Module methods.
Those starting with '_' are meant for internal use.
new handles the following parameters:
use_cache => <0|1>,
debug => <0..8>,
service_url => <0|service_url,
norid_referral_ip => <0|1|ip-address>,
bauth_username => <0|bauth_username>,
bauth_password => <0|bauth_password>,
fieldset => <0|fieldset>
page_size => <0|page size>, default $RDAP_PAGE_SIZE
cursor => <0|cursor>
nopages => <0|nopages>, default $RDAP_ENTITY_QUOTA_PAGES
insert_page_info => <0|1>
force_ipv => <0|4|6>
All parameters are optional:
* use_cache:
- 1: activate Net::RDAP lookup cache, see Net::RDAP for use,
Note: usage not needed or tested for this lib.
* debug:
- 0 : debug off
- 1 : debug output from this module
- 2 : headers output from LWP UA callback
- 3 : Debug output from Net::RDAP::UA (headers and contents)
- 4-8: Debug output using LWP::ConsoleLogger::Easy,
which then must be installed
* service_url:
- the full http(s)-address of the Norid RDAP-servie to
be accessed.
- default is $SERVICE_URL above.
* norid_referral_ip :
- Norid internal use only.
- set if the calling client ip address argument shall be sent. When set:
- if the argument passed is a pure integer, use the local ip-address as value.
- if the argument passed is a valid ip address, use that address
as value. This is the normal variant to be used to pass a proper client
ip address.
- the ip-address is passed to the server in the '?client_ip=<ip-address>'
* bauth_username:
- Basic authentication username
For a Norid registrar RDAP user where
- RDAP username is : 'rdapuser',
- Norid registrar id is: 'reg1234'
the basic username must be set as follows: 'rdapuser@reg1234'.
* bauth_password:
- Basic authentication password
* fieldset:
- Undef or one of the valid fieldSets to determine how much data
should be returned for search hits
If rate limiting becomes a problem, fieldset='full' could be
Paging parameters:
* page_size:
Page size for the the RDAP service.
Recommended set by the caller, as the lib may have wrong default
* cursor:
- Undef or a cursor string to be used in succeeding page lookups,
undef for first page.
* nopages:
- max number of pages from cursor (1..x, default 10).
The pageSize in the RDAP service decides the number of hits per
* insert_page_info:
- Text formatting option, insert page info in the text if set.
Paging parameters set by lib, read them only:
* total_no_pages:
Total number of pages that can be fetched with a search combo.
Calculated as total_size / page_size and set by lib as soon as
we know the value.
* page_number:
The page number signalled by the rdap service.
* first_page|cur_page|prev_page|next_page:
- Page hrefs set by lib when a search is performed.
* force_ipv:
- force use of ip protocl version, 0/undef is default, else set to
4 or 6
Do an RDAP lookup.
- $query : Specifies the query string.
- $check : Specifies if http 'head' shall be done, default is 'get'.
- $nameservers: Must be set to 1 for nameserver_name search
and 2 for a domains by nameserver name search
- $entity : Must be set to true for entity lookup, in which case the query should
identify an entity, like:
- a domain name or a handle
For a search, this is more complex:
- For identities (orgno, N.XXX.YYY or registrant handles),
a search domains by identity/registrant is done as default.
To force the search to search for entities by
identity/registrant instead, this option must be
Do an RDAP HEAD or GET lookup.
- $http_type: 'head' or 'get'
- $uri : full arguments to base URI, identifying the actual lookup
method and args
- other args as passed in $self.
Handle RDAP GET operations.
If search, loop and fetch the requested number of pages from the offset set by the cursor parameter.
Find and return cursor value from a href page link
Some RDAP error is returned from Net::RDAP, ref. Net::RDAP::Error.
Those are normally HTTP response errors in the 400 and 500 range, which are mapped to one of the $RDAP_LOOKUP_ERR_XXX local errors. - All 1xx, 2xx, 3xx are not errors, but OK, need not be handled. - All 4xx, 5xx indicate some problem, so map relevant ones. - Some are not mapped. A warning is given, which may indicate that some error case has occured, and that the situation may need to be handled and added to this lib.
Find local ip-address.
