Compression::Util - Implementation of various techniques used in data compression.


use 5.036;
use Getopt::Std       qw(getopts);
use Compression::Util qw(:all);

use constant {CHUNK_SIZE => 1 << 17};

local $Compression::Util::VERBOSE = 0;

getopts('d', \my %opts);

sub compress ($fh, $out_fh) {
    while (read($fh, (my $chunk), CHUNK_SIZE)) {
        print $out_fh bz2_compress($chunk);

sub decompress ($fh, $out_fh) {
    while (!eof($fh)) {
        print $out_fh bz2_decompress($fh);

$opts{d} ? decompress(\*STDIN, \*STDOUT) : compress(\*STDIN, \*STDOUT);


Compression::Util is a function-based module, implementing various techniques used in data compression, such as:

* Burrows-Wheeler transform
* Move-to-front transform
* Huffman Coding
* Arithmetic Coding (in fixed bits)
* Run-length encoding
* Fibonacci coding
* Elias gamma/omega coding
* Delta coding
* Bzip2-like compression
* LZ77/LZSS compression
* LZW compression

The provided techniques can be easily combined in various ways to create powerful compressors, such as the Bzip2 compressor, which is a pipeline of the following methods:

1. Run-length encoding (RLE4)
2. Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT)
3. Move-to-front transform (MTF)
4. Zero run-length encoding (ZRLE)
5. Huffman coding

This functionality is provided by the function bz2_compress(), which can be explicitly implemented as:

use 5.036;
use List::Util qw(uniq);
use Compression::Util qw(:all);

my $data = do { open my $fh, '<:raw', $^X; local $/; <$fh> };
my $rle4 = rle4_encode([unpack('C*', $data)]);
my ($bwt, $idx) = bwt_encode(pack('C*', @$rle4));

my ($mtf, $alphabet) = mtf_encode([unpack("C*", $bwt)]);
my $rle = zrle_encode($mtf);

open my $out_fh, '>:raw', \my $enc;
print $out_fh pack('N', $idx);
print $out_fh encode_alphabet($alphabet);
create_huffman_entry($rle, $out_fh);

say "Original size  : ", length($data);
say "Compressed size: ", length($enc);

# Decompress the result
bz2_decompress($enc) eq $data or die "decompression error";



A bit value is either 1 or 0.


A bitstring is a string containing only 1s and 0s.


A byte value is an integer between 0 and 255, inclusive.


A string means a binary (non-UTF*) string.


An array of symbols means an array of non-negative integer values.


An input filehandle is denoted by $fh, while an output file-handle is denoted by $out_fh.

The encoding of input and output file-handles must be set to :raw.


create_huffman_entry(\@symbols)      # Create a Huffman Coding block
decode_huffman_entry($fh)            # Decode a Huffman Coding block

create_ac_entry(\@symbols)           # Create an Arithmetic Coding block
decode_ac_entry($fh)                 # Decode an Arithmetic Coding block

create_adaptive_ac_entry(\@symbols)  # Create an Adaptive Arithmetic Coding block
decode_adaptive_ac_entry($fh)        # Decode an Adaptive Arithmetic Coding block

bz2_compress($string)                # Bzip2-like compression (RLE4+BWT+MTF+ZRLE+Huffman coding)
bz2_decompress($fh)                  # Inverse of the above method

bz2_compress_symbolic(\@symbols)     # Bzip2-like compression (RLE4+sBWT+MTF+ZRLE+Huffman coding)
bz2_decompress_symbolic($fh)         # Inverse of the above method

lz77_compress($string)               # LZ77 + DEFLATE-like encoding of indices and lengths
lz77_decompress($fh)                 # Inverse of the above method

lzss_compress($string)               # LZSS + DEFLATE-like encoding of indices and lengths
lzss_decompress($fh)                 # Inverse of the above method

lzhd_compress($string)               # LZ77 + Huffman coding of lengths and literals + OBH for indices
lzhd_decompress($fh)                 # Inverse of the above method

