Net::NfDump - Perl API for manipulating with nfdump files based on library
use Net::NfDump;
# Example 1: reading nfdump file(s)
$flow = new Net::NfDump(
InputFiles => [ 'nfdump_file1', 'nfdump_file2' ],
Filter => 'icmp and src net',
Fields => 'proto, bytes' );
while (my ($proto, $bytes) = $flow->fetchrow_array() ) {
$h{$proto} += $bytes;
foreach ( keys %h ) {
printf "%s %d\n", $_, $h{$_};
# Example 2: reading nfdump file(s) with aggregation and sorting
$flow = new Net::NfDump(
InputFiles => [ 'nfdump_file1', 'nfdump_file2' ],
Filter => 'icmp and src net',
Fields => 'srcip/24/64, bytes',
Aggreg => 1, OrderBy => "bytes" );
while (my ($ip, $bytes) = $flow->fetchrow_array() ) {
printf "%s %d\n", $ip, $bytes;
$h{$proto} += $bytes;
# Example 3: creating and writing records to nfdump file
$flow = new Net::NfDump(
OutputFile => 'output.nfcap',
Fields => 'srcip,dstip' );
$flow->storerow_arrayref( [ txt2ip(''), txt2ip('') ] );
# Example 4: reading/writing (merging two input files) and swap
# source and destination address if the destination port
# is 80/http (I know it doesn't make much sense).
$flow1 = new Net::NfDump(
InputFiles => [ 'nfdump_file1', 'nfdump_file2' ],
Fields => 'srcip, dstip, dstport' );
$flow2 = new Net::NfDump(
OutputFile => 'nfdump_file_out',
Fields => 'srcip, dstip, dstport' );
while (my $ref = $flow->fetchrow_arrayref() ) {
if ( $ref->[2] == 80 ) {
($ref->[0], $ref->[1]) = ($ref->[1], $ref->[0]);
Nfdump is a very popular toolset for collecting, storing and processing NetFlow/SFlow/IPFIX data. One of the key tools is a command line utility bearing the same name as the whole toolset (nfdump). Although this utility can process data very fast, it is cumbersome for some applications.
This module implements basic operations and allows to read, create and write flow records on binary files produced with nfdump tool. The module tries to keep the same naming conventions for methods as are used in DBI modules/API, so developers who got used to work with such interface should remain familiar with the new one.
The module uses the original nfdump sources to implement necessary functions. This enables to keep the compatibility with the original nfdump quiet easily and to cope with future versions of the nfdump tool with a minimal effort.
The architecture is following:
| | Implements all methods and functions
| Net::NfDump API (perl) | described in this document.
| |
| | The code converts internal nfdump
| libnf - glue code (C) | structures into perl and back to C.
| | See for more information.
| | All original nfdump source files. There
| nfdump sources (C) | are no changes in these files. All
| | changes are placed into libnf code.
This version of Net::NfDump module is based on nfdump-1.6.12 available on Support for NSEL code is enabled.
The files created by Net::NfDump version >= 0.13 can be read only with nfdump 1.6.12 and newer. For reading it supports all formats starting with nfdump 1.6.
Options can be handled by various methods. The basic options can be handled by the constructor and then modified by methods such as $obj->query() or $obj->create().
The values after => indicate the default value for the item.
InputFiles => []
List of files to read (arrayref).
Filter => 'any'
Filter that is applied on input records. It uses nfdump/tcpdump syntax.
Fields => '*'
List of fields to read or to update. Any supported field can be used here. See the chapter "Supported Fields" for the full list. Special field * can be used to define all fields.
Aggreg => 0
Create aggregated result. When the method ->query() is called the library loads data into memory structure and perform aggregation according the Fields attribute.
OrderBy => '<none>'
Sort the final result according the field specified. It can by used only for aggregated results.
TimeWindowStart, TimeWindowEnd => 0
Filter flows that start or end in the specific time window. The options use unix timestamp values or 0 if the filter should not be applied.
