 'delete_ns', { ns => '', %conn_params } );


Parses resData in the registry response

Can be overwritten in a child module.


Check that the domain is available for registration


params with keys:

domains – list of domains to check;

extension – extensions for some providers, empty by default.


hash with domains, each domain has an avail parameter, if avail == 0, the reason parameter is usually added

An Example

my ( $answer, $code, $msg ) = $conn->check_domains( {
    tld => 'com',
    domains => [ '', '', '', '' ],
} );

# answer:

    '' => {
        'reason' => 'Domain exists',
        'avail' => '0'
    '' => {
        'avail' => '1'
    '' => {
        'reason' => 'Not an authoritative TLD',
        'avail' => '0'
    '' => {
        'reason' => 'Invalid punycode encoding',
        'avail' => '0'


Generating a list of ns-s for domain registration.

Can be overwritten in a child module.


authinfo block for domain registration.

Can be overwritten in a child module.


Block with the DNSSEC extension for domain registration

Can be overwritten in a child module.


Domain registration.


params with keys:

dname – domain name;

period – domain registration period, usually the default value is 1 year, registration for several months is not implemented – this is a very rare case;

reg_id, admin_id, tech_id, billing_id – id of registrant, administrator, technical and billing contacts, at least one contact is required, usually the registrant;

dnssec -- hash for DNSSEC params: keytag, alg, digtype, digest, for details see;

nss – array with nameservers;

extension – extensions for some providers, empty by default.

OUTPUT: see "simple_request".

An Example:

my ( $answ, $msg ) = make_request(
        dname      => "",
        reg_id     => 'jp1g8fcv30fq',
        admin_id   => 'jp1g8fcv31fq',
        tech_id    => 'jp1g8fcv32fq',
        billing_id => 'jp1g8fcv33fq',
        authinfo   => 'jp1g8fcv30fq+jp1g8fcv31fq',
        nss        => [ '','' ],
        period     => 1,


Covertor domains xml resData data to hash.

Can be overwritten in a child module.


Parse special data in resData from provider.

For overwritten in a child module.

In this module, the function does nothing


Parse special data in extension from provider.

For overwritten in a child module.

In this module, the function does nothing


The main information on the domain


params with keys:

dname – domain name;

extension – extensions for some providers, empty by default.



roid – domain id if registry;

owner – the account where the domain is located now;

create – the account where the domain was registered;

cre_date – domain registration date;

trans_date – domain last transfer date;

upd_date – domain last update date;

exp_date – domain expiration date;

reg_id, admin_id, tech_id, billing_id – domain contact IDs;

nss – list of domain name servers;

statuses – hash where keys is status flags, values is status expiration date, if any, or other information;

hosts – list with name servers based on this domain.

There can also be extension parameters.

An Example:

my ( $answer, $msg, $conn ) = make_request( 'get_domain_info', { dname => '', %conn_params  } );

# answer:

    'hosts' => [
    'roid' => 'D888888-CNIC',
    'cre_date' => '1212-12-12 12:12:12',
    'upd_date' => '2020-02-02 20:02:20',
    'trans_date' => '2012-12-12 12:12:12',
    'creater' => 'H12345',
    'tech_id' => '1iuhajppwsjp',
    'reg_id' => 'H12346',
    'owner' => 'H2220222',
    'exp_date' => '2022-12-12 23:59:59',
    'billing_id' => 'H12347',
    'nss' => [
    'dname' => '',
    'admin_id' => 'H12348',
    'statuses' => {
        'renewPeriod' => '+',
        'clientTransferProhibited' => '+'


Domain registration renewal for N years.


params with keys:

dname – domain name;

period – the domain renewal period in years, by default, will be prologed for 1 year;

exp_date – current expiration date, without specifying the time;

extension – extensions for some providers, empty by default.

OUTPUT: see "simple_request".

An Example:

my ( $a, $m ) = make_request( 'renew_domain', { dname => '', period => 1, exp_date => '2022-22-22' } );


Part of the update_domain function.

Can be overwritten in a child module, example, in IO::EPP::DrsUa


Part of the update_domain function.

Can be overwritten in a child module.


Part of the update_domain function.

Can be overwritten in a child module.