lzw_compress($string)                # LZW + abc_encode() compression
lzw_decompress($fh)                  # Inverse of the above method


deltas(\@ints)                       # Computes the differences between integers
accumulate(\@deltas)                 # Inverse of the above method

delta_encode(\@ints)                 # Delta+RLE encoding of an array of ints
delta_decode($fh)                    # Inverse of the above method

fibonacci_encode(\@symbols)          # Fibonacci coding of an array of symbols
fibonacci_decode($fh)                # Inverse of the above method

elias_gamma_encode(\@symbols)        # Elias Gamma coding method of an array of symbols
elias_gamma_decode($fh)              # Inverse of the above method

elias_omega_encode(\@symbols)        # Elias Omega coding method of an array of symbols
elias_omega_decode($fh)              # Inverse of the above method

abc_encode(\@symbols)                # Adaptive Binary Concatenation method of an array of symbols
abc_decode($fh)                      # Inverse of the above method

obh_encode(\@symbols)                # Offset bits + Huffman coding of an array of symbols
obh_decode($fh)                      # Inverse of the above method

bwt_encode($string)                  # Burrows-Wheeler transform
bwt_decode($bwt, $idx)               # Inverse of Burrows-Wheeler transform

bwt_encode_symbolic(\@symbols)       # Burrows-Wheeler transform over an array of symbols
bwt_decode_symbolic(\@bwt, $idx)     # Inverse of symbolic Burrows-Wheeler transform

mtf_encode(\@symbols)                # Move-to-front transform
mtf_decode(\@mtf, \@alphabet)        # Inverse of the above method

encode_alphabet(\@alphabet)          # Encode an alphabet of symbols into a binary string
decode_alphabet($fh)                 # Inverse of the above method

frequencies(\@symbols)               # Returns a dictionary with symbol frequencies
run_length(\@symbols, $max=undef)    # Run-length encoding, returning a 2D array

rle4_encode(\@symbols, $max=255)     # Run-length encoding with 4 or more consecutive characters
rle4_decode(\@rle4)                  # Inverse of the above method

zrle_encode(\@symbols)               # Run-length encoding of zeros
zrle_decode(\@zrle)                  # Inverse of the above method

ac_encode(\@symbols)                 # Arithmetic Coding applied on an array of symbols
ac_decode($bitstring, \%freq)        # Inverse of the above method

adaptive_ac_encode(\@symbols)               # Adaptive Arithmetic Coding applied on an array of symbols
adaptive_ac_decode($bitstring, \@alphabet)  # Inverse of the above method

lzw_encode($string)                  # LZW encoding of a given string
lzw_decode(\@symbols)                # Inverse of the above method


read_bit($fh, \$buffer)              # Read one bit from file-handle
read_bits($fh, $len)                 # Read `$len` bits from file-handle

binary_vrl_encode($bitstring)        # Binary variable run-length encoding
binary_vrl_decode($bitstring)        # Binary variable run-length decoding

bwt_sort($string)                    # Burrows-Wheeler sorting
bwt_sort_symbolic(\@symbols)         # Burrows-Wheeler sorting, applied on an array of symbols

huffman_encode(\@symbols, \%dict)    # Huffman encoding
huffman_decode($bitstring, \%dict)   # Huffman decoding, given a string of bits

huffman_from_freq(\%freq)            # Create Huffman dictionaries, given an hash of frequencies
huffman_from_symbols(\@symbols)      # Create Huffman dictionaries, given an array of symbols
huffman_from_code_lengths(\@lens)    # Create canonical Huffman codes, given an array of code lengths

make_deflate_tables($size)           # Returns the DEFLATE tables for distance and length symbols
find_deflate_index($value, \@table)  # Returns the index in a DEFLATE table, given a numerical value

lz77_encode($string)                 # LZ77 compression of a string into literals, indices and lengths
lzss_encode($string)                 # LZSS compression of a string into literals, indices and lengths
lz77_decode(\@lits, \@idxs, \@lens)  # Inverse of the above two methods

deflate_encode(\@lits, \@idxs, \@lens)  # DEFLATE-like encoding of values returned by lzss_encode()
deflate_decode($fh)                     # Inverse of the above method



create_huffman_entry(\@symbols, $out_fh);        # writes to $out_fh
my $string = create_huffman_entry(\@symbols);    # returns a binary string

High-level function that generates a Huffman coding block.

