DBD::Cassandra - Database driver for Cassandra's CQL3


use DBI;

my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Cassandra:host=localhost;keyspace=test", $user, $password, { RaiseError => 1 });
my $rows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT id, field_one, field_two FROM some_table");

for my $row (@$rows) {
    # Do something with your row

$dbh->do("INSERT INTO some_table (id, field_one, field_two) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
    { Consistency => "quorum" },
    1, "String value", 38962986



DBD::Cassandra is a Perl5 Database Interface driver for Cassandra, using the CQL3 query language.


Database handles
use DBI;

$dsn = "dbi:Cassandra:database=$database";
$dsn = "dbi:Cassandra:keyspace=$keyspace;host=$hostname;port=$port";
$dsn = "dbi:Cassandra:keyspace=$keyspace;consistency=local_quorum";

my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $username, $password);

Optionally, a keyspace to use by default. If this is not specified, all queries must include the keyspace name.


Hostname to connect to. Defaults to localhost


Port number to connect to. Defaults to 9042


The compression method we should use for the connection. Currently Cassandra allows lz4 and snappy. Defaults to the algorithm with the best compression ratio, if the server supports it. Compression can be disabled by setting compression=none.

Only used for data frames longer than 512 bytes, smaller frames get sent uncompressed.


There are several versions of the CQL language and this option lets you pick one. Defaults to the highest available version. Consult your Cassandra manual to see which versions your database supports.

Statement handles
my $sth= $dbh->prepare('SELECT "id", "field1", "field2" FROM table_name WHERE id=?', { Consistency => 'one' });

See "asynchronous queries".


See "consistency levels".


Cassandra supports pagination through result sets, to avoid having the entire result set in memory.

my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT id FROM tablename', { PerPage => 1000 });
while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) {
    print "$row->[0]\n";

It is important to keep in mind that this mode can cause errors while fetching rows, as extra queries may be executed by the driver internally.


my $sth= $dbh->prepare("SELECT id FROM some_table WHERE x=?",
    { async => 1 });


while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) {
    print "$row->[0]\n";

DBD::Cassandra supports asynchronous queries in an easy to use form. When async = 1> is passed to prepare(), any subsequent executes on the handle are not read back immediately. Instead, these are delayed until the result is actually needed.

For inserts and other writes, a convenience method x_finish_async is provided, which returns an approximation to what execute() would have returned in an non-asynchronous context. This method also raises errors, if needed.

my $sth= $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO table (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)",
    { async => 1 });
$sth->execute(5, 6);



Performance considerations

When using asynchronous queries, some previously premature optimizations become relevant. For example, it is very helpful to re-use statement handles in large volumes of inserts :

my @dataset_to_insert= ([1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]);
my (@pending, @reusable);

while (my $row= shift @dataset_to_insert) {
    my $sth= (shift @reusable) // $dbh->prepare(
        "INSERT INTO some_table (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"
    push @pending, $sth;

    if (@pending > 500) { # Tune this number!
        my $pending_sth= shift @pending;
        push @reusable, $pending_sth;

$_->x_finish_async for @pending;


$dbh->do("INSERT INTO some_table (id, field_name) VALUES (?, ?)",
    { Consistency => "quorum" },

DBD::Cassandra accepts a Consistency attribute for statements. Supported consistency levels are any, one, two, three, quorum, all, local_quorum, each_quorum, serial, local_serial and local_one.

This attribute is ignored on statements that do not support it, such as CREATE.

A global consistency level can be defined as part of the DSN.


  • There is currently no support for transactions. begin_work will die if you try to use it.

  • Thread support is untested. Use at your own risk.

  • If the table structure changes, prepared queries are not invalidated correctly. This is a serious issue and will be fixed in a future release.

  • When using asynchronous queries, more functions than just execute() may throw errors. It is recommended that you enable RaiseError. If this is not possible, it should also suffice to call $sth-x_finish_async> and check its return value before reading any data from the handle.

  • Not all Cassandra data types are supported. These are currently supported:

    • ascii

    • bigint

    • blob

    • boolean

    • custom

    • double

    • float

    • int

    • list

    • set

    • text

    • timestamp

    • timeuuid

    • uuid

    • varchar

  • Cassandra/CQL3 is strict about the queries you write. When switching from other databases, such as MySQL, this may come as a surprise. This module supports quote(..), but try to use prepared statements instead. They will save you a lot of trouble.


This module is released under the same license as Perl itself.


Tom van der Woerdt,