use IO::EPP::TCI;

# Parameters for IO::Socket::SSL
my %sock_params = (
    PeerHost        => '',
    PeerPort        => 8130, # .дети 8130, .tatar 8131
    SSL_key_file    => 'key_file.pem',
    SSL_cert_file   => 'cert_file.pem',
    Timeout         => 30,

# Create object, get greeting and call login()
my $conn = IO::EPP::TCI->new( {
    user => 'XXX-DETI',
    pass => 'XXXXXXXX',
    sock_params => \%sock_params,
    server => 'afilias', # or pir, ...
    test_mode => 0, # real connect
} );

# Check domain
my ( $answ, $code, $msg ) = $conn->check_domains( { domains => [ 'xn--80akfym3e.xn--d1acj3b' ] } );

# Call logout() and destroy object
undef $conn;


Work with normal TCI EPP API

.дети/.xn--d1acj3b documents:,

.tatar documents:,


Further overlap functions where the provider has features


Ext params for login,

INPUT: new password for change


When registering a contact, you must specify both int type data and loc type data, and if the domain owner has passport data in Cyrillic, then loc type data must be entered in Cyrillic. This is mandatory for citizens and legal entities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries that have the Cyrillic alphabet.

In addition, the owner must provide additional information.

For individuals:

birthday -- date of birth;

passport -- passport series and number, by whom and when it was issued;

TIN -- TIN for individual entrepreneurs.

For legal entities:

hashref legal, that contains the legal address, it also needs to specify two types: int and loc, consisting of the fields addr, city, state, postcode, country_code.

You also need to specify the TIN field.

An Example:


my %cont = (
    int => {
        first_name => 'Igor',
        patronymic => 'Igorevich',
        last_name  => 'Igorev',
        org        => '',
        addr       => 'Igoreva str, 129',
        city       => 'Igorevsk',
        state      => 'Ogorevskaya obl.',
        postcode   => '699001',
        country_code => 'RU',
    loc => {
        first_name => 'Игорь',
        patronymic => 'Игоревич',
        last_name  => 'Игорев',
        org        => '',
        addr       => 'ул. Игорева, 129',
        city       => 'Игоревск',
        state      => 'Игоревская обл.',
        postcode   => '699001',
        country_code => 'RU',
    birthday => '1909-01-14',
    passport => '11.11.2011, выдан Отделом УФМС России по Игоревской области в г.Игоревске, 2211 446622',
    phone      => '+7.9012345678',
    fax        => '',
    email      => '',
    TIN        => '',

my ( $answ, $msg, $conn ) = make_request( 'create_contact',  \%cont );

Legal entities:

my %cont = (
    int => {
        first_name => 'Igor',
        patronymic => 'Igorevich',
        last_name  => 'Igorev',
        org        => 'Igor and Co',
        addr       => 'Igoreva str, 129',
        city       => 'Igorevsk',
        state      => 'Igorevskaya obl.',
        postcode   => '699001',
        country_code => 'RU',
    loc => {
        first_name => 'Игорь',
        patronymic => 'Игоревич',
        last_name  => 'Игорев',
        org        => 'Игорь и Ко',
        addr       => 'ул. Игорева, 129',
        city       => 'Игоревск',
        state      => 'Игоревская обл.',
        postcode   => '699001',
        country_code => 'RU',
    legal => {
        int => {
            addr       => 'Company str, 1',
            city       => 'Igorevsk',
            state      => 'Igorevskaya obl.',
            postcode   => '699002',
            country_code => 'RU',
        loc => {
            addr       => 'ул. Компаний, 1',
            city       => 'Игоревск',
            state      => 'Игоревская обл.',
            postcode   => '699002',
            country_code => 'RU',

my ( $answ, $code, $msg ) = $conn->create_contact( \%cont );


Has an optional description field.


Vadim Likhota <>


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.