It takes two parameters: \@symbols, which represents the symbols to be encoded, and $out_fh, which is optional, and represents the file-handle where to write the result.

When the second parameter is omitted, the function returns a binary string.


my $symbols = decode_huffman_entry($fh);
my $symbols = decode_huffman_entry($string);

Inverse of create_huffman_entry().


create_ac_entry(\@symbols, $out_fh);        # writes to $out_fh
my $string = create_ac_entry(\@symbols);    # returns a binary string

High-level function that generates an Arithmetic Coding block.

It takes two parameters: \@symbols, which represents the symbols to be encoded, and $out_fh, which is optional, and represents the file-handle where to write the result.

When the second parameter is omitted, the function returns a binary string.


my $symbols = decode_ac_entry($fh);
my $symbols = decode_ac_entry($string);

Inverse of create_ac_entry().


create_adaptive_ac_entry(\@symbols, $out_fh);        # writes to $out_fh
my $string = create_adaptive_ac_entry(\@symbols);    # returns a binary string

High-level function that generates an Adaptive Arithmetic Coding block.

It takes two parameters: \@symbols, which represents the symbols to be encoded, and $out_fh, which is optional, and represents the file-handle where to write the result.

When the second parameter is omitted, the function returns a binary string.


my $symbols = decode_adaptive_ac_entry($fh);
my $symbols = decode_adaptive_ac_entry($string);

Inverse of create_adaptive_ac_entry().


# With Huffman coding
lz77_compress($data, $out_fh);       # writes to file-handle
my $string = lz77_compress($data);   # returns a binary string

# With Arithmetic Coding
lz77_compress($data, $out_fh, \&create_ac_entry);              # writes to file-handle
my $string = lz77_compress($data, undef, \&create_ac_entry);   # returns a binary string

High-level function that performs LZ77 (Lempel-Ziv 1977) compression on the provided data, using the pipeline:

1. lz77_encode
2. deflate_encode


# With Huffman coding
lzss_compress($data, $out_fh);       # writes to file-handle
my $string = lzss_compress($data);   # returns a binary string

# With Arithmetic Coding
lzss_compress($data, $out_fh, \&create_ac_entry);              # writes to file-handle
my $string = lzss_compress($data, undef, \&create_ac_entry);   # returns a binary string

High-level function that performs LZSS (Lempel-Ziv-Storer-Szymanski) compression on the provided data, using the pipeline:

1. lzss_encode
2. deflate_encode

It takes a single parameter, $data, representing the data string to be compressed.

lz77_decompress / lzss_decompress

# Writing to file-handle
lzss_decompress($fh, $out_fh);
lzss_decompress($string, $out_fh);

# Writing to file-handle (does Arithmetic decoding)
lzss_decompress($fh, $out_fh, \&decode_ac_entry);
lzss_decompress($string, $out_fh, \&decode_ac_entry);

# Returning the results
my $data = lzss_decompress($fh);
my $data = lzss_decompress($string);

# Returning the results (does Arithmetic decoding)
my $data = lzss_decompress($fh, undef, \&decode_ac_entry);
my $data = lzss_decompress($string, undef, \&decode_ac_entry);

Inverse of lzss_compress() and lz77_compress().