OutputFile => undef
Output file for storerow_* methods. Default: undef
Compressed => 1
Flag indicating whether the output files should be compressed or not.
Anonymized => 0
Flag indicating that output file contains anonymized data.
Ident => ''
String identificator of files. The value is stored in the file header.
CompatMode => 0
Enable nfdump compatibility features. Some features are implemented differently comparing to original nfdump. Currently thi option enables only LNF_OPT_COMP_STATSCMP for aggregated statistics computation.
Constructor, status information methods
$obj = new Net::NfDump( %opts )
my $obj = new Net::NfDump( InputFiles => [ 'file1'] );
The constructor. It defines the way the parameter options can be specified.
$ref = $obj->info()
my $i = $obj->info(); print Dumper($i);
informs about the current state of processing input files. It returns information about already processed files, blocks and records. The information may be useful for estimating the time of processing the whole dataset. Hashref returns following items:
total_files - total number of files to process elapsed_time - elapsed time remaining_time - estimated remaining time to process all records percent - estimated percentage of processed records processed_files - total number of processed files processed_records - total number of processed records processed_blocks - total number of processed blocks processed_bytes - total number of processed bytes number of bytes read from file system after uncompressing current_filename - the name of the file currently processed current_total_blocks - the number of blocks in the currently processed file current_processed_blocks - the number of processed blocks in the currently processed file
closes all open file handles. It is necessary to call the method especially when a new file is created. The method flushes the file records which remained in the memory buffer and updates file statistics in the header. Without calling this method the output file might be corrupted.
Methods for reading data
$obj->query( %opts )
$obj->query( Filter => 'src host' );
This method has to be applied before any of the
methods is used. Any option described before can be used as a parameter of the method.After executing query command it possible to access $flow->{NUM_OF_FIELDS} and $flow->{NAME} variable to get returnd number of fields and field names. Here is an exmaple of code to acces field names:
foreach $colno (0..$flow->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}-1) { print $flow->{NAME}->[$colno]."\t"; }
$ref = $obj->fetchrow_arrayref()
while (my $ref = $obj->fetchrow_arrayref() ) { print Dumper($ref); }
This method has to be used after the query method. The method $obj->query() is called automatically if it has not been called before.
It returns array reference with the record and skips to next record. It returns "true" if there are more records to read or "undef" if the end of a record set has been reached.
@array = $obj->fetchrow_array()
while ( @array = $obj->fetchrow_arrayref() ) { print Dumper(\@array); }
It has the same function as fetchrow_arrayref; however, it returns items in array instead.
$ref = $obj->fetchrow_hashref()
while ( $ref = $obj->fetchrow_hashref() ) { print Dumper($ref); }
The same case as fetchrow_arrayref; however, the items are returned in the hash reference as the key => vallue tuples.
NOTE: This method can be very ineffective in some cases, please, see PERFORMANCE section.
Methods for writing data
$obj->create( %opts )
$obj->create( OutputFile => 'output.nfcapd' );
This method creates a new nfdump file and has to be applied before any of $obj->storerow_* method is called.
$obj->storerow_arrayref( [ @array ] )
$obj->storerow_arrayref( [ $srcip, $dstip ] );
The method inserts data defined in arrayref to the file opened by the method $obj->create(). The number of fields and their order have to follow the order defined in the Fields option handled during $obj->new() or $obj->create() method.
$obj->storerow_array( @array )
$obj->storerow_array( $srcip, $dstip );
The same case as storerow_arrayref; however, the items are handled as a single array.
$obj->storerow_hashref ( \%hash )
$obj->storerow_hashref( { 'srcip' => $srcip, 'dstip' => $dstip } );
It inserts the structure defined as hash reference into output file.
NOTE: This method can be very ineffective in some cases, please, see PERFORMANCE section.
$obj->clonerow( $obj2 )
$obj->clonerow( $obj2 );
This method copies the full content of the row from the source object (instance). This method is useful for writing effective scripts. See above the PERFORMANCE chapter.
