Regexp::Common::number -- provide regexes for numbers


use Regexp::Common qw /number/;

while (<>) {
    /^$RE{num}{int}$/                and  print "Integer\n";
    /^$RE{num}{real}$/               and  print "Real\n";
    /^$RE{num}{real}{-base => 16}$/  and  print "Hexadecimal real\n";


Please consult the manual of Regexp::Common for a general description of the works of this interface.

Do not use this module directly, but load it via Regexp::Common.


Returns a pattern that matches an integer.

If -base => B is specified, the integer is in base B, with 2 <= B <= 36. For bases larger than 10, upper case letters are used. The default base is 10.

If -sep => P is specified, the pattern P is required as a grouping marker within the number. If this option is not given, no grouping marker is used.

If -group => N is specified, digits between grouping markers must be grouped in sequences of exactly N digits. The default value of N is 3. If -group => N,M is specified, digits between grouping markers must be grouped in sequences of at least N digits, and at most M digits. This option is ignored unless the -sep option is used.

If -places => N is specified, the integer recognized must be exactly N digits wide. If -places => N,M is specified, the integer must be at least N wide, and at most M characters. There is no default, which means that integers are unlimited in size. This option is ignored if the -sep option is used.

For example:

$RE{num}{int}                          # match 1234567
$RE{num}{int}{-sep=>','}               # match 1,234,567
$RE{num}{int}{-sep=>',?'}              # match 1234567 or 1,234,567
$RE{num}{int}{-sep=>'.'}{-group=>4}    # match 1.2345.6789

Under -keep (see Regexp::Common):


captures the entire number


captures the optional sign of the number


captures the complete set of digits


Returns a pattern that matches a floating-point number.

If -base=N is specified, the number is assumed to be in that base (with A..Z representing the digits for 11..36). By default, the base is 10.

If -radix=P is specified, the pattern P is used as the radix point for the number (i.e. the "decimal point" in base 10). The default is qr/[.]/.

If -places=N is specified, the number is assumed to have exactly N places after the radix point. If -places=M,N is specified, the number is assumed to have between M and N places after the radix point. By default, the number of places is unrestricted.

If -sep=P specified, the pattern P is required as a grouping marker within the pre-radix section of the number. By default, no separator is allowed.

If -group=N is specified, digits between grouping separators must be grouped in sequences of exactly N characters. The default value of N is 3.

If -expon=P is specified, the pattern P is used as the exponential marker. The default value of P is qr/[Ee]/.

For example:

$RE{num}{real}                  # matches 123.456 or -0.1234567
$RE{num}{real}{-places=>2}      # matches 123.45 or -0.12
$RE{num}{real}{-places=>'0,3'}  # matches 123.456 or 0 or 9.8
$RE{num}{real}{-sep=>'[,.]?'}   # matches 123,456 or 123.456
$RE{num}{real}{-base=>3'}       # matches 121.102

Under -keep:


captures the entire match


captures the optional sign of the number


captures the complete mantissa


captures the whole number portion of the mantissa


captures the radix point


captures the fractional portion of the mantissa


captures the optional exponent marker


captures the entire exponent value


captures the optional sign of the exponent


captures the digits of the exponent


A synonym for $RE{num}{real}{-base=>10}{...}


A synonym for $RE{num}{real}{-base=>8}{...}


A synonym for $RE{num}{real}{-base=>2}{...}


A synonym for $RE{num}{real}{-base=>16}{...}


The same as $RE{num}{real}, except that an exponent isn't allowed. Hence, this returns a pattern matching decimal numbers.

If -base=N is specified, the number is assumed to be in that base (with A..Z representing the digits for 11..36). By default, the base is 10.

If -radix=P is specified, the pattern P is used as the radix point for the number (i.e. the "decimal point" in base 10). The default is qr/[.]/.

If -places=N is specified, the number is assumed to have exactly N places after the radix point. If -places=M,N is specified, the number is assumed to have between M and N places after the radix point. By default, the number of places is unrestricted.