In this function this module contains the DNSSEC extension


To update domain data: contact ids, authinfo, nss, statuses.


params with keys:

dname – domain name

add, rem – hashes for adding and deleting data:

admin_id, tech_id, billing_id – contact IDs;

nss – list with name servers;

statuses – various client* statuses;

dnssec – DNSSEC extension parameters.

chg – hash for changeable data:

reg_id – registrant contact id;

authinfo – new key for domain;

OUTPUT: see "simple_request".


my ( $a, $m, $c ) = make_request( 'update_domain', {
    dname => '',
    chg => { authinfo => 'fnjkfrekrejkfrenkfrenjkfren' },
    rem => { nss => [ '', '' ] },
    add => { nss => [ '', '' ] },
} );

( $a, $m ) = make_request( 'update_domain', {
    dname => '',
    rem => { statuses => [ 'clientUpdateProhibited','clientDeleteProhibited' ] },
    add => { statuses => [ 'clientHold'  ] },
    conn => $c,
} );


Domain transfers: to us, from us, reject transfers.


params with keys:

op – operation, possible variants: request, query, accept, cancel, reject;

authinfo – key for alien domain;

period – if the transfer with renew, you can specify the extension period for some registries, undef and zero have different values;

extension – extensions for some registries in xml format;

addition – special parameters for very original providers.


It depends very much on the operation and on the registry


my ( $answ, $code, $msg ) = $conn->transfer( { op => 'request', dname => '',  authinfo => '123qweRTY{*}', period => 1 } );

( $answ, $code, $msg ) = $conn->transfer( { op => 'query', dname => '',  authinfo => '123qweRTY{*}' } );

# answer from the CentralNic

    'exp_date' => '2021-01-18 23:59:59',
    'cltrid' => '9d7e6ec767ec7d9d9d40fc518a5',
    'trstatus' => 'pending', # transfer status
    'requestors_id' => 'H2220222', # this we
    'dname' => '',
    'senders_id' => 'H3105376', # godaddy
    'send_date' => '2020-01-15 21:14:26',
    'svtrid' => 'CNIC-82A2E9B355020697D1B3EF6FDE9D822D4CCE1D1616412EF53',
    'request_date' => '2020-01-10 21:14:26'

( $answ, $code, $msg ) = $conn->transfer( { op => 'approve', dname => '' } );

( $answ, $code, $msg ) = $conn->transfer( { op => 'reject', dname => '',  authinfo => '123qweRTY{*}' } );

( $answ, $code, $msg ) = $conn->transfer( { op => 'cancel', dname => '',  authinfo => '123qweRTY{*}' } );


Deleting a domain.

params with keys:

dname – domain name

extension – extensions for some registries in xml format

OUTPUT: see "simple_request".

An Example:

my ( $a, $m ) = make_request( 'delete_domain', { dname => '', %conn_params } );


Parse resData from req poll

Can be overwritten in a child module


Parse req poll extension

Empty, for overwriting in children modules


Get and parse top message from poll

No input params.


Еach provider has a lot of different types of messages. Only domain transfer messages are similar. They have something like this format:

    'code' => '1301',
    'msg' => 'Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue',
    'count' => '1',
    'id' => '456789',
    'date' => '2020-02-02 20:02:02',
    'qmsg' => 'Transfer Requested.',
    'transfer' => {
        'dname' => '',
        'status' => 'pending',
        'senders_id' => '1111'.
        'requestors_id' => '999',
        'request_date' => '2001-01-01 01:01:01',
        'send_date' => '2001-01-06 01:01:01'
    'svtrid' => '4569552848-1578703988000',
    'cltrid' => '1f80c34195a936dfb0d2bd0c414141414'

requestors_id – the registrar who made the transfer request;

senders_id – the registrar from which the domain is transferred;

request_date – the start date of the transfer

send_date – date when the transfer is completed, unless it is canceled or the domain is released;

status – the status of the transfer, the most common meaning: pending, serverApproved, clientRejected, clientApproved.


Delete message from poll by id


msg_id – id of the message to be removed from the queue.


Close session, disconnect

No input parameters.


Vadim Likhota <>, some edits were made by Andrey Voyshko, Victor Efimov


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.