Device::VantagePro - Perl module to read and control a Davis Vantage Pro Weather Station
use Device::VantagePro;
my %arg_hsh;
$arg_hsh{baudrate} = 19200;
$arg_hsh{port} = "/dev/ttyr08";
my $vp_obj = new Device::VantagePro(\%arg_hsh);
# Start loop for 2 times and read loop data
for my $i (1..2)
my $hsh_ref = $vp_obj->read_loop();
print Dumper $hsh_ref; # Print out data hash
sleep 2;
# Or better yet
for my $i (1..2)
my $hsh_ref = $vp_obj->get_one_loop();
print Dumper $hsh_ref; # Print out data hash
sleep 2; # Sleep arbitary number of seconds no less than 1 sec.
# Now retrieve archive data
# Create date/time stamp for April 17 2010 at 0805
my ($dstamp,$tstamp) = $vp_obj->make_date_time_stamp(2010,4,17,8,5);
my $data_ref = $vp_obj->do_dmpaft($dstamp,$tstamp);
foreach my $ref ( @{$data_ref} )
# Do something with the data hash reference
print Dumper $ref; # data hash of archive record.
A module to provide direct access to many of the features of the Davis VantagePro Weather family of weather stations.
Note: Module was developed and tested on a Linux operating system and relies upon the Unix specific Device::SerialPort module. A port to Windows could be accomplished using the Win32::SerialPort module which uses the same calls. See code for more details.
Object Constructor which expects an argument with a hash or reference to a hash providing the communication parameters.
$vp_obj = Device::VantagePro->new(%arg_hsh);
Available arguements: baudrate, parity, databits, stopbits, port
Defaults are as follows if not provided in hash.
$arg_hsh{'port'} = "COM1";
$arg_hsh{baudrate} = 19200;
$arg_hsh{parity} = "none";
$arg_hsh{databits} = 8;
$arg_hsh{stopbits} = 1;
The device sleeps in order to conserve power after 2 minutes of inactivity.
Sending a command when the console is sleeping might not wake up the device fast enough to read the first character correctly. Because of this, you should always perform a wakeup call before sending commands. Many of the calls such as start_loop, read_loop, get_one_loop, etc send a wake_up() command implicitly.
Retrieves the set archive period for the device. The archive period is the time period between each archived data record.
my $arc_period = $vp_obj->get_archive_period();
my $arc_sec = $arc_period * 60;
print ">Archive Period is currently: $arc_period minutes\n";
Sets the archive period. Acceptable values are 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120 minutes. See Davis documentation.
$vp_obj->set_archive_period(5) || warn "Archive Period not set" ;
Retreive the current device time
my $ref = $vp_obj->gettime();
Returns a reference to a list ordered as
# hour : min : sec month / day / year
print "$ref->[2]:$ref->[1]:$ref->[0] $ref->[4]/$ref->[3]/$ref->[5]\n";
The values are returned in the same order as provided in the Davis documentatoin.
Set the devices time using a reference to list compatible with the gettime returned ref.
The order is similar to the array returned by the perl localtime function. Here is an example setting the device time to the server time.
my $s_time = [ localtime() ];
$s_time->[4] += 1;
Begins a loop data acquisition sequence. Input is the number of loops to read. If no input a loop of 1 is assumed. The function returns and expects a read_loop call to service the data which is delivered every 2-seconds per the documenation. I have found problems with higher numbered loops (>40 loops) and recommend the integrated get_one_loop() call instead and read a loop data set at whatever rate you wish.
Reads the LOOP data format as identified in Section IX. Data Formats in the documenation. Note this only reads the later revision B loop format that is found in Vantage Pro device after April 2002.
The data is returned via a ref to hash.
my $hsh_ref = $vp_obj->read_loop();
# print out hash reference
print Dumper $hsh_ref;
Combines a start_loop and a read_loop and returns a data hash.
my $hsh_ref = $vp_obj->get_one_loop();
I have not tested to see how fast this function can be called before the device chokes. It will run at a 2-second rep rate without a problem.
Function to create a date and time stamp suitable for using in the dmpaft command. The function expects a list in the following order ($year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min) and returns a date stamp and time stamp.
my ($dstamp,$tstamp) = $vp_obj->make_date_time_stamp(2010,4,17,19,15);
Function to retrieve the archive data after a provided date and time stamp. Refer to the Davis documentation Section IX. Data Formats / 3. DMP and DMPAFT data format.
Functions requires a date stamp and time stamp as detailed in the documenation or provided in the make_date_time_stamp function above.
The date/time stamp is returned in the archive record and you can save the last returned date/time stamp values to use in the next call to return archive data after that date/time stamp. Note the date/time stamp must match a date/time stamp in the archive memory or the whole 513 records will be returned. Also if no date/time stamp is provided the complete archive will be returned.
The returned value is a reference to a list of hashes, one hash for each archive record.
my $rst = $vp_obj->do_dmpaft($dstamp,$tstamp);
unless ( @{$ref} ) { return 0 }
my $data_ref;
foreach my $arc_ref ( @{$ref} )
# Do something with the hash reference....
print Dumper $arc_ref;
Refer to:
Vantage Pro and Vantage Pro2 Serial Communication Reference Manual Available at:
Example of module being used at:
Other related Perl modules that might be of interest....
Device::Davis - Low level read/write function vanprod - High-level integrated daemon package with lots of bells and whistles. However, no support for retrieving archive data or setting archive period.
Device::SerialPort Time::HiRes use POSIX qw(:errno_h :fcntl_h strftime) use Time::Local
Except for Device::SerialPort the prerequisites should be loaded with a default install.
Steve Troxel, troxel AT
Copyright (C) 2010 by Steve Troxel
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.