(Note: Sys::HostAddr were also tried for this purpose, but could die at random, so Sys::HostIP is selected. Only ipv4 seems to be processed by Sys::HostIP, so the selection is limited to ipv4. TODO: Consider using another module, which also supports v6).
Best guess IP seems to be the one on the en0-interface, but when a VPN is in use, you might want that address to be selected. So, try to do the best ip selection by ourselves by a reverse sort instead of a sort, thus selecting the 'highest' numbered and public ip-address).
Return localhost if no other ip is found.
Return empty if localhost iface not found.
Check whether a parameter contains something fishy
Ref. CSS:
Returns 0 if not ok, 1 if OK.
The below code can be used if special chars should also be generally blocked, but not in use for now:
my $ILLCHARS = q/`';_|<>${}[]^]/;
my $ILLCHARSqr = qr/[\|<>\$\{\}\[\]\^';_\|]/mx;
if ($v =~ $ILLCHARSqr) {
print STDERR "Parameter value contains illegal character(s), one or more of: '$ILLCHARS': '$v'";
1) Validate ip address, if set
2) Validate query, return if query not among the expexted ones.
- domain name or name server name
- some object handle (D, P, R, H)
- some registrar handle (regXXX-NORID)
- some identity (9 digits orgno, N.XXX.yyyyyyyy)
2) Analyze query and args and find what http method and uri arguments
to use for the lookup and set them in '_method' and '_uri'
Check whether a domainname or nameserver is valid.
Returns undef if not ok. Returns 1 if OK.
Fetch the name from an object.
If we have a Net::DNS::Domain object (domain/ns), also get the xname.
Determine type of Norid handle.
Return sensible rdap formatted text string. Uses internal helper formatting functions.
Shows how to access data returned by Net::RDAP.
Return sensible rdap formatted text string for an rdap object.
Code stolen from rdapper and adapted.
Format RDAP notice or remark as text string.
Format vcard object(s) as a text string.
Format and insert page info, if requested.
Based on a subscriber handle (O or P), fetch domain list for it.
Based on a subscriber handle (O or P), fetch domain list for it.
For domain list on entity, we will try fetch all domains possible on a single quota as default via $RDAP_ENTITY_QUOTA_PAGES since it is set to a high enough value. User may try fewer or more pages bt specifying nopages.
Domain lookup entities for a domain name.
NOLookup::RDAP::RDAPLookup - Lookup RDAP data from the Norid (.no) RDAP service.
use Encode;
use NOLookup::RDAP::RDAPLookup;
# Default API service URL
my $SERVICE_URL = "";
# Example 1: Domain name lookup
# Decode the query when needed, like for IDNs
# or names with national characters.
my $q = '';
#$q = decode('ISO8859-1', 'ø');
# Authenticate with basic authentication
my $bo = NOLookup::RDAP::RDAPLookup->new(
service_url => '',
debug => 0,
use_cache => 0,
bauth_username => 'rdapuser@reg1234',
bauth_password => '<password>',
# test HEAD operation for existence
$bo->lookup($q, 1, 0, 0);
if ($bo->error) {
print "HEAD: Error, error / status: ",
$bo->error . "/" . $bo->status) . "\n";
# test GET operations
$bo->lookup($q, 0, 0, 0);
if ($bo->error) {
print "GET: Error, error / status: ",
$bo->error . "/" . $bo->status) . "\n";
# result of lookup is in $bo->result
# This result contains response objects built by Net::RDAP
# if a lookup has arguments which results in a search type, the
# is_a_search method returns true. This is a hint to the caller to
# process paging information in the result, and maybe perform several
# next-lookups to get more data.
my $res = $bo->result;
print "handle: ", $bo->handle, "\n";
* See bin/ for more information on usage.
* See various formatting/helper functions in this file for how to
access the various objects returned by Net::RDAP.
This module provides an object oriented API for use with the Norid RDAP service. It uses the Net::RDAP module from Cpan internally to fetch information from the Norid RDAP.
For now, support questions should be sent to:
Trond Haugen, <(nospam)info(at)>
Copyright (c) 2020- Trond Haugen <(nospam)info(at)>. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
About the Norid RDAP API