# With Huffman coding
lzhd_compress($data, $out_fh);       # writes to file-handle
my $string = lzhd_compress($data);   # returns a binary string

# With Arithmetic Coding
lzhd_compress($data, $out_fh, \&create_ac_entry);              # writes to file-handle
my $string = lzhd_compress($data, undef, \&create_ac_entry);   # returns a binary string

High-level function that performs LZ77 (Lempel-Ziv 1977) compression on the provided data, using the pipeline:

1. lz77_encode
2. create_huffman_entry(literals)
3. create_huffman_entry(lengths)
4. obh_encode(indices)

It takes a single parameter, $data, representing the data string to be compressed.


# Writing to file-handle
lzhd_decompress($fh, $out_fh);
lzhd_decompress($string, $out_fh);

# Writing to file-handle (does Arithmetic decoding)
lzhd_decompress($fh, $out_fh, \&decode_ac_entry);
lzhd_decompress($string, $out_fh, \&decode_ac_entry);

# Returning the results
my $data = lzhd_decompress($fh);
my $data = lzhd_decompress($string);

# Returning the results (does Arithmetic decoding)
my $data = lzhd_decompress($fh, undef, \&decode_ac_entry);
my $data = lzhd_decompress($string, undef, \&decode_ac_entry);

Inverse of lzhd_compress().


lzw_compress($data, $out_fh);       # writes to file-handle
my $string = lzw_compress($data);   # returns a binary string

High-level function that performs LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) compression on the provided data, using the pipeline:

1. lzw_encode
2. abc_encode

It takes a single parameter, $data, representing the data string to be compressed.


# Writing to filehandle
lzw_decompress($fh, $out_fh);
lzw_decompress($string, $out_fh);

# Returning the results
my $data = lzw_decompress($fh);
my $data = lzw_decompress($string);

Performs Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) decompression on the provided string or file-handle. Inverse of lzw_compress().


# Using Huffman Coding
bz2_compress($data, $out_fh);        # writes to file-handle
my $string = bz2_compress($data);    # returns a binary string

# Using Arithmetic Coding
bz2_compress($data, $out_fh, \&create_ac_entry);               # writes to file-handle
my $string = bz2_compress($data, undef, \&create_ac_entry);    # returns a binary string

High-level function that performs Bzip2-like compression on the provided data, using the pipeline:

1. rle4_encode
2. bwt_encode
3. mtf_encode
4. zrle_encode
5. create_huffman_entry

It takes a parameter string, $data, representing the data to be compressed.

The function returns a binary string representing the compressed data.

When the additional optional argument, $out_fh, is provided, the compressed data is written to it.


# Writes to file-handle
bz2_decompress($fh, $out_fh);
bz2_decompress($string, $out_fh);

# Writes to file-handle (does Arithmetic decoding)
bz2_decompress($fh, $out_fh, \&decode_ac_entry);
bz2_decompress($string, $out_fh, \&decode_ac_entry);

# Returns the data
my $data = bz2_decompress($fh);
my $data = bz2_decompress($string);

# Returns the data (does Arithmetic decoding)
my $data = bz2_decompress($fh, undef, \&decode_ac_entry);
my $data = bz2_decompress($string, undef, \&decode_ac_entry);

Inverse of bz2_compress().


# Does Huffman coding
bz2_compress_symbolic(\@symbols, $out_fh);      # writes to file-handle
my $string = bz2_compress_symbolic(\@symbols);  # returns a binary string

# Does Arithmetic coding
bz2_compress_symbolic(\@symbols, $out_fh, \&create_ac_entry);             # writes to file-handle
my $string = bz2_compress_symbolic(\@symbols, undef, \&create_ac_entry);  # returns a binary string

Similar to bz2_compress(), except that it accepts an arbitrary array-ref of non-negative integer symbols as input. It is also a bit slower on large inputs.