Extra conversion and support functions
The module also provides extra convertion functions which allow to convert binnary format of IP address, MAC address and MPLS labels tag into text format and back.
Those functions are not exported by default, therefore it has to be either called with full module name or imported when the module is loaded. To import all support function :all
a synonym may be used.
use Net::NfDump qw ':all';
$txt = ip2txt( $bin )
$bin = txt2ip( $txt )
$ip = txt2ip(''); print ip2txt($ip);
Converts both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses into text form and back. The standard inet_ntop/inet_pton functions can be used instead to provide the same results.
Function txt2ip returns binnary format of IP address or "undef" if the conversion is not possible.
$txt = mac2txt( $bin )
$bin = txt2mac( $txt )
$mac = txt2mac('aa:02:c2:2d:e0:12'); print mac2txt($mac);
It converts MAC address to xx:yy:xx:yy:xx:yy format and back. The function mac2txt accepts an address of any following format:
aabbccddeeff aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff aabb-ccdd-eeff
It returns the binnary format of an address or "undef" if the conversion is not possible.
$txt = family2txt( $bin )
$bin = txt2family( $txt )
$fam = txt2family('ipv6'); print family2txt($fam);
It converts internall address family (AF_INET, AF_INET6) to ipv4 or ipv6 string (or back).
Function txt2family returns the binnary format of the family representation on the particular platform or "undef" if the conversion is not possible.
$txt = mpls2txt( $mpls )
$mpls = txt2mpls( $txt )
$mpls = txt2mpls('1002-6-0 1003-6-0 1004-0-1'); print mpls2txt($mpls);
It converts label information into format Lbl-Exp-S and back.
Lbl - Value given to the MPLS label by the router. Exp - Value of the experimental bit. S - Value of the end-of-stack bit: Set to 1 for the oldest entry in the stack and to zero for all other entries.
$ref = flow2txt( \%row )
$ref = txt2flow( \%row )
The function flow2txt gets hash reference to the items returned by fetchrow_hashref and converts all items into text format readable for human. It applies functions ip2txt, mac2txt, mpl2txt to the items for which it makes sense. The function txt2flow does the exact opossite.
$ref = file_info( $file_name )
$ref = file_info('file.nfcap'); print Dumper($ref);
It reads information from the nfdump file header and provides various attributes such as number of blocks, version, flags, statistics, etc. As the result, the following items are returned:
version ident blocks catalog anonymized compressed sequence_failures first last flows, bytes, packets flows_tcp, flows_udp, flows_icmp, flows_other bytes_tcp, bytes_udp, bytes_icmp, bytes_other packets_tcp, packets_udp, packets_icmp, packets_other
Up to date list of supported items is available on Net::NfDump::Fields
Time items
first - Timestamp of the first packet seen (in miliseconds)
last - Timestamp of the last packet seen (in miliseconds)
received - Timestamp regarding when the packet was received by collector
Statistical items
bytes - The number of bytes
pkts - The number of packets
outbytes - The number of output bytes
outpkts - The number of output packets
flows - The number of flows (aggregated)
Layer 4 information
srcport - Source port
dstport - Destination port
tcpflags - TCP flags
Layer 3 information
srcip - Source IP address
dstip - Destination IP address
nexthop - IP next hop
srcmask - Source mask
dstmask - Destination mask
tos - Source type of service
dsttos - Destination type of service
srcas - Source AS number
dstas - Destination AS number
nextas - BGP Next AS
prevas - BGP Previous AS
bgpnexthop - BGP next hop
proto - IP protocol
Layer 2 information
srcvlan - Source vlan label
dstvlan - Destination vlan label
insrcmac - In source MAC address
outsrcmac - Out destination MAC address
indstmac - In destination MAC address
outdstmac - Out source MAC address
MPLS information
mpls - MPLS labels
Layer 1 information
inif - SNMP input interface number
outif - SNMP output interface number
dir - Flow directions ingress/egress
fwd - Forwarding status
Exporter information
router - Exporting router IP
systype - Type of exporter
sysid - Internal SysID of exporter
NSEL fields, see:
eventtime - NSEL The time that the flow was created
