Getopt::EX::Config - Getopt::EX module configuration interface


example -Mfoo::config(foo=yabaa,bar=dabba) ...

example -Mfoo::config(foo=yabba) --config bar=dabba ... -- ...

example -Mfoo::config(foo=yabba) --bar=dabba ... -- ...

example -Mfoo --foo=yabaa --bar=dabba -- ...


Version 0.9904


This module provides an interface to define configuration information for Getopt::EX modules. In the traditional way, in order to set options for a module, it was necessary to define dedicated command line options for them. To do so, it is necessary to avoid name conflicts with existing command options or with other modules used together.

Using this module, it is possible to define configuration information only for the module and to define module-specific command options.

You can create config object like this:

use Getopt::EX::Config;
my $config = Getopt::EX::Config->new(
    char  => 0,
    width => 0,
    code  => 1,
    name  => "Franky",

This call returns hash object and each member can be accessed like $config->{width}.

You can set these configuration values by calling config() function with module declaration.

example -Mfoo::config(width,code=0) ...

Parameter list is given by key-value pairs, and 1 is assumed when value is not given. Above code set width to 1 and code to 0.

Also module specific options can be taken care of by calling deal_with method from module startup funciton intialize or finalize.

sub finalize {
    our($mod, $argv) = @_;

Then you can use --config module option like this:

example -Mfoo --config width,code=0 -- ...

The module startup function is executed between the initialize() and finalize() calls. Therefore, if you want to give priority to module-specific options over the startup function, you must call deal_with in the finalize() function.

If you want to make module private option, say --width to set $config->{width} value, deal_with method takes Getopt::Long style option specifications.

sub finalize {
    our($mod, $argv) = @_;

Then you can use module private option like this:

example -Mcharcode --width --no-code --name=Benjy -- ...

The reason why it is not necessary to specify the destination of the value is that the hash object is passed when calling the Getopt::Long library. The above code is equivalent to the following code. See "Storing options values in a hash" in Getopt::Long for detail.

sub finalize {
    our($mod, $argv) = @_;
        "width!" => \$config->{width},
        "code!"  => \$config->{code},
        "name=s" => \$config->{name},


config(key => value, ...)

This module exports the function config by default. As explained above, this is why the config function can be executed with module declaration.

If you want to use a function with a different name, specify it explicitly. In the following example, the function set is defined and can be used in the same way as config.

use Getopt::EX::Config qw(config set);

The config function may also be used to refer parameters in the program. In this case, specify single argument.

my $width = config('width');

Parameter value references can also be used as left-hand side values, so values can be assigned.

config('width') = 42;


new(key-value list)
new(hash reference)

Return configuration object.

Call with key-value list like this:

my $config = Getopt::EX::Config->new(
    char  => 0,
    width => 0,
    code  => 1,
    name  => "Franky",

Or call with hash reference.

my %config = (
    char  => 0,
    width => 0,
    code  => 1,
    name  => "Franky",
my $config = Getopt::EX::Config->new(\%config);

In this case, \%config and $config should be identical.


You can get argument reference in initialize() or finalize() function declared in Getopt::EX module. Call deal_with method with that reference.

sub finalize {
    our($mod, $argv) = @_;

You can define module specific options by giving Getopt::Long style definition with that call.

sub finalize {
    our($mod, $argv) = @_;
                       "width!", "code!", "name=s");





Kazumasa Utashiro


The following copyright notice applies to all the files provided in this distribution, including binary files, unless explicitly noted otherwise.

Copyright ©︎ 2025 Kazumasa Utashiro


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.