# Using Huffman coding
my $symbols = bz2_decompress_symbolic($fh);
my $symbols = bz2_decompress_symbolic($string);

# Using Arithmetic coding
my $symbols = bz2_decompress_symbolic($fh, \&decode_ac_entry);
my $symbols = bz2_decompress_symbolic($string, \&decode_ac_entry);

Inverse of bz2_compress_symbolic().



my $freq = frequencies(\@symbols);

Returns an hash ref dictionary with frequencies, given an array of symbols.


my $deltas = deltas(\@integers);

Computes the differences between consecutive integers, returning an array.


my $integers = accumulate(\@deltas);

Inverse of deltas().


my $string = delta_encode(\@integers);

Encodes a sequence of integers (including negative integers) using Delta + Run-length + Elias omega coding, returning a binary string.

Delta encoding calculates the difference between consecutive integers in the sequence and encodes these differences using Elias omega coding. When it's beneficial, runs of identitical symbols are collapsed with RLE.

It takes two parameters: \@integers, representing the sequence of arbitrary integers to be encoded, and an optional parameter which defaults to 0. If the second parameter is set to a true value, double Elias omega coding is performed, which results in better compression for very large integers.


# Given a file-handle
my $integers = delta_decode($fh);

# Given a string
my $integers = delta_decode($string);

Inverse of delta_encode().


my $string = fibonacci_encode(\@symbols);

Encodes a sequence of non-negative integers using Fibonacci coding, returning a binary string.


# Given a file-handle
my $symbols = fibonacci_decode($fh);

# Given a binary string
my $symbols = fibonacci_decode($string);

Inverse of fibonacci_encode().


my $string = elias_gamma_encode(\@symbols);

Encodes a sequence of non-negative integers using Elias Gamma coding, returning a binary string.


# Given a file-handle
my $symbols = elias_gamma_decode($fh);

# Given a binary string
my $symbols = elias_gamma_decode($string);

Inverse of elias_gamma_encode().


my $string = elias_omega_encode(\@symbols);

Encodes a sequence of non-negative integers using Elias Omega coding, returning a binary string.


# Given a file-handle
my $symbols = elias_omega_decode($fh);

# Given a binary string
my $symbols = elias_omega_decode($string);

Inverse of elias_omega_encode().


my $string = abc_encode(\@symbols);

Encodes a sequence of non-negative integers using the Adaptive Binary Concatenation encoding method.

This method is particularly effective in encoding a sequence of integers that are in ascending order.


# Given a filehandle
my $symbols = abc_decode($fh);

# Given a binary string
my $symbols = abc_decode($string);

Inverse of abc_encode().


# With Huffman Coding
my $string = obh_encode(\@symbols);

# With Arithemtic Coding
my $string = obh_encode(\@symbols, \&create_ac_entry);

Encodes a sequence of non-negative integers using offset bits and Huffman coding.

This method is particularly effective in encoding a sequence of moderately large random integers, such as the list of indices returned by lz77_encode().


# Given a filehandle
my $symbols = obh_decode($fh);                        # Huffman decoding
my $symbols = obh_decode($fh, \&decode_ac_entry);     # Arithemtic decoding

# Given a binary string
my $symbols = obh_decode($string);                    # Huffman decoding
my $symbols = obh_decode($string, \&decode_ac_entry); # Arithemtic decoding

Inverse of obh_encode().


my ($bwt, $idx) = bwt_encode($string);
my ($bwt, $idx) = bwt_encode($string, $lookahead_len);

Applies the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) to a given string.

It returns two values: $bwt, which represents the transformed string, and $idx, which holds the index of the original string in the sorted list of rotations.

It takes an optional argument $lookahead_len, which defaults to 128, representing the length of look-ahead during sorting.


my $string = bwt_decode($bwt, $idx);

Reverses the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) applied to a string.

It takes two parameters: $bwt, which is the transformed string, and $idx, which represents the index of the original string in the sorted list of rotations.

The function returns the original string.


my ($bwt_symbols, $idx) = bwt_encode_symbolic(\@symbols);

Applies the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) to a sequence of symbolic elements.

It takes a single parameter \@symbols, which represents the sequence of numerical symbols to be transformed.