connid - NSEL An identifier of a unique flow for the device
icmpcode - NSEL ICMP code value
icmptype - NSEL ICMP type value
xevent - NSEL Extended event code
xsrcip - NSEL Mapped source IPv4 address
xdstip - NSEL Mapped destination IPv4 address
xsrcport - NSEL Mapped source port
xdstport - NSEL Mapped destination port
NSEL The input ACL that permitted or denied the flow
iacl - Hash value or ID of the ACL name
iace - Hash value or ID of the ACL name
ixace - Hash value or ID of an extended ACE configuration
NSEL The output ACL that permitted or denied a flow
eacl - Hash value or ID of the ACL name
eace - Hash value or ID of the ACL name
exace - Hash value or ID of an extended ACE configuration
username - NSEL username
NEL (NetFlow Event Logging) fields
ingressvrfid - NEL NAT ingress vrf id
eventflag - NAT event flag (always set to 1 by nfdump)
egressvrfid - NAT egress VRF ID
NEL Port Block Allocation (added 2014-04-19)
blockstart - NAT pool block start
blockend - NAT pool block end
blockstep - NAT pool block step
blocksize - NAT pool block size
Extra/special fields
cl - nprobe latency client_nw_delay_usec
sl - nprobe latency server_nw_delay_usec
al - nprobe latency appl_latency_usec
It is obvious that performance of the perl interface is lower in comparison to highly optimized nfdump utility. While nfdump is able to process up to 2 milion of records per second, the Net::NfDump is not able to process more than 1 milion. However, there are several rules to keep the code optimised:
instead of*_array
equivalents. Arrayref handles only the reference to the structure with data. Avoid using*_hashref
functions, it can be 5-times slower.Handle to the perl API only items which are necessary to be used in the code. It is always more effective to define in
Fields => 'srcip,dstip,...'
instead of inFields => '*'
.Preference to using
method is highly recommended. This method copies data between two instances directly in the C code in the libnf layer.Following code:
$obj1->exec( Fields => '*' ); $obj2->create( Fields => '*' ); while ( my $ref = $obj1->fetchrow_arrayref() ) { # do something with srcip $obj2->storerow_arrayref($ref); }
can be written in a more effective way (several times faster):
$obj1->exec( Fields => 'srcip' ); $obj2->create( Fields => 'srcip' ); while ( my $ref = $obj1->fetchrow_arrayref() ) { # do something with srcip $obj2->clonerow($obj1); $obj2->storerow_arrayref($ref); }
Nfdump primary uses 64 bit counters and other items to store single integer value. However, the native 64 bit support is not compiled in every perl. For those cases where only 32 integer values are supported, the Net::NfDump
uses Math::Int64
The build scripts detect the platform automatically and math::Int64
module is required only on platforms where an available perl does not support 64bit integer values.
There are several examples in the examples
and bin
- Is script for updating the information about AS numbers and country codes based on BGP and geolocation database. Every flow can be extended with src/dst AS number and alco can be extended with src/dst country code.
The nfasnupd
periodically checks and downloads the BGP database which is available as part of project. After that it updates the AS (or country code) information in the nfdump file. It can be run as the extra command (-x option of nfcapd) to update information when the new file is available.
The information about src/dst country works in a similar way. It uses maxmind database and Geo::IP
module. However, nfdump does not support any field to store such kind of information; the xsrcport and xdstport fields are used instead. The country code is converted into 16 bit information (8 bits for the first character of a country code and another 8 bits for the second one).
nfdump project - libnf C interface
Tomas Podermanski, <>, Brno University of Technology
Copyright (C) 2012 by Brno University of Technology
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
If you are satisfied with using Net::NfDump
, please, send us a postcard, preferably with a picture of your location / city to:
Brno University of Technology
Tomas Podermanski
Antoninska 1
601 90
Czech Republic
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 1398:
=back without =over
- Around line 1423:
=back without =over