js_compactor - Command line utility to reduce JavaScript code to as few characters as possible.
js_compactor -src=source_file [OPTIONS]
js_compactor [--src=source_file] [--dest=destination_file] [--opt] [--comment_exception=text] [--remove_coments] [--replace_white_space] [--remove_blank_lines] [--combine_concats] [--join_all] [--replace_extra_whitespace] [--no_remove_coments] [--no_replace_white_space] [--no_remove_blank_lines] [--no_combine_concats] [--no_join_all] [--no_replace_extra_whitespace] [--force] [--help]
The "--src" option is requied.
Default usage is as though you specified "--opt", for optimal settings. Setting any of the specific settings will override the default "--opt" behavior, and rules will be applied one by one. You may also specify "--opt" and then disable specific features with a "--no_option_name" style option.
- --src=filename
The source javascript filename. (REQUIRED)
- --dest=filename
The destination file. Defaults to output to STDOUT.
- --force
Force overwriting of output file if it exists.
- --opt
Same as --remove_coments --replace_white_space --remove_blank_lines --combine_concats --join_all --replace_extra_whitespace
- --comment_exception=text_to_match
Comments matching the provided text will NOT be removed. The primary purpose for this is to retain copyright notices. Eg.
js_compator --comment_exception=copyright -src=somefile
This option may be specified multiple times. Any comment matching any of the provided strings will then be retained.
It uses a case insenstive regexp for the match. This option has no effect if --no_remove_comments is specified.
- --remove_comments | --no_remove_comments
Remove all comments from the source.
- --replace_white_space | --no_replace_white_space
Per each line:
Removes all begining of line whitespace.
Removes all end of line whitespace.
Combined all series of whitespace into one space character (eg. s/\s+/ /g)
Comments and string literals (if still embeded) are untouched.
- --remove_blank_lines | --no_remove_blank_lines
Blank lines in code are removed.
- --combine_concats | --no_combine_concats
Removes any string literal concatenations. Eg.
"bob and " + "sam " + someVar;
"bob and sam " + someVar
- --join_all | --no_join_all
Put everything on one line (retained comments may still contain new lines).
- --replace_extra_whitespace | --no_replace_extra_whitespace
This removes any excess whitespace. Eg.
if (someVar = "foo") {
The normal use is probably just for one off squishings:
js_compactor --src=input_file > new_file.js
If you're squishing something with a copyright, it is recommended that you retain that copyright:
js_compactor --comment_exception=copyright --src=input_file > new_file.js
If you want the code to still be somewhat readable, it is often helpful to retain all the line breaks:
js_compactor --opt --no_join_all --comment_exception=copyright --src=input_file > new_file.js
Please refer to to report bugs.
Joshua I. Miller <>
Copyright (c) 2005 by CallTech Communications, Inc.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.3 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.