The function returns two elements: $bwt_symbols, which represents the transformed symbolic sequence, and $idx, the index of the original sequence in the sorted list of rotations.


my $symbols = bwt_decode_symbolic(\@bwt_symbols, $idx);

Reverses the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) applied to a sequence of symbolic elements.

It takes two parameters: \@bwt_symbols, which represents the transformed symbolic sequence, and $idx, the index of the original sequence in the sorted list of rotations.

The function returns the original sequence of symbolic elements.


my $mtf = mtf_encode(\@symbols, \@alphabet);
my ($mtf, $alphabet) = mtf_encode(\@symbols);

Performs Move-To-Front (MTF) encoding on a sequence of symbols.

It takes one parameter: \@symbols, representing the sequence of symbols to be encoded.

The function returns the encoded MTF sequence and the sorted list of unique symbols in the input data, representing the alphabet.

Optionally, the alphabet can be provided as a second argument. When two arguments are provided, only the MTF sequence is returned.


my $symbols = mtf_decode(\@mtf, \@alphabet);

Inverse of mtf_encode().


my $string = encode_alphabet(\@alphabet);

Efficienlty encodes an alphabet of symbols into a binary string.


my $alphabet = decode_alphabet($fh);
my $alphabet = decode_alphabet($string);

Decodes an encoded alphabet, given a file-handle or a binary string, returning an array of symbols. Inverse of encode_alphabet().


my $rl = run_length(\@symbols);
my $rl = run_length(\@symbols, $max_run);

Performs Run-Length Encoding (RLE) on a sequence of symbolic elements.

It takes two parameters: \@symbols, representing an array of symbols, and $max_run, indicating the maximum run length allowed.

The function returns a 2D-array, with pairs: [symbol, run_length], such that the following code reconstructs the \@symbols array:

my @symbols = map { ($_->[0]) x $_->[1] } @$rl;

By default, the maximum run-length is unlimited.


my $rle4 = rle4_encode(\@symbols);
my $rle4 = rle4_encode(\@symbols, $max_run);

Performs Run-Length Encoding (RLE) on a sequence of symbolic elements, specifically designed for runs of four or more consecutive symbols.

It takes two parameters: \@symbols, representing an array of symbols, and $max_run, indicating the maximum run length allowed during encoding.

The function returns the encoded RLE sequence as an array-ref of symbols.

By default, the maximum run-length is limited to 255.


my $symbols = rle4_decode($rle4);

Inverse of rle4_encode().


my $zrle = zrle_encode(\@symbols);

Performs Zero-Run-Length Encoding (ZRLE) on a sequence of symbolic elements.

It takes a single parameter \@symbols, representing the sequence of symbols to be encoded, and returns the encoded ZRLE sequence as an array-ref of symbols.

This function efficiently encodes only runs of zeros, but also increments each symbol by 1.


my $symbols = zrle_decode($zrle);

Inverse of zrle_encode().


my ($bitstring, $freq) = ac_encode(\@symbols);

Performs Arithmetic Coding on the provided symbols.

It takes a single parameter, \@symbols, representing the symbols to be encoded.

The function returns two values: $bitstring, which is a string of 1s and 0s, and $freq, representing the frequency table used for encoding.


my $symbols = ac_decode($bits_fh, \%freq);
my $symbols = ac_decode($bitstring, \%freq);

Performs Arithmetic Coding decoding using the provided frequency table and a string of 1s and 0s. Inverse of ac_encode().

It takes two parameters: $bitstring, representing a string of 1s and 0s containing the arithmetic coded data, and \%freq, representing the frequency table used for encoding.

The function returns the decoded sequence of symbols.


my ($bitstring, $alphabet) = adaptive_ac_encode(\@symbols);

Performs Adaptive Arithmetic Coding on the provided symbols.

It takes a single parameter, \@symbols, representing the symbols to be encoded.