If -sep=P specified, the pattern P is required as a grouping marker within the pre-radix section of the number. By default, no separator is allowed.

If -group=N is specified, digits between grouping separators must be grouped in sequences of exactly N characters. The default value of N is 3.

For example:

$RE{num}{decimal}                  # matches 123.456 or -0.1234567
$RE{num}{decimal}{-places=>2}      # matches 123.45 or -0.12
$RE{num}{decimal}{-places=>'0,3'}  # matches 123.456 or 0 or 9.8
$RE{num}{decimal}{-sep=>'[,.]?'}   # matches 123,456 or 123.456
$RE{num}{decimal}{-base=>3'}       # matches 121.102

Under -keep:


captures the entire match


captures the optional sign of the number


captures the complete mantissa


captures the whole number portion of the mantissa


captures the radix point


captures the fractional portion of the mantissa


Returns a pattern that matches a (decimal) square. Because Perl's arithmetic is lossy when using integers over about 53 bits, this pattern only recognizes numbers less than 9000000000000000, if one uses a Perl that is configured to use 64 bit integers. Otherwise, the limit is 2147483647. These restrictions were introduced in versions 2.116 and 2.117 of Regexp::Common. Regardless whether -keep was set, the matched number will be returned in $1.

This pattern is available for version 5.008 and up.


Returns a pattern that matches an integer written in Roman numbers. Case doesn't matter. Only the more modern style, that is, no more than three repetitions of a letter, is recognized. The largest number matched is MMMCMXCIX, or 3999. Larger numbers cannot be expressed using ASCII characters. A future version will be able to deal with the Unicode symbols to match larger Roman numbers.

Under -keep, the number will be captured in $1.


$Log:,v $
Revision 2.108  2005/03/16 00:25:58  abigail
Added -base, -places for  {num} {int}. Changed -group

Revision 2.107  2004/12/28 23:45:51  abigail
Perl 5.6.2 parses qq lib/Regexp/Common/{sep}[0-9]! incorrectly

Revision 2.106  2004/12/28 23:27:58  abigail
Replaced C<\d> with [0-9] (Unicode reasons)

Revision 2.105  2004/07/01 10:11:27  abigail
Fixed problems with 32bit integer Perls

Revision 2.104  2004/06/30 09:14:54  abigail
Restricted recognition of square numbers to numbers less than
9000000000000000 to avoid round-off errors.

Revision 2.103  2003/03/12 22:24:25  abigail
Decimal numbers

Revision 2.102  2003/02/10 21:34:24  abigail

Revision 2.101  2003/02/01 22:55:31  abigail
Changed Copyright years

Revision 2.100  2003/01/21 23:19:40  abigail
The whole world understands RCS/CVS version numbers, that 1.9 is an
older version than 1.10. Except CPAN. Curse the idiot(s) who think
that version numbers are floats (in which universe do floats have
more than one decimal dot?).
Everything is bumped to version 2.100 because CPAN couldn't deal
with the fact one file had version 1.10.

Revision 1.6  2002/12/27 23:33:15  abigail
Roman numbers.

Revision 1.5  2002/08/23 13:09:13  abigail
Cosmetic POD changes.

Revision 1.4  2002/08/23 12:51:26  abigail
+ Several occurances of 'numbers' changed to 'number'.
+ Fixed bugs in documentation.
+ Made example use anchors to make it more clear.
 (All due to Christopher Baker)

Revision 1.3  2002/08/05 12:16:59  abigail
Fixed 'Regex::' and 'Rexexp::' typos to 'Regexp::'
(Found by Mike Castle).

Revision 1.2  2002/07/30 16:37:59  abigail
Removed outcommented code.

Revision 1.1  2002/07/28 21:41:07  abigail
Split off from Regexp::Common.


Regexp::Common for a general description of how to use this interface.


Damian Conway (


This package is maintained by Abigail (


Bound to be plenty.

For a start, there are many common regexes missing. Send them in to


Copyright (c) 2001 - 2003, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
  This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
 and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License