Parse::MediaWikiDump::Pages - Object capable of processing dump files with a single revision per article
This object is used to access the metadata associated with a MediaWiki instance and provide an iterative interface for extracting the individual articles out of the same. This module does not allow more than one revision for each specific article; to parse a comprehensive dump file use the Parse::MediaWikiDump::Revisions object.
$pmwd = Parse::MediaWikiDump->new;
$pages = $pmwd->pages('pages-articles.xml');
$pages = $pmwd->pages(\*FILEHANDLE);
#print the title and id of each article inside the dump file
while(defined($page = $pages->next)) {
print "title '", $page->title, "' id ", $page->id, "\n";
- $pages->new
Open the specified MediaWiki dump file. If the single argument to this method is a string it will be used as the path to the file to open. If the argument is a reference to a filehandle the contents will be read from the filehandle as specified.
- $pages->next
Returns an instance of the next available Parse::MediaWikiDump::page object or returns undef if there are no more articles left.
- $pages->sitename
Returns a plain text string that is the name of the MediaWiki instance.
- $pages->base
Returns the URL to the instances main article in the form of a string.
- $pages->generator
Returns a string containing 'MediaWiki' and a version number of the instance that dumped this file. Example: 'MediaWiki 1.14alpha'
- $pages->case
Returns a string describing the case sensitivity configured in the instance.
- $pages->namespaces
Returns a reference to an array of references. Each reference is to another array with the first item being the unique identifier of the namespace and the second element containing a string that is the name of the namespace.
- $pages->namespaces_names
Returns an array reference the array contains strings of all the namespaces each as an element.
- $pages->current_byte
Returns the number of bytes that has been processed so far
- $pages->size
Returns the total size of the dump file in bytes.
Scan an article dump file for double redirects that exist in the most recent article revision
#progress information goes to STDERR, a list of double redirects found
#goes to STDOUT
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
binmode(STDERR, ":utf8");
use strict;
use warnings;
use Parse::MediaWikiDump;
my $file = shift(@ARGV);
my $pmwd = Parse::MediaWikiDump->new;
my $pages;
my $page;
my %redirs;
my $artcount = 0;
my $file_size;
my $start = time;
if (defined($file)) {
$file_size = (stat($file))[7];
$pages = $pmwd->pages($file);
} else {
print STDERR "No file specified, using standard input\n";
$pages = $pmwd->pages(\*STDIN);
#the case of the first letter of titles is ignored - force this option
#because the other values of the case setting are unknown
die 'this program only supports the first-letter case setting' unless
$pages->case eq 'first-letter';
print STDERR "Analyzing articles:\n";
while(defined($page = $pages->next)) {
update_ui() if ++$artcount % 500 == 0;
#main namespace only
next unless $page->namespace eq '';
next unless defined($page->redirect);
my $title = case_fixer($page->title);
#create a list of redirects indexed by their original name
$redirs{$title} = case_fixer($page->redirect);
my $redir_count = scalar(keys(%redirs));
print STDERR "done; searching $redir_count redirects:\n";
my $count = 0;
#if a redirect location is also a key to the index we have a double redirect
foreach my $key (keys(%redirs)) {
my $redirect = $redirs{$key};
if (defined($redirs{$redirect})) {
print "$key\n";
print STDERR "discovered $count double redirects\n";
#removes any case sensativity from the very first letter of the title
#but not from the optional namespace name
sub case_fixer {
my $title = shift;
#check for namespace
if ($title =~ /^(.+?):(.+)/) {
$title = $1 . ':' . ucfirst($2);
} else {
$title = ucfirst($title);
return $title;
sub pretty_bytes {
my $bytes = shift;
my $pretty = int($bytes) . ' bytes';
if (($bytes = $bytes / 1024) > 1) {
$pretty = int($bytes) . ' kilobytes';
if (($bytes = $bytes / 1024) > 1) {
$pretty = sprintf("%0.2f", $bytes) . ' megabytes';
if (($bytes = $bytes / 1024) > 1) {
$pretty = sprintf("%0.4f", $bytes) . ' gigabytes';
return $pretty;
sub pretty_number {
my $number = reverse(shift);
$number =~ s/(...)/$1,/g;
$number = reverse($number);
$number =~ s/^,//;
return $number;
sub update_ui {
my $seconds = time - $start;
my $bytes = $pages->current_byte;
print STDERR " ", pretty_number($artcount), " articles; ";
print STDERR pretty_bytes($bytes), " processed; ";
if (defined($file_size)) {
my $percent = int($bytes / $file_size * 100);
print STDERR "$percent% completed\n";
} else {
my $bytes_per_second = int($bytes / $seconds);
print STDERR pretty_bytes($bytes_per_second), " per second\n";