The function returns two values: $bitstring, which is a string of 1s and 0s, and $alphabet, which is an array-ref of distinct sorted symbols.


my $symbols = adaptive_ac_decode($bits_fh, \@alphabet);
my $symbols = adaptive_ac_decode($bitstring, \@alphabet);

Performs Adaptive Arithmetic Coding decoding using the provided frequency table and a string of 1s and 0s.

It takes two parameters: $bitstring, representing a string of 1s and 0s containing the adaptive arithmetic coded data, and \@alphabet, representing the array of distinct sorted symbols that appear in the encoded data.

The function returns the decoded sequence of symbols.


my $symbols = lzw_encode($string);

Performs Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) encoding on the provided string.

It takes a single parameter, $string, representing the data to be compressed. The function returns the encoded symbols.


my $string = lzw_decode(\@symbols);

Performs Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) decoding on the provided symbols. Inverse of lzw_encode().

It takes a single parameter, \@symbols, representing the encoded symbols to be decompressed. The function returns the decoded string.



my $bit = read_bit($fh, \$buffer);

Reads a single bit from a file-handle $fh.

The function stores the extra bits inside the $buffer, reading one character at a time from the filehandle.


my $bitstring = read_bits($fh, $bits_len);

Reads a specified number of bits ($bits_len) from a file-handle ($fh) and returns them as a string.


my $bitstring_enc = binary_vrl_encode($bitstring);

Given a string of 1s and 0s, returns back a bitstring of 1s and 0s encoded using variable run-length encoding.


my $bitstring = binary_vrl_decode($bitstring_enc);

Given an encoded bitstring, returned by binary_vrl_encode(), gives back the decoded string of 1s and 0s.


my $indices = bwt_sort($string);
my $indices = bwt_sort($string, $lookahead_len);

Low-level function that sorts the rotations of a given string using the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) algorithm.

It takes two parameters: $string, which is the input string to be transformed, and $LOOKAHEAD_LEN (optional), representing the length of look-ahead during sorting.

The function returns an array-ref of indices.

There is probably no need to call this function explicitly. Use bwt_encode() instead!


my $indices = bwt_sort_symbolic(\@symbols);

Low-level function that sorts the rotations of a sequence of symbolic elements using the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) algorithm.

It takes a single parameter \@symbols, which represents the input sequence of symbolic elements. The function returns an array of indices.

There is probably no need to call this function explicitly. Use bwt_encode_symbolic() instead!


my ($dict, $rev_dict) = huffman_from_freq(\%freq);

Low-level function that constructs Huffman prefix codes, based on the frequency of symbols provided in a hash table.

It takes a single parameter, \%freq, representing the hash table where keys are symbols, and values are their corresponding frequencies.

The function returns two values: $dict, which represents the constructed Huffman dictionary, and $rev_dict, which holds the reverse mapping of Huffman codes to symbols.


my ($dict, $rev_dict) = huffman_from_symbols(\@symbols);

Low-level function that constructs Huffman prefix codes, given an array of symbols.

It takes a single parameter, \@symbols. Interanlly, it computes the frequency of each symbols and generates the Huffman prefix codes.

The function returns two values: $dict, which represents the constructed Huffman dictionary, and $rev_dict, which holds the reverse mapping of Huffman codes to symbols.


my ($dict, $rev_dict) = huffman_from_code_lengths(\@code_lengths);

Low-level function that constructs a dictionary of canonical prefix codes, given an array of code lengths, as defined in RFC 1951 (Section 3.2.2).

It takes a single parameter, \@code_lengths, where entry $i in the array corresponds to the code length for symbol $i.

The function returns two values: $dict, which represents the constructed Huffman dictionary, and $rev_dict, which holds the reverse mapping of Huffman codes to symbols.


my $bits = huffman_encode(\@symbols, $dict);

Low-level function that performs Huffman encoding on a sequence of symbols using a provided dictionary, returned by huffman_from_freq().

It takes two parameters: \@symbols, representing the sequence of symbols to be encoded, and $dict, representing the Huffman dictionary mapping symbols to their corresponding Huffman codes.

The function returns a concatenated string of 1s and 0s, representing the Huffman-encoded sequence of symbols.


my $symbols = huffman_decode($bits, $rev_dict);

Low-level function that decodes a Huffman-encoded binary string into a sequence of symbols using a provided reverse dictionary.

It takes two parameters: $bits, representing the Huffman-encoded string of 1s and 0s, as returned by huffman_encode(), and $rev_dict, representing the reverse dictionary mapping Huffman codes to their corresponding symbols.

The function returns the decoded sequence of symbols as an array-ref.


my ($literals, $indices, $lengths) = lzss_encode($data);

Low-level function that performs LZSS (Lempel-Ziv-Storer-Szymanski) compression on the provided data.

It takes a single parameter, $data, representing the data string to be compressed.

The function returns three values: $literals, which is an array-ref of uncompressed bytes, $indices, which contains the indices of the back-references, and $lengths, which holds the lengths of the matched sub-strings.

A back-reference is returned only when it's beneficial (i.e.: when it may not inflate the data). Otherwise, the corresponding index and length are both set to 0.

The output can be decompressed with lz77_decode().


my ($literals, $indices, $lengths) = lz77_encode($data);

Low-level function that performs LZ77 (Lempel-Ziv 1977) compression on the provided data.

It takes a single parameter, $data, representing the data string to be compressed.

The function returns three values: $literals, which is an array-ref of uncompressed bytes, $indices, which contains the indices of the matched sub-strings, and $lengths, which holds the lengths of the matched sub-strings.

Lengths are limited to 255.

lz77_decode / lzss_decode

my $data = lz77_decode($literals, $indices, $lengths);
my $data = lzss_decode($literals, $indices, $lengths);

Low-level function that performs LZ77 (Lempel-Ziv 1977) decompression using the provided literals, indices, and lengths of matched sub-strings.

It takes three parameters: $literals, representing the array-ref of uncompressed bytes, $indices, containing the indices of the matched sub-strings, and $lengths, holding the lengths of the matched sub-strings.

The function returns the decompressed data as a string.


# Returns a binary string
my $string = deflate_encode(\@literals, \@distances, \@lengths);
my $string = deflate_encode(\@literals, \@distances, \@lengths, \&create_ac_entry);

Low-level function that encodes the results returned by lz77_encode() and lzss_encode(), using a DEFLATE-like approach, combined with Huffman coding.

An optional argument can be provided as \&create_ac_entry to use Arithmetic Coding instead of Huffman coding. The default value is \&create_huffman_entry.


# Huffman decoding
my ($literals, $indices, $lengths) = deflate_decode($fh);
my ($literals, $indices, $lengths) = deflate_decode($string);

# Arithmetic decoding
my ($literals, $indices, $lengths) = deflate_decode($fh, \&decode_ac_entry);
my ($literals, $indices, $lengths) = deflate_decode($string, \&decode_ac_entry);

Inverse of deflate_encode().


my ($DISTANCE_SYMBOLS, $LENGTH_SYMBOLS, $LENGTH_INDICES) = make_deflate_tables($size);

Low-level function that returns a list of tables used in encoding the indices and lengths returned by lz77_encode() and lzss_encode().

There is no need to call this function explicitly. Use deflate_encode() instead!


my $index = find_deflate_index($value, $DISTANCE_SYMBOLS);

Low-level function that returns the index inside the DEFLATE tables for a given value.


Each function can be exported individually, as:

use Compression::Util qw(bz2_compress);

By specifying the :all keyword, will export all the exportable functions:

use Compression::Util qw(:all);

Nothing is exported by default.




Please report any bugs or feature requests to:


Daniel "Trizen" Șuteu <>


Special thanks to professor Bill Bird for the awesome YouTube lectures on data compression.


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.38.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.